Shakespeare Reduced: The Complete Works of Shakespeare

Beoordeling 6
Foto van een scholier
  • Theaterverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 1251 woorden
  • 26 augustus 2008
  • 3 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6
3 keer beoordeeld

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Table of contents

General data P. 3
De theatre indicator - Form P. 4
De theatre indicator - Contents P. 4
De theatre indicator - Function P. 5
Own judgement P. 6
Valid proof of presence P. 8

General data

What is it? A theatre show
What’s the name? The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare
Who are the makers? Peter Brooke, Ryan Ellsworth en Adam D. Millard
When has it been made? 1996
How long does it take? 97 minutes
Where have you seen it? In the Chassé Theater in Breda
When have you seen it? At 3 march 2005, from 20:30 till 22:07 h.

The theatre indicator


1) In which space did the show took place?
The show took place in a list theatre. I found that it did not ensure a certain effect, because it was a perfectly common theatre.

2) Describe the theatre picture in some words.

The setting existed from a castle with 2 gates. Here the actors came out and they also regular disappeared behind the scenes by these gates. The lights were changing. If one actor read a piece, than the light shone on him. If they all three were busy the podium was totally lighted. Sometimes they disappeared behind the scenes and then the light went out for a few seconds. Sometimes they commissioned to public, than the lights shone on the public. The 3 players wore each time something different. They all three had Allstars Converse shoes with fitting stockings with stripes (what resulted in a funny effect), but over that they wore something else each time. For example a dress, a kings cloak, poor clothing, etc. Also they used many attributes. A bunch of tulips, a teddy, some books, a crown, a saucer to collect money, etc. The players also regularly used dancing. This were especially stamp- and clap dances, and also the public could participate a time. There wasn’t talk of film or video pictures.

3) Are there used music, song or sound effects? What kind of role they had?

I didn’t hear special sound effects in the show. However, from time to time the players sang and they made music by clapping and dancing.


4) Give a summary of the show in some rules.

It is quite difficult to give a summary of the story, because it are all loose little pieces of pieces of William Shakespeare. In 97 minutes, several pieces of Shakespears work become presented. Why shall you waste precious time if you can do 37 pieces of Shakespeare in just 97 minutes. The players especially showed pieces about sex and murder.

5) Which conflict(s) it does concern in the show?

I can’t speak about one certain conflict. In the most pieces they showed brawls or fighting’s. But these crawls were meant comically, so there wasn’t really talk of conflicts.

6) Who are the most important personages? Give a short characterisation. How are the properties of the personages in the show made clear?

The most important (and the only) personages are:
· Ryan: He is the longest of the play and (as it happened on me) he often played the boss. He tries to solve problems by fighting.
· Peter: He is the joker of the three. He makes many jokes about sex. When the situation becomes more serious, he tries to get all the attention.
· Adam: He is the most serious of the triad. When Ryan and Peter are fighting, he tries to make order.

7) Describe the mutual relations between the most important personages

Ryan, Peter and Adam are three good friends with each just an other character. This causes several fights and they regularly run after each other.
8) Are they just normal people or are they especially representative a certain point of view? Explain your answer.
The players are, according to me, just normal people who you encounter just as well in daily living.

9) With who have you sympathised most? Why?

In fact I have sympathised with all three the same. It wasn’t a serious play. Almost every minute, the public was laughing. Because of this, there isn’t really talk of sympathy.


10) What is the aim of the show?

The play is especially meant to amuse the public.

11) Give some examples of the theatrical resources which play a role.

The play caused much amusement. When the players were arguing, they did that at a funny way. Also the clothes caused much amusement. The Allstars Converse shoes with fitting stockings with stripes gave them a funny effect.

12) Which devices the director has used to keep the attention of the public?

The players have fascinated the public at several ways. They used much variety. There were not only intensified acts, but they also read, run into the public, danced, rapped and stamped, etc. It were all short pieces and every time they were renewing. Also the players commissioned to public.

Own judgement


The day before we went to the theatre, we were shown a video of their peace. I was sick that day, so I didn’t had the right expectations at all. I thought it would be a boring, long-winded piece. However, it wasn’t that at all! They played several pieces of Skahespears work, in a complete comic and refreshing way. It was much nicer than I had expected, and absolutely not long-winded!

Total impression

1 2 3 4 5
Thrilling x
Persuading x
Full of fantasy x
Modern, currently x
Original x
Beautiful x
Moving x
Credible x
Superficially x
Erotic x
Usefully x
Funny/crazy x
Shocking x
Chaotic x
Dynamic x

The most important aspects are crazy/funny and modern. De pieces of William Shakespeare are usually more serious pieces and now they were presented in a funny and modern way.

Feeling during the activity

1 2 3 4 5
Pleasure x
Emotion x
Amazement x
Loneliness x
Compassion x
Abomination x
Rest x
Admiration x
Boredom x

During the show I had very much pleasure. That’s logical, because the aim of the players was to amuse the public. Also I had much amazement for the players; clever how they have thought up something like this. I had admiration too, because I did expect something totally different. I didn’t had a feeling of emotion or loneliness, because it was a complete funny and crazy play. Also I didn’t had a feeling of rest, because they were very busy and they used many words. Their was no talk of abomination; they didn’t do something shocking. Also their was no talk of boredom; they used much variety which hold the public stay fascinating.

Would you go more often to something like this?

I have already been once rather to a theatre show and afterwards that, I wasn’t so enthusiastic as I am now. I think it lies on the fact that that play was more serious. The play I’ve seen now is much more funny and crazy. I think I will go more often to a theatre show, but it surely has to be a piece which is funny.

Has your attitude changed concerning this form of art, after this cultural activity?
My attitude has not really changed concerning this form of art. Each theatre show is differently, so I can’t really say something like ‘the theatre is stupid’ or ‘the theatre is nice’. It totally depends on the type of show.

My opinion

I found it a very comic and refreshing show. Nicely how the makers have tried to process so many peaces of William Shakespeare in just 97 minutes. Sometimes their was a little bit talk of lavatorial humour, but that didn’t bother me. I am very enthusiastic about it!

Valid proof of presence



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