
Beoordeling 5.2
Foto van een scholier
  • Werkstuk door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 1020 woorden
  • 28 maart 2005
  • 22 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.2
22 keer beoordeeld

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Met ToetsMij oefen je per hoofdstuk voor al je vakken, precies op het niveau van je toets. Zo weet je precies wat je kunt verwachten en met de uitleg bij de antwoorden kun je lastige dingen beter begrijpen. Zo zijn er geen verrassingen meer op de toets en haal je hogere cijfers!

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Chapter 1. Shakespeare’s leven

William Shakespeare is geboren in Stratfor-upon-Avon in 1564. Hij was een Engels dichter, acteur en toneelschijver. Van zijn leven is niet veel bekend. Hij trouwde in 1582 met de acht jaar oudere Ann Hathaway, waarmee hij drie kinderen kreeg. In 1585 ging hij, alleen, naar Londen, waar hij als auteur, acteur en toneelleider aan de Globe-schouwburg verbonden was. Zijn eerste onder eigen naam gepubliceerde werken zijn de epische gedichten Venus and Adonis (1593) en Lucrece (1594). In deze keuze van zijn onderwerp volgt Shakespeare de gewoonte van zijn tijd: het navertellen van episoden uit de klassieke oudheid, vaak uit de Metamorphosen van Ovidius. `Venus en Adonis` was Shakespeares eerste publicatie op het gebied van de lyrische poëzie, in de hogere kringen waartoe Southampton behoorde had men geen boodschap aan het volkse theatervermaak. Mensen vonden dat banaal en beschouwde toneel als iets dat buiten de literatuur viel. Een tekst als Venus en Adonis sprak de categorie waar het geld zat veel meer aan: deze poëzie fonkelde van fijne spitsvondigheid, zij was erotisch maar niet banaal, hier kon de dichter pas echt goed laten zien hoe goed hij zijn vak beheerst: een strak rijmschema, mannelijk eindrijm, bij tijd en wijle erotisch tot op het randje, alles tegen de achtergrond van goden en helden uit het roemruchte klassieke verleden. In 1610 ging hij naar Stratford terug. Hij stierf daar in 1616 en werd in de parochiekerk begraven

Chapter 2. Shakespeare’s craftsmanship (vakmanschap)

Chapter 3. his plays

tragedies histories comedies
Antony and Cleopatra Coriolanus Hamlet Julius Caesar King Lear Macbeth Othello Romeo and Juliet Timon of Athens Titus Andronicus Henry IV, Part I Henry IV, Part II Henry V Henry VI, Part I Henry VI, Part II Henry VI, Part III Henry VIII King John Richard II Richard III All\'s Well That Ends WellAs You Like It The Comedy of Errors Cymbeline Love\'s Labours Lost Measure for Measure The Merry Wives of Windsor The Merchant of Venice A Midsummer Night\'s Dream Much Ado About Nothing Pericles, Prince of Tyre The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest Troilus and Cressida Twelfth Night Two Gentlemen of Verona The Winter\'s Tale

Chapter 4. Stratford-up on Avon

The town of Stratford-upon-Avon is located next to the River Avon. Stratford means ‘street across the ford’ and was a river crossing in Roman times. Later in 1196 the town became a market town.

- And this is how the locals saw the first 25 years of Elizabeth I

(These are actual events researched from the archives of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust and written in Narrative form by Robert Bearman. Reprinted for the Internet by QuinSolve with kind permission of the Stratford-upon-Avon Herald.) The Old Market House, where John Shakespeare would have traded with other glovers (burnt down in 1826)

Chapter 5. The Shakespeare Houses

Shakespeare’s Birthplace is one of Stratford’s most famous landmarks and is thronged by visitors from around the world throughout the year.

Whether it was actually the place where the Bard spent his formative years is open to question – some would dispute it but others believe it without question – but it provides a superb insight into Elizabethan life. SHAKESPEARE\'S BIRTHPLACE
Stratford-upon-Avon town centre
Henley Street
Stratford upon Avon
CV37 6QW
Tel. +44 [0]1789 201822

The five Shakespeare properties are in and around Stratford, Hall\'s Croft, Nash\'s Place and of course the Shakespeare Birthplace being within the Town Centre, whilst Anne Hathway\'s cottage can be found at Shottery and Mary Arden\'s House at Wilmcote, both just a few minutes drive from the centre of Stratford-upon-Avon.

· the herbal bed at Hall\'s Croft · the recreated Knot garden in Shakespeare\'s Great Garden at Nash\'s House · Shakespeare\'s Birthplace with its\' traditional English garden, lovingly kept · the working farmhouse gardens and outbuildings at Mary Arden\'s house where you will see a fine display of garden implements, recreated by Charles Harness of the Halford Forge · the beautiful blossom to be seen in springtime in the orchard at Anne Hathaway\'s 19th century garden.

Chapter 6. The Globe and the development of the theatre.

From 1599 the Globe was Shakespeare\'s main theatre. But there were many other theatres that Shakespeare performed in throughout his career.

The Globe theatre was a international resource dedicated to the exploration of Shakespeare’s work, the house for which he wrote was a playhouse,through the connected means of education and performance.

The Globe Theatre is a faithful reconstruction of the open-air playhouse designed in 1599, where Shakespeare worked and for which he wrote many of his greatest plays and Each year the Globe Theatre Company rediscovers the dynamic relationship between the audience and the actor in this unique building.

Chapter 7. the new globe

In the new globe they have a education schools program, this is a program of workshops and lectures for students. Also they operate a new learning system, offering a online learning system for schools and colleges.

The workshops also offers a general introduction to the Globe and Shakespeare, or they can concentrate on any play by Shakespeare. Every year almost 50,000 students take part in activities in the Globe. Also children for young children are their lot of activities.

Chapter 8. The Royal Shakespeare Company

One of the world’s best-known theatre ensembles, the Royal Shakespeare Company focuses on works by Shakespeare, other renaissance dramatists and contemporary writers. The RSC’s ensemble nature allows audiences to follow the company’s actors in a number of repertoire productions while providing an expert training environment for its actors, directors and theatre artists. The RSC continually strives to engage more people with the experience of live theatre through its productions, education and outreach work. In the past five years, annual productions aimed at families have successfully brought 150,000 people to the theatre for the first time. The RSC is dedicated to attracting and inspiring the best artists both on stage and behind the scenes, to produce performances of the very highest standard

Chapter 10. His family tree

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