Extensive listening

Beoordeling 5.6
Foto van een scholier
  • Werkstuk door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 1552 woorden
  • 15 maart 2000
  • 37 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.6
37 keer beoordeeld

Reportform Extensive listening

1) Title of the programme.
In the shadow of the tiger
2) When broadcast, and through what channel?
17-1-2000, 15.00 - 16.00 National Geographic
3) What kind of programme was it, and what was its subject?
It was an animal documentary film. Its subject was Siberian tigers.
4) Make a summary of about 100 words.
The tiger is a symbol of strength, power and beauty. In the east of Russia, in the largest forest of the world the Siberian tiger lives. Long ago thousands of them were living there, but now only four hundred of the species are left. Although there's snow and ice, the Siberian tiger can travel up to 80 km per hour. In Russia scientists are doing research about eating habits, their territories and their social structure. They do this research by giving them a collar, first they anaesthetise the tiger then as fast as possible they give it the collar and measure body lengths. They do this research to try to save this species. Now there are nine tigers that have this collar. Deforestation, poachers and a big busy road in the middle of their territory threaten their lives. The forest feeds their preys, so if the forest gets smaller and smaller the number of these preys- boars and deer and bigger preys - also gets smaller. This is very threatening because a tiger needs about 5-7 kg meat per day. But the number of tigers is growing again, in 1992 there were only 250 left and now there are 400 again.
5) What struck you most? Explain.

They were observing this mother tiger with a child. And later in the programme they come back to this child and they say it has found a partner and a territory. Then they see a strange track made by the partner of this tiger, Larisha, and the partner seemed to have dragged something big with it. Then at the en of the track they find a dead tiger body, they wonder which tiger this was. A lot of bones are broken, it bleeds all over, its paws are black and its nails seemed to be scratched of. They identify the tiger and it is Larisha! They follow the track until they come to the beginning of it there they see it had been run over by a truck and dragged about fifteen meters by the truck. Then the driver threw the body into the trench next to the road. The partner of Larisha found her and dragged her very far to an open place in the forest, there it stayed for three days by the dead body. This struck me very much.
6) What is your personal appreciation of the programme, and what is your personal view of what was shown?
I think the programme was very interesting and beautiful. I think it's very good they try to save the Siberian tiger, it's such a beautiful animal and I think it's bad if any animal becomes extinct.
7) Would you listen to or watch the programme again? Why?
I would watch a programme like this again, or if there was a continuation of it. I would do this because I think it was very interesting programme and I would like to know how the tigers in Siberia are doing.
8) Did you experience any problems while listening / watching? Explain.
I didn't experience any problems.
9) How much time did you use for listening? And for writing this report?
The programme took an hour and it took me half an hour to write this report.

Reportform Extensive listening

Class: 4TV2
Date: 17-1-2000

1) Title of the Programme.

2) When broadcast, and through what channel?
17-1-2000, 13.00 - 14.00 National Geographic
3) What kind of programme was it, and what was its subject?
It was an animal documentary and it was about a man. It was about a man who lives in Germany and is actually part of a wolf family.
4) Make a summary of about 100 words.
In the pine forests of West Germany lives the wolfman Werner Freund. He thinks the wolf is the most misunderstood animal. First he had worked with bears and tried to be their friends, but he thinks wolfs are more intelligent and he likes it very much to be friends with them. He has some sort of gibberish language in which he talks to them. Every day he visits his wolfs; he is no wild life biologist but does something like a study of emotions. He adopts young wolfs that have been abandoned by their mother and sometimes a zoo donates a wolf. He acts as if he's their mother so that later they will accept him as leader. He decides to go to Central-Asia to try to communicate with wild wolfs. He wants to reason like a wolf and to communicate with wolfs. He searches for a certain wolf hunter. This hunter hunts the wolfs because they attack the yaks (a sort of cow). Together they search for the wolfs but when Werner finally sees one he says he wants to stop to the hunter. He does this because he doesn't want to put the life of the wolf in danger (I think because of the hunter). He is very happy when he is back with his own wolfs. And together they howl.

5) What struck you most? Explain.
What struck me most was that this man was so close to wolfs. It struck me most that this man can be a friend to them, or even a family member.
6) What is your personal appreciation of the programme, and what is your personal view of what was shown?
I liked it because I had never heard of a person who could live in such a way with animals. I think it's ok if this man wants to live like that.
7) Would you listen or watch the programme again? Why?
I think I would, but not if it was about the same man. I would like to see more if there were more people who live with animals like that. I would like to watch it again because this sort of relationship between humans and animals is very rare and I think it's amazing.
8) Did you have any problems while listening/watching? Explain.

I did not have any problems.
9) How much time did you use for listening? And for writing this report?
I used an hour for listening because the programme took an hour. It took about 20 minutes for writing this report.

Reportform Extensive listening

Class: 4TV2
Date: 17-1-2000

1) Title of the Programme.
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
2) When broadcast, and through what channel?
17-1-2000, 20.05 - 20.30 BBC2
3) What kind of programme was it, and what was its subject?
It was a comedy series. Its subject was that Will moved to family, but this family was quite posh and neat.
4) Make a summary of about 100 words.
The story begins as Will knocks on the door of his aunt's house. He knocks a melody but the butler doesn't seem to be impressed. Will meets his aunt, uncle, niece, little niece and nephew. His uncle seems to be disturbed by the bad manners of Will, though his wife seems to like it. Will's niece is only interested in money, clothes and make-up and this doesn't include Will. His Nephew seems to be very posh and snooty. His little niece is very interested in him and together they make a rap. That evening there is a formal dinner at his uncle's house, so he gets some neat clothes, but he wears them incorrectly. At dinner he starts to make music by ticking at the glasses with his knife. At the end of the evening his uncle gets angry at Will and after a short discussion he walks away. Then Will plays the piano 'fur Elise' and his uncle seems to loose all his anger. When Will enters the room of his little niece she dancing in her night-gown with headphones on her head. He starts to dance with her until she notices him and
Stops immediately. Together they go and search for a free bathroom for Will (there are 4). In the first his nephew is singing and in the second his niece is trying to get her make-up off. They manage to get her out and she has some sort of crazy facemask.

5) What struck you most? Explain.
When his little niece was dancing in her night-gown it was just such a funny sight and then he began to dance just like her and it was so funny, that struck me most.
6) What is your personal appreciation of the programme, and what is your personal opinion of what was shown?
I like the programme very much; it's very funny.
7) Would you listen to or watch the programme again? Why?
I certainly would watch it again, I think next week it is again so I will watch then. I like it because it's very funny and it isn't educational so I don't need to think. I need to think hard and work almost all day so that's why I like it.
8) Did you experience any problems while listening / watching? Explain.

I didn't experience any problems.
9) How much time did you use for listening? And for writing this report?
I used about half an hour for listening and about 20 minutes to write this report.


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