
Beoordeling 7.3
Foto van een scholier
  • Spreekbeurt door een scholier
  • 5e klas havo | 702 woorden
  • 4 april 2002
  • 86 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.3
86 keer beoordeeld

My presentation is about Unicef First I would like to tell something about the history of this organisation. At the time of the second World War the children in the world were in really bad shape. They didn’t have clothes to wear, food to eat and not even a roof above their heads. Many people also lived in refuge camps. And because of the bad livingcircumstances a lot of people were sick and there wasn’t enough medicine to help all those people. To change the situation the United Nations started an organisation to help the people in the world, named Unicef on the 11th of December 1946. Unicef means ‘United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund’. The purpose of this organisation is to find a way to help the poor and needy by donating food, medicine, clothes and many more important things. After the Second World War Unicef continued their work. At that time the worst times were over for the people in Europe. And people started to go on with their lives. But still a lot of children suffered in countries like Africa, Asia and Latin-America, the so called underdeveloped counties. Unicef tries to help them provide the basics needs like food and shelter. In 1953 Unicef became a permanent organisation, that tries to give help to everyone who needs it. After 50 years Unicef became the biggest organisation in the world that supports the welfare of children. Nowadays the organisation supports projects in more than 140 counties. But unfortunately there are still millions of children who suffer because of poverty, hunger and deceases, who can’t go to school and live on streets or who are neglected or abused. Unicef also wants to help these children and that’s why the Emergency Fund is necessary. Now I am going to tell something more about the organisation itself. Unicef wants to help people help themselves, like: - providing enough and healthy food for themselves. - offer medical help - building schools and teach the children - improve the industry and agriculture

So after Unicef helps them to get on the right pad they can take care of themselves and provide a good future for their children. All children have rights so on 20 November 1959 the 10 rights of children were declared by the United Nations. 1) The right of equality
2) The right on special protection for his or her psychical, mental and social development
3) The right on a name and nationality
4) Right on food, a home and medical care for mother and child
5) Right on special care when a child is psychical or mentally deficient
6) Right on love and understanding from his or her parents and environment
7) Right on free education
8)Right of being helped in case of an emergency
9) The right of protection against being neglected and exploitation
10) The right of growing up in a spirit of understanding, friendship and justice among the people. Unicef gives not only children protection but anyone who is not treated in a proper way. Now I am going to tell something about children and Aids. Aids is a terrible disease, that takes lives in the whole world. Aids can only be stopped when everybody knows how you can prevent this disease and that’s why Unicef supports projects in Africa and Asia to teach children how to prevent it. By giving teaching them how you can hand over this disease and tell them the signs of Aids. Such projects are very helpful and also in richer countries people try to help by collecting money or voluntary work. The head office of Unicef is in New York, The projects that Unicef wants to do are here chosen and approved. The underdeveloped countries ask for help and other developed countries try to help them

UNICEF helps a lot of children in the underdeveloped countries but this costs a lot of money. There are more or less 150 countries that helps Unicef, and it’s not a obligation it’s voluntarily. There are in 32 National- UNICEF comities all over the world. Also in the Netherlands is a comity. There work about 3700 volunteers. They collect money for the children in the underdeveloped countries and try to give them a better future. This was my presentation


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