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Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

Beoordeling 2.8
Foto van een scholier
  • Verslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 10690 woorden
  • 10 november 2015
  • 103 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 2.8
103 keer beoordeeld

1,000 Rupees: The Death Of A Hero

The first chapter starts with a flashback to Ram's past, in which he describes a visit to the local cinema with Salim, his best friend, where they watch a film with Armaan Ali, an Indian actor, and Salim's greatest idol.
In addition to talking about Armaan Ali, whose name is invented to stand for a typical Bollywood hero for the story of Q & A, there are also references to real-life Bollywood stars such as Amitabh Bachchan and Sharukh Khan, reminding the reader of the relation of Ram's story with real living conditions in India. 
Ram describes their visit at the cinema in great detail. The story is also interspersed with flashbacks, in which he decsribes to which extend Salim is a fan of Armaan, and how his happiness and anger relate to Armaan's life. One moment, Salim is happy because he saw Armaan, and the next, he is devestated, because Armaan has apparently ended his relationship with Urvashi, a Bollywood actress, or newspapers have written that he was gay; the latter leading to Salim burning all said newspapers in a fire in their chawl. 

On the level of the cinema narrarive, Ram describes the film, in wich a "gangster with a heart" (p. 32) steals form the rich to help the poor, falls in love with the heroine Priya Kapoor, and finally dies. 
Off the screen, in the cinema, Salim is molested by an elderly man who repeatedly tries to touch him, and flees when Salim screams at him and slaps his face. The boys, however, catch a glimpse of the man's face who is described to look exactly like Armaan, Salim's hero, which leads to Salim's disillusionment: "Armaan Ali, his hero, has died." (p. 41)
The storyline then shifts back to the "present" with Smita, who mentions that this story could end Armaan Ali's career. They then watch the videotape of the show, in which Ram answers the Prem Kumar's (the show's host) first question about a film of Armaan Alia dn Priya Kapoor, and so wins the first 1,00 rupees referred to in the chapter's title. (bel)

2,000 Rupees: The Burden Of A Priest

  Aron: Ram was born 18 years ago at the first day of Christmas in the St. Mary church. He was an orphan who was left by his mother in wrapped clothes. He is released for adoption but nobody was interested in his person. Ram doesn’t have a name: “I was precisely called baby – The baby that no one wanted” (p. 46, l. 20-21)
Ram is finally adopted by Mrs Philomena Thomas (who works as a scrubwoman) and her husband Dominic Thomas (who worksas a gardener). Mrs Thomas left her husband and went with the tailor Mastan Sheikh to Bhopal a few days later. Her husband is furious and so he drags Ram in his cradle to the priest’s house and dumps him there. Father Timothy takes care of the baby for six years and gives Ram the names Joseph Michael Thomas. Six days later, two men from the All Faith Committee come to examine the orphan. They discuss the name of the baby because nobody can say anything about the denomination of the parents, and it’s a considered a sin to convert a Muslim or Hindu. The two men and Father Timothy agree on the new name Ram Mohammad Thomas. Ram becomes a very religious boy because of Father Timothy who teaches the life of Jesus, Adam and Eva and other religions for him. Due to the fact that the relation was never exactly defined between Ram and father Timothy, Ram isn’t sure how important he is for him: “It was never made clear to me whether I was servant or son, parasite or pet.” (p. 52, l. 23) One Sunday, Father Timothy isn’t alone at the altar; another young priest named Father John Little stands beside him. Father Timothy invites Father John Little for dinner. Ram inadvertently spills the soup on Father John Little who very impulsively reacted (“Bloody Hell!” (p. 54, l. 10); “You’re that idiot orphan boy who spilled soup on me the other day! You’d better behave yourself in Father Timothy’s absence. I’ll be watching you very carefully.” (p. 54, l.17-20)). From now on, Ram is afraid of John.    Three days later, he goes to a shop with Joseph. There, Ram meets a biker who beats him on the head. But Ram doesn’t realize that it was Father John Little. Ram sees that Father John Little has strange tattoos on his body, collects strange magazines under his bed, often has visitors whom he doesn’t know and gives foreign people “medicine”. So Ram is glad when Father Timothy returns from his journey. 
Then he becomes acquainted with Ian, an English backpacker who moves through Delhi. Ram sees through a keyhole how Father John Little Ian does something to Ian. He informs father Timothy of the story who tells him he should go to bed.  The next day, he discovers Father Timothy and Father John Little show to death. Ram cries for three hours together with Ian and says to Ian that he has lost his father and that he is a real orphan now. Ian replies that Father Timothy as well was his father and he is a real orphan now, too. 

At the end of the chapter we are back in the show and Ram answers the question number two for two thousands rupees correctly through what he learnt from Father Timothy.       Importance for the story: This chapter covers the early years of Ram's life. It is explained that Ram was abandoned at an orphanage shortly after birth. 
A significant relationship: How Father Timothy becomes a father figure to Ram, even though he is not his dad. 
This chapter is set in: Ram's early childhood 
Characters: Ram; Philomena & Dominic Thomas; Father Timothy (Francis); Father John Little; Ian; (Prem Kumar)  
Anthony:  In this chapter, the reader learns about the conditions under which Ram was born and raised. It is learned that he was born and left to be an orphan at a church in Dhali, where he was later adopted by a couple, but was soon after abandoned again and left under the care of Father Thomas. 
It was with him that Ram received his name, along with the names Mohammad and Thomas, to prevent revolt in the nearby area for converting a Hindu.

As the years went on, he was taught to read and write, learned about several religions, and many other valuable skills with Father Thomas, as well as the truth about his parents. Upon the introduction of Father John in their lives, problems arose that included homosexuality, rape, drug abuse, and ended in the murder of Father Thomas and Father John’s suicide. This left Ram an orphan once again, and the story cuts to being with his lawyer, retelling his story, and then to the game show, where he answers a religious question he knew about through Father Thomas' teachings.  

5,000 Rupees: A Brother's Promise

  Moric:  “The rich people, those who live in their marble and granite four-bedroom flats, they enjoy. The slum people, who live in squalid, tattered huts, they suffer. And we, who reside in the overcrowded chawls, we simply live.” These sentences best describe the situation in Mumbai with all its people and “slumdogs”. And thus it describes the situation of Ram, who lives within one of those squalid, tattered huts. And he suffers.
Mrs and Mr Shantaram and their daughter, Gudiya are moving in one of the huts next to Ram, for the father lost his job as a famous space scientist, as he almost beat the director of the Institute to death. After he has lost his job as a physics teacher as well, he's just doing odd jobs, such as working as a canteen manager or a sales assistant. For this reason, they had to move into the slums. As we soon experience, he's a drunkard, who fairly often beats his wife and molests his daughter. Ram and Salim like listening to conversations of others, so they take their cups and hold them to the wall to be able to understand what's going on in the hut next to their own. As they do it over and over again, they find out lots of more or less important facts about Mr Shantaram’s family life. That's when Ram realizes that the father abuses the other family members. He realizes, too, that they have a little kitten, which is called after the smallest of all the planets in our solar system: Pluto. He finds out things like that while listening to Mr Shantaram’s tutorials about the Milky Way, the Little Bear, the Great Bear and the Pole Star.

One day, the father of Gudiya pours hot water over her, so she has to go to hospital, where Ram is allowed to visit her. They quickly become good friends, tell their life stories to each other and are fulfilled with a feeling of affection. She even calls him her brother who she had always been searching. At home again, Ram is trying to comply with his promise as a brother to help and protect her of his father. That's what he eventually did by killing her father: he pushed him off a bridge. To save his own life, he had to escape to Delhi to live a new life, and he didn’t even have the time to tell Salim. The story line then switches back to the quiz show, and because of his eaves-dropping in the chawl, Ram can answer the next question for 5,000 rupees: “Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?”

Jennifer G:
After the disturbing approach attempt in the cinema, Salim tears down all posters of his former idol Armaan, tears them into tiny pieces and burns everything in a fire.
Ram is called by the administrator of the chawl – Mr Ramakrishna- who presents him to the new tenant of the adjacent room, Mr Shantaram, who will temporarily be living there with his wife and daughter.   In a short intervention we get to know that Salim works as a tiffin delivery boy, which means that he collects home-cooked meals from different places and delivers them to the station and from the station delivers other meals and brings them to their destination.
Ram, who once lived with an actress in her flat, is able to hear through the walls as they are very thin. With only a stainless-steel cup held to the wall he can hear for instance how Mr Shantaram tells his daughet Gudiya about the stellar constellation and the planets, how she found a cat and how it is called ‘Pluto’ because the cat, too, is the smallest member fo the family, just like Pluto is the smallest planet. But for certain events, the stainless-steel cup is not even necessary, as Mr Shantaram is loud enough himself for the neighbors to hear. He starts to come back to the chawl in a drunken state and the following arguments with his wife more and more often end with him throwing things at walls and family members. This eventually leads to Gudiya, in the attempt of protecting her mother from a piping-hot cup of tea, being hospitalized. Asked by Gudiya’s mother, Ram visits her in the hospital and gets to know a few things about her and her father.
After her return, Mr Shantaram starts to try to touch and rape her, which – because of the special bond he and Gudiya have – causes so much pain and releases so much anger in Ram, that one day, he simply slams the drunk Mr Shantaram against a weak railing. The railing can’t hold his weight and he falls to the ground. After that incident, Rams leaves as fast as possible to Delhi. At the end of the chapter, the storyline shifts back to the quiz show. The third question for 5,000 Rupees was simple: “Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?” Ram just had to think of the cat, of the girl he had a special bound to and whose hand he had held through a hole in the wall to show her that he was with her. His answer was ‘Pluto’ and of course, the answer was correct.  

10,000 Rupees: A Thought For The Crippled

  Jendrik:     After the death of father Timothy, Ram / Mohammed moves to a new home for orphans. It has a capacity of 75 children. They don’t have very much space and everything is very dirty. But one time, Ram / Mohammed gets sick and he has to be separated from the other roommates. He enjoys having a room on his own. But one day a boy also has to be separate, and this boy is Salim. Salim tells Mohammed his story – why he has to be in this orphanage. There was a rebellion in his slum and Hindus burned his house down and killed his family. He ran away and was alone for two days until he got to this house. They both get on very well; they like to play marbles and watch TV, so they become best friends. One day Salim was called in the Night to Gupta’s room (Gupta is the deputy of the warden). They both didn’t know what happens in there. But when Gupta says to Salim he should take off his trousers, Mohammed quickly realizes what’s going on, and he screams as loud as he can. The cook and the warden hear him and Salimis saved. On another day, there is a trip organized by an NGO to a zoo, to the highest building of India and also a big carnival. And there, everyone gets 10 rupees, so Salim goes to a palmist and his future sounds very positive: the palmist says he will be a great actor. Mohammed is told that he hasn’t got a very nice future but he gets an old coin which should bring him luck and when the coin is dropped under a bench, he finds a 10 rupee note. So he can buy ice cream for Salim and him.  Time passes, until one day, a man called maman comes to the orphanage and takes Salim and Mohammed with him. They think their life will change to the positive. In the new house, the conditions are slightly better and Maman has a teacher teach them how to sing. Salim is a talent, but Ram / Mohammed is not. But they find out that the children have to beg for their food. After they have finished all lessons Maman and his gang want to blind both to make more money with them on the street. But they can run away and go to a women who gave the beggar kids always enough money so that they wouldn’t get punished. Mohammed gets a job there. Then, this story is followed by a scene with Smita and then a scene in the show where Mohammed answers the 10,000-rupees-question correctly.    Moritz: 
Ram lives in the “Dheli Juvenile Home”, an orphanage for boys. The boys get beaten by Mr. Gupta, the deputy, even abused. Ram becomes the head of a group within the orphanage and has advantages because Thomas speaks English. Then Salim comes into the home because his family was killed by Hindus. They become “Bros”. Mr. Gupta tries to abuse Salim but he is held up by Ram’s cry and the other men in the orphanage. During this chapter the boys get a trip to a fair, which is paid for by an NGO. Salim and Thomas go to a fortune teller. The fortune teller says that Salim will become a famous actor. The fortune teller also tells Ram the future but his future isn’t so good. Because of his future he gets a “lucky coin” from the fortune teller. Salim and Thomas are selected by Sethji to go with him to Mumbai. They don't know what Sethji's plans are. They were just told that he is a man who helps handicapped children. Salim and Thomas become members of his “school” in Mumbai. When the two see the other children, they are shocked. They are blind, only have one leg etc. They are taught by a teacher who they call Masterji in music and song. Ram and Salim learn sad stories from the other children and that Maman's school isn't a normal school, but one for the education of begging children. Ram makes his first experience with drugs by sniffing glue. The boy told him he would feel wonderful. But he doesn’t see any wonderful vision of things like Jitu. He goes through a horror dream. After this he decides never to take drugs again. They find out that Maman’s men want to blind Salim and him to earn money, but they decide to escape from the school, which they manage to do at the last minute. At the end of the chapter, we are at the quiz show again and Ram answers the question correctly.  

50,000 Rupees: Hold On To Your Buttons

Sophie: After Ram and Salim escaped successfully from Mumbai, Ram becomes a servant of a rich, Australian diplomatic family. They are called the Taylors: Charles and Rebecca Taylor, who have two kids: Roy and Maggie.  Very soon, his master Colonel Taylor is given a new name by Ram: The Man Who Knows. No matter if something happens behind closed doors, at night or whenever, Colonel Taylor always knows. Ram is the only one, who stays; all other servants are dismissed after little time. Ram also has a special status in the family. He’s allowed to play Nintendo, watch TV with Roy, play Scrabble with Maggie and Roy and if the family goes to the shopping centre, he is allowed to accompany them. Because the family is Australian, every month Roy gets an “Australian Geographic” Ram loves this magazines. When the family goes to Australia on holiday, Ram also gets a little gift, when they come back.  So Ram is happy to be almost part of the Australian family, even if he’s sometimes really angry at them. For being exact, every time Sahib or Memsahib uses the words “bloody Indians.” As said before, Colonel Taylor knows everything what goes on in and on the house. He has a mysterious office and it is forbidden for everyone to go into it. Nobody knows what is in this office or what he’s doing in there. Evening for evening he spends there, until a series shows up on TV. It’s called “Spywatcher.” Every evening he watches the series.  It happens that the family is in Australia on the funeral of Master Colonel’s mother, when the, in Ram’s eyes very badly cooking cook, breaks into the office of Mr. Taylor. The cook turns out to be a thief. Ram is woken up by the noise and comes to see what happened. The cook leaves and Ram discovers that Mr. Taylor installed security cameras in the whole house. He calls Mr. Taylor who returns the next day. In the next episode of “
Spywatcher” is important for Ram, because after seeing it, he decides to call the police and tell them about the secret of Charles Taylor. Because he learnt to speak with an Australian accent, the police says, that it was an Australian who called. The family leaves and Ram has much money and is looking forward to meeting Salim.  The question for 50’000 Rupees is the following: A persona non grata means in the world of diplomacy: a) the diplomat is to be honoured b) the diplomats tenure should be extended c) the diplomat is grateful d) the diplomat is not acceptable
Thanks to the disaster with the Colonel, he knows now that answer d) is the right one. The audience stands up and cheers.   Samuel: 
In this chapter, Ram Mohammad Thomas tells about his work at the house of Colonel Charles Taylor. It starts when a census man comes up  to their house to take up the names of every person. There is Colonel Charles, his wife Rebecca Taylor, their daughter Maggie Taylor, their son Roy Tailor and the four servants. Their names are Bhagwati, Shanti, Ramu and Thomas. The Colonel and his family are diplomats from Australia. He gives the man a bottle of Jonny Walker Red Label, a whisky. For him, that’s the common method to make “bloody Indians” content. Afterwards, several servants stole things. They all got kicked out, because Colonel Taylor is The Man Who Knows. He finds out everything and nobody knows how. Ram is the only one who can stay and because of this, the family trusts him the most. He can even go into the bedrooms and watch TV. From time to time Ram feels like a part of the family, but then Colonel Taylor says something about bloody Indians and his phantasy is broken. Another thing which he can’t become familiar with is the Australian English. Because of that, he practices “G’day Maite, see you at aight at India Gaite”.    The children of this family read the newspaper “Australian Geographic” and Ram reads it now, too. There are beautiful pictures of Australia in there and he wants to go there very badly. 

One day, the High Commissioner comes to a garden party of the Taylor family. They all dress up. After this visit, Ramu, that’s the cook, can’t fall asleep, because he has stolen a bra from Maggie. He is in love with her. Ram knows that Ramu will not stay longer, because Mister Taylor is The Man Who Knows. And he is right. The next morning the police inspector comes. First they think Ram has stolen the bra, because it is in his bed, but afterwards Colonel Taylor says that it was Ramu. The police inspector takes Ramu with him and gets a bottle of whiskey for that. 
They find a new cook, but he cooks very badly. Maggie has now a dog and Ram has to go out with it every morning. One morning he catches Mr. Taylor when he talks with Mr. Kumar. They meet each other from time to time but we don’t know yet why. Shortly after that,Mr. Taylor catches his wife with an affair. He also catches his son kissing Shanti and his daughter smoking cigarettes. Then Colonel Taylor’s mother dies. Everyone is very sad. The family goes to Austalia to see her and to take part in the funeral. When they are away, the new cook breaks into the house and wants to steal money, but they don’t have money in the house. Ram sees the Den, a forbidden room for him, for the first time from the inside. The cook takes some things with him and goes away. Ram discovers that all over the house are cameras. Because of that the Colonel knows it all. Ram calls the Colonel on his cell phone. He gets the mission to make sure that nobody can come into this room until he is back. By accident, Ram hears a phone talk between Mr. Taylor and Jeevan Kumar. They will meet each other at 8 pm near the India gate.
 The next day Mr. Taylor is declared persona non grata, because he took top-secret documents from Jeevan Kumar. As a persona non grata you have to leave the country within 48 hours. Mr. Taylor asks who has told the police where they will meet and the officer says it was an Australian. He said “G’day maite, go to the India Gate tonight at aite.”Ram leaves the family with his 52’000 rupees pay.  The story line shifts then to Smita, and then to the videotaped quiz show, where the question was ‘what does it mean when the government declares a foreign diplomat persona non grata’? And Ram knows it.  This scene is important because Ram knows the answer only because he had to do with this. Another thing is that he has now money and can do what he wants. I think there are no open questions left in this chapter.  

100,000 Rupees: Hold On To Your Buttons

  Celia:   Ram went to Mumbai just to meet Nita. The doctors in Agra said that it would take at least four months to recover from her injuries. So, Ram lives in a part of Mumbai called Dharavi. There are a lot of people living in Dharavi although it’s illegal. There is no running water but it’s all Ram can afford.
From midday until after midnight, Ram works at Jimmy’s Bar and Restaurant. Even if Ram hasn’t thought he would manage it to work with drunken people, it was the only establishment that offered him a job.
In the night, Ram has to sell the expensive alcohol to the drunken people. One night, there’s a man who came in a Mercedes car, so he has enough money to spend a lot for drinks. Ram starts to speak with him and the man slowly starts to tell Ram the story about himself, his ex-wife, his brother and his secretary.

He works as the managing director of the biggest manufacturer of buttons in India. His wife is from Haiti and he married her because she was illegal in the country. But then she started to want more money, so she had to steal money, until he had half a million and his brother discovered what he had done. Instead of calling the police, he had to pay half of his loan to pay off the debts he made. But his wife thought that he had to fight for his “rights”. So because she was a voodoo priestess she associated a voodoo doll with the brother and so they hurt him by hurting the doll, until he couldn’t work anymore and he had the job. When he met his new secretary, who became more than just a secretary for him, he realized that it was wrong what he had done, but it was too late, his brother died.   So when Ram tells Smita the story about the 100’000 rupees-question, she doesn’t quite believe him and so they watch the show together.
For the next question, there does not seem to be much hope left, because Ram doesn’t know any capitals of other countries. The 100’000 rupees question is: What is the capital of Papua New Guinea? a) Port Louis b) Port-au-Prince c) Port Moresby or d) Port Adelaide.
Ram doesn’t know the right answer but he knows the wrong answers and so he can answer the question correctly, just because the drunken man had told him his story and the story of his ex-wife from Haiti. 

After his adventures in Agra, Ram can’t forget Nita. But the doctors had told him that it would take 4 months for her to fully recover from her injuries, and he also knows that Shyam won’t allow him to see her anyway. Therefore, he has returned to Mumbai. But he doesn’t want to see Salim because he is afraid that he might get involved in his “crazy life and crazy plans” (p. 141,  l. 26f). He now lives in a place called Dharavi and he doesn’t want to return to his former home in the chawl. He is working as a bartender in “Jimmy’s Bar”. The strategy of his boss is simple. Make customers talk and they will buy more drink and food. So every day Ram listens to the customer’s stories. But one story he will never forget.

It’s the story of Prakash Rao. He was a normal man “once upon a time”. And he had a brother. A rich brother because he owned a factory. Arvind (the brother) was a good man and gave Prakash a job in his business. And as time passed, Arvind’s confidence into Prakash’s abilities increased and he sent him to New York as manager for the international business. Now there, Prakash met the illegal immigrant Julie and one day, he married her. But Julie simply wanted more money, and encouraged him to cheat and steal to make even more money. But Arvind found this out and kicked Prakash out of the enterprise. But as Julie was a voodoo priestess from Haiti, she made a voodoo puppet of Arvind and gave it to Prakash to punish him. Everyone thought Arvind had gone mad and they made Prakash their new managing director. Arvind died and Prakash met his soul mate, Jyotsna. Prakash suddenly realized what he had done and wanted the divorce of Julie. But while telling Ram this story, Prakash suddenly screamed and died.  The narrative moves back to Smita and Ram, and Smita tells Ram she doesn’t quite believe this “mumbo-jumbo nonsense” (p. 154, l. 12).    They then watch the tape of the show with the next question. Because of Prakash’s story, Ram can answer the next question, as he knew which cities are not the capital of Papua New Guinea. It is not Port Louis (He knows it is in Mauritius). It is not Port-au-Prince (Capital of Haiti, where Julia comes from). And it is not Port Adelaide (Adelaide is in Australia and he knows it because of his work as a servant for an Australian family). So it must be C) Port Moresby.  

200,000 Rupees: Murder on the Western Express

Jennifer St.: 

Ram was travelling to Mumbai by train. He was on his way to Salim. Inside of his underwear was his salary hidden which he got from the Taylors – fifty thousand rupees. His cabin in the train had six berths. Apart from him, there was also a family of four with two children, a boy around Ram’s age and a girl who was a bit older. A young mother with a baby was in his cabin, too. The train began to move off. During the trip, Ram looked to the girl – over and over again, because she was so beautiful. Dinner time came and the family started to eat, after the dinner the boy and the girl played Monopoly while the parents were chatting. As the brother and sister finished their game, the boy sitting next to Ram started talking to him. During the talk, Ram exaggerated a lot, but the boy did not believe him so Ram showed him his money. Later they went to sleep. In the middle of the night someone pulled him and a gun was pointed at him. Everyone was sitting on the lower berths and the man with the gun told them to put all their valuables in a sack. As it was Ram’s turn he didn’t put the money into the sack. Suddenly the boy pointed at him and told him that Ram had fifty thousand rupees, because of this, Ram had to give the dacoit his money. Before the man went away, he wanted that the girl gave him a kiss or that she showed him her breasts. Ram jumped on the man and they fell on the ground together, they wrestled, then an explosion happened and the man was dead. Ram hold the gun in the hands. On it stood ‘Colt’. Ram did not know what to do, but he changed trains several times, and on the next railway station he ran away, and got off in Agra, where he decided to stay.

The storyline shifted back to Nita. They were watching the next part of the show, the question was: “Who invented the revolver? Was it a) Samuel Colt, b) Bruce Browning, c) Dan Wesson, or d) James Revolver?” and the answer was a), Samuel Colt. 



In the beginning, Ram enters a train to Mumbai. He wears Levi’s Jeans, a wool shirt and a watch. His belongings are carried by a porter. He paid this clothing and the journey with the money he received by the Australian family. That’s also why he travels in the sleeper class. In his compartment, there are some other people; a woman with a child and a family of four. He nearly falls in love with the girl from the family because he feels so happy about his 50’000 Rupees, which are hidden in his underwear. He even shows the money to one of the boys, when they have a little talk. After some time, he falls asleep, dreaming about all the things he can afford now with that much money. But suddenly, in the middle of the night, a robber enters the compartment and wakes the people. They have to put their most valuable belongings into his bag. The boy tells the robbers that Ram has 50,000 Rupees. When they are about to do it, the robber notices the crying baby and the breasts of the mother, when she feeds her baby. He comes back afterwards to see her breasts again, he even points the gun at her; and then wants to molest the girl which Ram thinks he loves. In Ram’s fantasy, the baby suddenly starts a fight with the robber, it seems like it has superpowers. The gun gets out of the robbers hand, and Ram shoots him without really realizing it. He knows that if he stays now in that train, the police will wait for him at the next station. So he gets off the train and gets on another, he is doing that from station to station, until he arrives in Agra.  

On the narrative level of the quiz show, Prem Kumars question is about the man who invented the revolver. Ram knows it, because he read it on the gun, with which he shot the robber. 

500'000 Rupees: A Soldier's Tale

  Valentin:  In the time in which the chapter plays, there’s war in India. Pakistan fights against India and Ram has to be in the bunker all the time with his friends. They always play war games where someone has to be the Pakistani and the others the Indian people. Salim is always the Pakistani because he’s Muslim. They really enjoy the war until an old man began to tell them his war story of 1971 wen he had to fight against Pakistan in Chhamb and when all his friends died. Only one was left and this one tried to attack the bunker of Pakistan all alone. He died, too. Only the old man was left, he wanted to save the dead soldier’s body, but he only caught a soldier who was peeing. He had no other choice: He had to kill him. But he could still get the body of his dead friend and could cremate him the next morning. Another day, Pakistan attacked once again but they could push them back. But someone shot the old man in the leg.   In the bunker, the old man complains they he never got an award for his special achievement. Later on, it turned out that the old man lied and they could find him hanging in his room. 

In this part of the history, Ram is about ten years old.  And India is involved in a war against Pakistan. So the people search safety in a bunker beneath the school. The television news is very important in the bunker, because that’s the only connection to the outside world. The children think that they must have more wars, because so they don’t have to go to school.  But there is an old man called Balwat with only one leg, who tells his stories from the last “real” war. The war was in 1971 and also against Pakistan. In this war, he came into a fight, in which he lost all his soldier friends, he shot a Pakistani family father down, he drove a tank, he lost his leg and could take revenge by killing his offender, he could hoist an important flag, but he never got a medal for the service he had done for his motherland. All audiences listened carefully and were proud of their new hero.  
The next day, a team of the Soldiers’ Benefit Fund comes to collect some money. They talk about the process of the war and at the end, each person contributes some money. The people in the bunker ask why Balwat never got a medal and the find out that he was a liar. His story wasn’t true. He had refused his military service. A day after this, Balwat was dead-he had hanged himself. 

The question of the show was what the highest award for gallantry given to the Indian armed forces is. Ram answers the question one hundred per cent correct!       

1'000'000 Rupees: Licence to Kill

    Paula:  Ram arrives in Mumbai after he was in Delhi at the Taylor’s. He decides that he doesn’t want to search for Salim, because he doesn’t want to involve him in his plan about the participation in the quiz show. But then one day they bump into each other. They haven’t seen each other for many years and because of that, they have to explain many things. Salim is now in a school for actors and he tells Ram how he could come so far.  When Ram went to Delhi, Salim was alone in the chawl and he still worked as a dabbawalla. But one day he decided to become an actor, which was always his dream. He had to take some pictures of himself and while he was taking them, he almost bumped into Mr Babu Pillai (“Maman”). Because of him, he ran away and caught the next bus. This brought him to the next tragedy, when the bus was captured by violent Hindus, but also to Ahmed Khan who saved Salim’s life with a gun. Salim worked at Ahmed’s after this incident and soon he experienced that Ahmed had a licence to kill! When Salim experienced that Ahmed should kill Abbas Rizvi, who is a producer, Salim ran to Abbas and told him that he should hide himself. Abbas followed his advice and went out of the city, but before, he told Salim, that Salim could act in his next movie and that he’d pay for the education as an actor for him.
Shortly after Mr Babu Pillai got killed by Ahmed Khan, because Salim chanced the picture and the address data of Abbas Rizvi into the data of Mr Babu Pillai before he left Ahmed’s house. Salim acted like a genius. On the narrative level with Smita, she is delighted by how smart Salim acted. They then continue watching the taped show. The question in the show was ‘How many Test centuries has India’s greatest batsman Sachin Malvankar scored?’ Ram knew the answer, because Salim told him also about Ahmed, that he was an enthusiastic fan of cricket and Ahmed knew everything about this sport. Prem Kumar didn’t laugh at all when he realized that Ram knew the answer. He just said, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, we will now take a short commercial break’.

  Mirco:  In this chapter, Licence to Kill, Ram talks about meeting his best friend Salim after five years. First he didn’t really want to see him. But then, when they both sat down on a bench watching little kids playing football, they realized how much they missed each other and started talking about the time when they didn’t saw each other. Salim talked about his past in which very much happened. He followed his dream to become an artist. He asked Mukesh Rawal if he could get a part in a film and he replied that he had to take some professional pictures and show them to him. Then he would become a junior artist. Junior artists play in the film a role for a few seconds and are only on the screen for about three seconds. But that’s a good beginning for him. When Salim has taken these pictures, he got caught by a mob. The mob was going to burn him in a bus in which he was. But fortunately there was a man named Ahmed who threatened the criminals with a gun. So they could escape and Ahmed took Salim to his home. From now on, Salim cleaned the house of Ahmed and looked after it, when Ahmed wasn’t in the house. Ahmed was a man who bet on Indian cricket games and always won. After a while, Salim noticed, that strange things were happening. Things such as Ahmed receiving yellow letters which contained the information about a person and then a few weeks later, it was announced on the criminal news, that this person had been murdered. Salim found out that Ahmed was the man who killed these persons and once he saw that Ahmed had to kill Abbas Rizvi, who was a producer who had promised to Salim that he would make a star out of Salim. So Salim changed the photo with a photo of Mr Babu Pillai, alias Maman. Maman was the man who almost blinded the two boys. Then Salim got out of the house and didn’t come back. A few months later, Salim heard that Ahmed was killed by the police in a shoot-out.  Then, there is the change to the studio, where Prem Kumar asked the last question: “How many test centuries has India’s greatest batsman Sachin Malvankar scored?” Ram’s choices were a) 34, b) 35, c) 36 or d) 37. He answered c) 36 and won a million rupees.  

10,000,000 Rupees: Tragedy Queen

After Salim and Ram had taken the train to escape from Maman and his gang, they arrived at Juhu. There they offered to Neelima Kumari, a former film star, their services, because they knew that she had been looking for a servant. Only Ram got the job because Neelima's mother could not eat anything touched by a Muslim. So Ram got the job and worked in her flat for three years. In this time, he gained many new experiences. Neelima lived in a big flat together with her mother. Neelima's Mother was very unfriendly to Ram and was grumbling all the time; whatever Ram did, it was wrong. Ram also helped Neelima by shopping in the city. He didn't enjoy it because he hardly ever got anything and always had to carry her heavy bags. Only one time when they were shopping, some girls recognized Neelima and asked her to sing their exercise books. She agreed and felt really happy. As an impact of this, she offered Ram an ice-cream.  As a former film star, Neelima taught Ram about the art of film-making. According to her opinion an actor is only a good actor if he has a unique style. Then she told him also that she had been called the Tragedy Queen of India. At home she showed him her collection of video cassettes with every single movie in which she had played. For her, it was very emotional to watch these films, one time she was crying at the end, when the whole household had watched 
The Last Wife together. One day, Maaji, Neelima's mother died. Then many famous actors and producers came to the residence and expressed their condolences. One month after the death, Ram became a live-in servant and Salim, who had been living until then together with Ram in a chawl, could stay there.  One night, a thief came into the house and Ram caught him. But because he was a big fan of Neelima and only wanted to pick up the VCR due to the reason that his one was broken, Neelima chattered with him and then he could leave the house. Ram couldn't understand that. Ram got many things of Neelima's life, for example he knew that she had a lover who maltreated her. He talked about this with Neelima and she explained the situation to him and also took him in her arms. For the first time in his life Ram didn't feel like a little orphan boy.  Neelima was drinking more and more, and after a while, she suicide. Ram left the house and went to Salim where he told him that he had been dismissed by Neelima. 
At the quiz show he had to decide between 'Play or Pay now'. Prem Kumar persuaded him and he went on. He could answer the question which was: 'Neelima Kumari, the Tragedy Queen, won the National Award in which year?' Ram passed, because Neelima had shown him many times all her trophies. The audience was exited.
  Joel:  Ram and Salim left Maman and ran away to a kind actress called Neelima Kumari. She needed a servant for her huge apartment. Unfortunately she had only one job to give. For this, she took Ram. Neelima was a famous actress a long time ago and known for her nickname “the tragedy queen”. She won many trophies and awards and played in 114 films. She lived together with her mother, who was called Maaji by Ram. The mother was always unsatisfied and always grumbled at Ram. In her eyes he did never do anything right. As full time servant it would be understandable that Ram gets a room in the flat, but because of the mother, Ram had to live in a paid chawl. Fortunately, together with Salim. Neelima was pretty rich. Her apartment was full of pictures of herself at several important places or moments. She always mourned at the past, because of her immensive success in award-winning films. She also told Ram about her career as actress and about the genre, which a film star should set at the beginning of a film.  After a while Maaji, the mother, died and Ram moved to the flat. Now he was at the apartment all day and got some new impressions of Neelima. The actress got more and more depressed. Ram was in sorrow because of her big wish to become again the heroine of a film. Her desire for recognition went so far that she even rewarded a thief as he came in and told her that he’s the biggest fan in the world.  But a journalist, who disappointed her guesses about today’s press, shook her world. She got a slight alcohol problem and fled into a relation with an aggressive lover, who burnt her skin with cigarettes. Then Neelima got an offer of a famous producer and was suddenly really happy and hopeful. But because the producer didn’t give her the main role, she declined it. Afterwards the situation got worse. Her lover came again and hurt her worse than never before, because of her separation. She had suicide thoughts.  One day, she sent Ram to the market. She prepared herself for a few hours to look as pretty as possible. Then she took all analgesic she had and lay herself down onto the bed. Ram found her dead in her bedroom with the biggest award she had in one hand, while the award-winning film played on television. She prepared the best tragedy in her life. 

This was the story Ram told to the lawyer Smita. At the game show, Prem Kumar tried to betray Ram. They attracted Ram into the play or pay round, so he would loose everything he had already won. But Ram knew the answer and won 10’000’000 Rupees.  

100,000,000 Rupees: Y Gkrz Opknu (or A Love Story)

  The chapter began with Ram, who was hungry and because of that, he began to search for food. But he had one big problem. He had lost all his 50’000 Rupees and now, there was only one left. He had different ideas to find food. The best way was to go to a marriage and act as a member of the family, said Salim. You could also eat the rubbish food, which people threw away, but that was not the nicest way. Ram first of all went to explore the city and on the way, he saw a wonderful white building, with a red stone entrance. It was the Taj Mahal, the landmark and whole pride of India. Ram at the beginning didn’t know what this building was. He asked a pedestrian and he meant, that Ram was an idiot, because Ram didn’t know the “pride of India”. The Taj Mahal was only free to visit on Friday, and on this day, it was. In the complex of the Taj Mahal, Ram went to a tourist guide, to get some information about the mausoleum. After this, Japanese tourists asked him, if he could act as a tourist guide. He answered first that he was also new here, but he changed his opinion and made a guide for the Japanese people. Ram told the tourists wrong information. He earned fifty rupees in five minutes. Ram now knew, that he would become a tourist guide. He met a small boy, called Shankar, who helped Ram to find a place to stay in Agra. It was a house of Queen Swapana Devi or simplified ‘madam’. Ram had to pay a lot for his room. Shankar had a psychological influence on Ram. He had very often dreams about his mother. Ram met some rich people, who invited him to the palace hotel, he ate a lot and later, he went with them to prostitutes. Nita, a girl, was one of them. Ram fell in love, and he asked a lot why she was doing this kind of job. She responded that she had to feed her family and she also said that it was a nice job. But Ram knew, that it was a lie. He was right and Nita later told him the truth. It was a tradition of her commune, that one girl of each family had to serve as a communal prostitute, called Bedni.  After this, he knew that he wanted to marry her. Another day, the police arrived at the outhouse, because they wanted to search the thief who had been in the bank of Agra. Ram was afraid that the police would want him. The police found the robber, it was Najmi, a member of the outhouse.    A year later, Ram invited Nita to the Taj Mahal by moon. He was well prepared, but he forgot what he wanted to say and asked, if she loved him. And she agreed. Lajwanti, who wanted to organize a wedding for her sister cried in her bedroom, because she didn’t get the money from madam. Now she had to steal the money, but Ram disagreed.   Later, a chain was stolen in madam’s room. She believed that it was Lajwanti. After a while, Shankar got sick. His chance to survive was extremely low, the doctor said. There was only one chance, an American therapy, but it was also expensive. He had hydrophobia. Ram believed that madam was the mother of Shankar, but she disagreed and threw him out if her house. In the same night, when madam made a party, Shankar died and said a single word, “Raju”.  Ram went with the dead body to the party and showed it to his mother. A while later Nita was in the hospital because she had been assaulted by a man from Mumbai. Ram had to leave the hospital, because he didn’t have the money for Shyam, the owner of the brothel and also of Nita. Ram had the idea to steal something of Madam’s home. A painting of Hussein with horses on it. He got four lakhs rupees for it, but Shyam, the owner of the brothel, increased the claim to sic lakhs. For Ram, it was a bit the end, but he found the newspaper with the headline; “ Who will win a billion?”  On the level of the “present” storyline, Smita and Ram sat on her bed and she had also tears in her eyes.   The question of the videotaped show in the studio was “In which play by Shakespeare do we find the character Costard? “  Ram didn’t know the answer, so he used a lifeboat. He phoned to the man in the hospital, whose son survived because of the donation from Ram. In the hospital, Ram gave the money to this man on the phone. The money was before for Nita, but at that time, it was useless for Ram. The man could serve the life of his son with the money. He didn’t know the exact answer. At the end, Ram guessed Love’s Labour Lost. And he won the 100’000’000 Rupees. 
The chapter starts with Ram arriving in Agra, where he is desperately searching for a place where he can eat because he has no money left at all; the robber in the train had taken away his 50’000 rupees. After he has sated his hunger by eating some leftovers in a Mc Donald’s he decides to explore the unknown city, and he discovers a huge white building which takes his breath away: the Taj Mahal. As he wants to enter the Taj Mahal to get some more information, he finds out that it is his lucky day, because on Fridays you can get in for free and as it is a Friday indeed, Ram doesn’t have to pay anything. Inside of the impressing building there are some guides telling the story about why and how the Taj Mahal was built. After these guides continue with the tour, he is left alone when a Japanese couple pays him some money for information about the building. As Ram realizes how fast he can earn some money as a “guide”, he has the idea to do this more often.   When Ram leaves the monument again to search for a place to stay, he finds a boy called Shankar who takes him to an outhouse where he and some tenants live because he proposes that Ram – or more Raju as he calls himself to prevent that the police might find him - stay at this outhouse as well. Ram doesn’t always understand what Shankar wants to tell him because he has a disease: he can’t talk normally. Shankar manages to get Ram a room, though. To pay the rent, Ram goes to the Taj Mahal regularly, pretending that he’s a guide as well, because like this he earns some money. Ram has a lot of different tourists during his tours from all over the world, for example there is a group of rich college students from Delhi, whoinvite Ram to spend some time with them, they offer to pay for everything and so they eat in a five star hotel and go visit the red light district for “dessert”, where Ram meets the prostitute Nita. First he doesn’t really know what he is supposed to do, especially because he feels very sad for Nita, but in the end he sleeps with her nevertheless. This new feeling that Ram experiences for the first time in his life made him want more and so he visits Nita more and more often and the more he visits her, the more he falls in love with her, so much, that he even wants to marry her. Also Nita feels the same about Ram, but she can’t quit her job as a prostitute, especially not because her brother is her pimp. Ram doesn’t want to accept the situation like that, but he can’t afford the four lakh rupees that Nita’s brother wants in order to set her free, so he can’t really change anything. During this time, Ram also gets to know the other people from the outhouse better, for example the maid Lajwanti, who wants to find a groom for her younger sister, so she can get a lavish wedding, but Lajwanti has a problem: She doesn’t have enough money. Her plan is to steal some of the house owner’s jewelry, but Ram doesn’t consider this a good idea. In her desperate situation, Lajwanti doesn’t see any other choice, so she does it anyway, but without telling Ram about it. A few days later she gets arrested because she left a tell-tale sign. Also the friendship with Shankar grows, but it ends tragically because Shankar gets infected with rabies. There is a cure against this disease, but it costs four lakh rupees - the same price Ram would have to pay to get Nita. During Shankar’s hallucinations and his talking while he is asleep caused by the rabies, Ram finds out that the woman who owns the whole house is his mother. Since the day Shankar had caught her with his uncle in bed, she got so angry that she decided to hide Shankar and from this day on she wouldn’t consider him a son anymore. Also, this was the day when Shankar lost the language, because of the whole shock. So now, to find a way to save his life, Ram makes a plea for help at Shankar’s mother, because she is actually wealthy enough to pay for the cure, but she refuses to help him, she acts ice cold, she even denies that he was her son. After Shankar’s death, Ram needs some time for himself before he can move on, so he withdraws to himself; he even stops meeting Nita.
But as Ram gets a call from the hospital, finding out that Nita has been beaten and mistreated to the worst, he knows he had to see her as soon as possible, but when he gets to the emergency room, Nita’s brother tells him that it was his fault and that, if he wants to ever see her again, he would have to pay the four lakh rupees. Blinded by love, the only option that comes to his mind is to steal something from the owner’s house, thanks to Lajwanti he also knows where he has to search. After he finds almost the whole sum of four lakh rupees in her safe, he returns to the hospital, where a man tries to persuade him to give him the money so he can save his son from the rabies he has, but Ram wants to keep it to set Nita free. When Nita’s brother realizes what Ram is capable of, he thinks he can charge him even more money. Because Ram finally realizes that he won’t be satisfied, no matter how much money he will pay him, he decides to give the money he stole to the man he met in the hospital. This man is very grateful and promises Ram to pay him back and offer him to be his slave, Ram could call whenever he wanted to and he gives him a card with his name and his number on it. 

The police is already searching for the thief who stole the madam’s money, but when they want to question Ram, he just pretends to have lost his language after the shock that Shankar died, so they leave him because they can’t find the money in his room or his pockets. 
The chapter ends with the question asked in the quiz show, just as always, but this time Ram doesn’t have a clue, but his luck still doesn’t leave him, because he finds the card of the man from the hospital in one of his pockets and happily this man happens to be a teacher who can actually help Ram in the last second.  

1,000,000,000 Rupees: The Thirteenth Question

The chapter starts with Ram sitting in the quiz show and waiting for the last answer to be asked. Prem underlines how important this question is and what is at stake, to raise suspense in the audience. To Ram, he says that he is convinced Ram will lose it all. After the final question - "What was the name of Mumtaz Mahal's father" has been revealed, there is a commercial break. Prem ridicules Ram and repeats that Ram won't be able to repeat the question. When Ram tells him he knows the answer (as he had worked as tourist guide at the Taj Mahal), he tells the audience after the commercial break that this had just been an advertisement for Mumtaz Tea. The thirteenth question concerns the key in which Beethoven's"Hammerklavier Sonata" is played, which Ram doesn't know.

In the commercial break, he finds himself with Prem in the toilets, and threatens him with a gun. It turns out that Prem was the man who had mistreated both Neelima Kumari, as well as Nita.

Ram wants to kill him, but finds himself to be unable to do so - his anger turns to sadness. Having feared for his life, Prem gives Ram a hint so that he can answer the question. On the show, Ram uses the "Lifeboat" and the 50:50 joker, and also tosses his lucky coin, before giving the right answer: "B flat minor".

The narrarive shifts back to Smita and Ram having watched the videotaped show. Smita tells Ram he believes he didn't cheat on the show, and then reveals that she is in fact Gudiya, the girl Ram saved from her abusive father, by only hurting him, as it turns out.

Smita promises to help Ram not to have to go to prison and to get his money.


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