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Artificial Intelligence

Beoordeling 6.2
Foto van een scholier
  • Werkstuk door een scholier
  • 2e klas hbo | 3153 woorden
  • 28 november 2009
  • 17 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.2
17 keer beoordeeld


Academiejaar 2008 – 2009

Index 2
Introduction 3
Who wrote which part? 3
What is Artificial Intelligence? 4
The definition of Artificial Intelligence 4
Types of Artificial Intelligence 4
What are the different types of A.I.? 4
Weak A.I. 5
Strong A.I. 5
Intelligence tests: Turing Test 6
Results of Turing test: 6
How does it work? 6
The A.I. Effect 6
What is the A.I. Effect? 6
The singularity 7

What is singularity? 7
Technological aspect 7
Economical aspects 7
Potential dangers 7
Applications of Artificial Intelligence 8
Artificial Neural Network 8
Some advantages: 8
Artificial Intelligence and robotics 9
Definition 9
Origin 9
Robots in industry 9
Conclusion 11
Resources 12

We choose Artificial Intelligence as IT-related topic, because this will be the future and it is still evolving every day. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the area of computer science focusing on creating machines that can engage on behaviors that humans consider intelligent. The ability to create intelligent machines has intrigued humans since ancient times and today with the advent of the computer and 50 years of research into A.I. programming techniques, the dream of smart machines is becoming a reality. Researchers are creating systems which can mimic human thought, understand speech, beat the best human chess player, and countless other feats never before possible.
The first chapter will explain almost everything what Artificial Intelligence is. This will be done by clarifying when and why scientists came up with the idea and what the different types of Artificial Intelligence are. A test is created in order to find out how intelligent the program is. This will as well be explained how it works and what the possible outcome could be.

What is the Artificial Intelligence effect? What is Singularity and which possible dangers could this hold for humans? All these questions will be answered and further elaborated in the following chapters.
In daily life there are many forms of different Artificial Intelligence applications. You might not know it, but it already exists. But still it is in its first stage. In the last chapter you will find two types of application.

Who wrote which part?
Part “what is Artificial Intelligence?” was written by Niels in collaboration with Gilles. Niels did the part “the definition of Artificial Intelligence” and Gilles the part “types of Artificial Intelligence”. The “intelligence tests” were written by Niels. Next Gilles wrote “The A.I. effect” and “Singularities”.
The last part of the research report named “applications” was written by Niels and Nathalie. The part “Neural networks” was created by Niels and “Robotics” was made by Nathalie. The introduction and conclusion were made by Nathalie. 

What is Artificial Intelligence?
The definition of Artificial Intelligence
It was more and more necessary to resolve problems by thinking like humans, because it wasn’t possible anymore to resolve problems with conventional algorithms and methods, that’s why Artificial Intelligence has been developed.
In 1956, was John McCarthy the man who appointed the term. He defines it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines.”
Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines. Nowadays, it will mostly be intelligent computer programs. It allows computers to learn from experiences, recognize patterns in large amounts of complex data and make complex decisions. A.I. is related to the task of using computers to understand human intelligence. The term intelligence is the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world. There are different kinds of intelligent who occur in people, animals and some machines. Another thing is that A.I. does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.

They also talk about a field as “the study of intelligent agents “. Intelligent agents are a system that perceives their environment and takes actions which maximize their chances of success. They have certain knowledge of things, what is named a “knowledge bank”.
Artificial Intelligence has become an essential part of the technology industry today, providing solutions for the most difficult problems in computer science.
There is a central problem of Artificial Intelligence, this include such traits as reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, communication, perception and the ability to move and manipulate objects. It has become clear that there is a great deal of useful work that can be done before the goal is achieved.
A.I. has become an important field of study with a wide spread of applications in fields ranging from medicine to agriculture. But nowadays, humans are still the best robots.

Types of Artificial Intelligence
What are the different types of A.I.?
There are many forms of A.I. in development and many experts will all have their own classification, but roughly we can categorize all those forms into two types: weak A.I. and strong A.I.
Weak A.I. is the ‘hard coded form’, the program just runs a long list of IF-THEN rules until it has found an acceptable result. The strong A.I. on the other hand works completely different. The strong A.I. is able to change it own structure based on its experiences. This kind of system is self-learning and can think freely.
Among all those different theories and definitions there is always one thing which is undeniable, the A.I. will always fit into one of these two categories.

Weak A.I.
Weak A.I. is a technology that applies a certain set of rules to reach a well-defined goal. This type of technology is already in use today. Especially large industries use this technology to allow machines to work independently of their operators.
Scientists believe that in the near future weak A.I. will become much more powerful thanks to super-computers which are evolving rapidly. When this two technologies would emerge the weak A.I. will be able to work very fast and use a gigantic database of knowledge to solve everyday problems. But this type of intelligence will never exceed the intelligence of human beings because they are using pre-defined paths which are written by humans. The philosophy of weak A.I. is that computers can demonstrate intelligence but will never have a mind or consciousness.
Most computers with a weak A.I. will only be able to solve one certain type of problems. For example, a computer that can play checkers or chess can be very good in this job but can’t do anything else besides that. This type of intelligence is already very popular and has a promising future, but is it really intelligence?

Strong A.I.
The other form of Artificial Intelligence is strong A.I. Strong A.I. is also referred as “artificial general intelligence”. This technology is able to think cognitively, this means that it functions in a way similar to the human brain.
Although strong A.I. is still in only a concept, scientist are still hoping that this technology will be able to help our bodies fight disease and make our bodies more intelligent. Others are hoping to engineer a neural network that functions like a human brain.

Researchers today are under big pressure of the companies and therefore they choose to focus on specific sub-problems which are easy to verify and can be used as a commercial applications, such as neural nets, computer vision or data mining.
To build strong A.I. we will need three things:
• A super computer which can make billions of calculations per second;
• Software that simulates the function of the human brain;
• Understanding of the way the human brain works and how to remodel it.

Intelligence tests: Turing Test
Nowadays, there exists a procedure to test the intelligence of an agent. This procedure is named “Turing Test” where this topic is about. This procedure was founded in 1950 by Alan Turing. With this procedure we have the possibility to test almost all the major problems of A.I.
The tests where we can evaluate on specific problems are named subject matter expert Turing tests. An example of this test is hand-writing recognition and game-playing. The advantage of these tests on small problems is that it provides more achievable goals and the increasing number of positive results.
Results of Turing test:

There are 4 possible outcomes for a Turing test:
• Optimal: There is no possibility for better performance;
• Strong super-human: The performance is better than all humans;
• Super-human: The performance is better than most humans;
• Sub-human: the performance is worse than most humans.
How does it work?
A human gets a computer with which he will be asked to communicate with another chatter. The user gets a certain time to talk with the other user and ask questions. The task of the tester is to define if the other user in chat is a computer or a human. When the tester thinks he was talking to a user while he was actually talking to a computer, the computer has passed the Turing Test. Until now no computer has passed this test.

The A.I. Effect
What is the A.I. Effect?
The A.I. effect is the situation when people manage to let a computer do a certain task which people first said would require a certain amount of intelligence is afterwards not really that hard to do.

Tesler’s Theorem: “As soon as A.I. successfully solves a problem, the problem is no longer a part of A.I.” This results that A.I. is only what hasn’t been solved yet. This effect frustrates the researches.
Because of this effect it seems that there is not much improvements in the A.I. fields, as soon as there is a breakthrough in the Artificial Intelligence, it is mostly seen as an advances for an application in another field.
Probably people don’t see A.I. as real intelligence because they expect that Artificial Intelligence should overpower the human intelligence. Everything lower than our intelligence is no real intelligence. People want to preserve an important role for themselves in the universe.

The singularity
What is singularity?
The singularity is a theoretical point in the future where Artificial Intelligence has been improved so far that it is able to improve itself.
When people manage to create a machine with an intelligence which is slightly higher than the human intelligence, the machine will be able to make changes to its own system which the designers did not foresee.
Technological aspect
In the beginning the advances would go slowly because the system would only be slightly smarter than humans, but when the machines are becoming smarter and smarter, they will become better in getting more intelligent. Artificial Intelligence will advance exponentially. At a certain point the machines will come up with technologies humans themselves do not understand, which would make humans useless.

Economical aspects
When all work can be done by machines, the system as we know today will be unusable. Capitalism is based on earning money by working and spending it on our needs. But when there is no work to do by humans, the system will fail.

Potential dangers
When there exists superhuman intelligences, there vision might be different and therefore make humans useless. This might result in the elimination of the human race.
Because computers are immortal, they have no need to produce independent children that live on after it dies. It would have no need for love but would have an evolutionary need for power. The first A.I. that can dominate the earth will dominate the earth to secure its existence.
The Artificial Intelligence might possibly have another perception of advances and might endanger the human kind in order to do “good”.
This is why people are creating safety measures like creating the three basic laws. It seems that these three laws are not sufficient and people are creating some sort of moral software for Artificial Intelligence. But creating a morality is not easy, even the human morality isn’t optimal.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Neural Network
An artificial Neural Network or ANN is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous systems, such as the brain, process information. The most important element here is the novel structure of the information processing system. This element exists of a large number of highly interconnected processing elements or neurons working in unison to solve specific problems.
The brain is made up of billions of neuron cells. These cells are like a tiny computer with limited capabilities. But they are connected together. An ANN is configured for a specific application, such as pattern recognition or data classification, through a learning process. They don’t learn of programming.
Neural networks could be used in order to extract patterns and detect trends that are too complex to be notices by either hums or other computer techniques. A trained one can be thought of as an “expert” in his category of information which was given by analysis. After that he could answer “what if” questions.
Some advantages:
• Adaptive learning:
They receive data for training or initial experience;
• Self-organization:
It can create its own organization or representation of the information it receives during learning time;
• Real time operation:
ANN computations may be carried out in parallel, and special hardware devices are used of this capability;
• Fault tolerance via Redundant information coding:
Some networks capabilities may be retained even with major network damage.

Nowadays there are a lot of applications that make use of neural networks. Look to speech synthesis, diagnostic problems, medicine, business and finance, robotic control, signal processing, computer vision and many others.

Artificial Intelligence and robotics
The robots are coming. And when they get here, they will take out the trash.
The word robot was first mentioned by a Czech novelist Karel Capek in a 1920 play titled Rassum’s Universal Robots (RUR). Robot in Czech means worker or servant.
• A reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks;
• An automatic device that performs functions normally ascribed to humans or a machine in the form of a human;

• A robot is a one-armed, blind idiot with limited memory and which cannot speak, see, or hear.
Mobile, intelligent robots that can perform tasks usually reserved for humans are starting to creep into mainstream society and this is big business. It all started with stories of artificial helpers and companions and attempts to create them, but fully autonomous machines only appeared in the 20th century. The first digitally operated and programmable robot, the Unimate, was installed in 1961 to lift hot pieces of metal from a die casting machine and stack them. Also every robot has to follow rules, there for Asimov wrote the “Laws of Robotics” and he later added a ‘zeroth law’:
Law Zero: A robot may not injure humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
Law One: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm, unless this would violate a higher order law.
Law Two: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with a higher order law.
Law Three: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with a higher order law.

Robots in industry
Industrial robots do tasks that are hazardous or menial, for humans. An example of this is an decontaminating robot which cleans the main circulating pump housing in the nuclear power plant.
Robots today can only do one task, these are programmed with a weak A.I. or even just a loop of commands and doesn’t need any intelligence at all.

Robot developers are hoping that there will be a day when they will be able to create a robot that can do all kind of tasks. But this would require a certain intelligence. Most hope for a breakthrough in the strong A.I. because that would create the possibility to build self learning robots and therefore makes it much easier to build them because we don’t have to write billions of lines of codes.
Robots are used in many industries to do specific tasks. By using robots, the efficiency of the production increases extremely. These robots have been programmed in such a way to do a little piece of work extremely fast and independently of their operators.
The most automated industries are the following:
• Agriculture;
• Automobile;
• Construction;
• Entertainment;
• Health care: hospitals, patient-care, surgery , research, etc.;
• Laboratories: science, engineering , etc. ;
• Law enforcement: surveillance, patrol, etc. ;
• Manufacturing;
• Military: demining, surveillance, attack, etc.;
• Mining, excavation and exploration;
• Transportation: air, ground, rail, space, etc.;
• Warehouses.


The concept of a free-thinking machine can era no further on the side of man than man himself; that is to say, that its limits so far can go no further than its programming. If there's one thing popular culture shows us today, is that humanity more or less is at a stand-still in believing in the positive potential of Artificial Intelligence.

Though some artists may present the potential hazards of Artificial Intelligence on humankind, it seems that such potential can go no further than the creative imagination and story-telling. If anything, Artificial Intelligence in pop-culture allegorically serves to make us as humans aware of not only our humanity, but our fear of having that same humanity taken away and placed in a machine. It threatens the religious, employment, and humanity's notion of ethics and playing God - to name a few.
Otherwise, those apocalyptic descriptions of robots against and maybe even ruling humanity may be the scare tactics of some to prevent the progression of Artificial Intelligence for personal benefit and protection of the basic moral fibres of society, just as those descriptions of remedial machines make the concept of Artificial Intelligence seem ludicrous and contemptible.
Whatever Artificial Intelligence is introduced to us today so far seems timid, and nonthreatening, though very impressive. Perhaps in the near future, when robots do resemble the human being will a great debate arise. Still, this "threat" can be easily overcome when the person understands that Artificial Intelligence can go no further than its programmer. Artificial Intelligence may learn- yes- but a machine may recognize "the sign" only when the necessary and wanted signal is initiated; but that does not mean it is rewarded or feels pleased with itself.
It is interesting to note that a machine can make a mistake, but when it does it is the fault of the programmer, not the machine. Why then does the person give the machine the benefit of "evolving" to a point equal to the mind of humankind? Can a robot have a sense of ethics? If it can, those ethical principles can go no further than the ethics of the creator processed into it as rules and guidelines to follow. Granted, Artificial Intelligence may encounter a malfunction and run amok, but to say that the machine turned against the person is again, a meagre projection of humankind's tendency to project their emotions. Human beings should welcome Artificial Intelligence's advancement rather than fear it, fearing only themselves and their imperfection instead. 


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