The Beatles Everybody knows the Beatles. They were very popular in the 60’s and they are still popular now. They were popular because of their new wave of music. They were one of the fist bands who made pop music and that’s a reason why they are still popular now. John Lennon started the band in 1956. The band was called ‘the quarry men’. Paul MnCarthney came into the band and George Harrison too. They were not popular a long time, but when Ringo Star entered, they became very popular. They were called ‘the Beatles’ then. First they became popular in Holland and England, later in the rest of Europe and in America too. They have only played one time in Holland. It was in Blokker, in 1964. In 1965 they made a film, called ‘Help’, which was a single too. The band stopped in 1969 with playing, they only made records, but when their manager became death, they quitted the whole thing. All the members of the band made a solo career, John Lennon, singer and guitar player of the Beatles, made the hit ‘Imagine’; he was killed in 1979 because of a mad fan. Ringo star, the drummer and also singer of the Beatles, made some hits, George Harrison, the guitairman and singer of the Beatles, made the hit ‘got my mind sad on you’, a cover and Paul McCartney, the singer and bas player of the Beatles, who plated the guitar too, made hits with his band the wings. The Beatles made great hits like Love me do, I am the walrus and ‘a day in the life’. A day in the life is my favourite song of the band, because I think that’s a very progressive song. I like the band because of that too. They made songs everyone likes. I listen much to their music.
The Beatles
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