Crazy games door Sandra Glover

Beoordeling 5.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Crazy games
  • Spreekbeurt door een scholier
  • 3e klas havo | 838 woorden
  • 30 januari 2007
  • 38 keer beoordeeld
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Boekcover Crazy games
Crazy games door Sandra Glover
My talk is about the book: "Crazy Games" from Sandra Glover. First I want to tell you something about Sandra: She was born in Manchester in 1953. She trained as a teacher and was head of the History Department at a comprehensive school. Now she is working on a creative writing project in four secondary schools. She is married and has 3 children. Now she lives in Cumbria. Her first children’s novel is the nowhere boy and was published in 1997. Sandra’s teenage novels include Face to Face, Crazy Games and can you keep a secret? Crazy Games was published in 2004. That was about her and now about the book: The subjects of the book are games and friendship. The main characters are Brad and Colford. Brad: is a boy from our age and goes to a secondary school: Barnaby Merrick High. He lives with his parents and his little brother Nick at a farm in the village: Tringle Nook. Brad is a nice boy and a good friend, because he likes to help everybody. He very loves playing games, and wants to do it all the time. His best friend is Sunil, who lives in his village and goes also to his school. His girlfriend is Stacey, a popular girl from his school. She doesn’t like games. Colford: is one year younger than Brad and he also goes to Barnaby Merrick High. He lives only with his father, because his mother went away. His father hits him, but on the other side he gives him much presents like expensive games. So Colford likes games too. He is a bit a strange boy, because he has a lot of fantasy and he talks to a statue at the school place. Children from school bully him sometimes. Now I’m going to tell you the story of the book: The story starts that Brad is in a videogame, what he borrows from Colford. Colford is the only person who understands Brads love for games. Colford gets a lot of games from his father, also a game pack. You can wear it, and it’s like you’re in the game. Brad is very jealous. Colford’s father hits Colford, and that’s why Colford lives in a fantasy world because the real one is so awful. He also talks to Mr Merrick, a statue on the school place, and says that Mr Merrick tell something about when he was young. Brad doesn’t understand why Colford do those strange things. The relation between Brad and Stacey isn’t good, because Stacey hate games and Brad is always talking about games. Stacey kissed at a party of school with the popular boy Phil. Phil had a car and a lot of girlfriends, so Brad think his love for her isn’t for long, but he is very sad. Meanwhile Colford gets a new present from his stupid father. A Games scan. You can scan a picture of somebody and put it in the game. Brad borrows the game scan, and when he brings it back to Colford, Colford wears soldier uniform from his father. His father doesn’t want that. Brad and Colford started play a game, but than Colford’s father came in the house. When he saw Colford wears the soldier uniform, he became very angry. He hit Colford and Brad went away. Brad called the police. But the police can’t do something because Colford protect his father. Also Colfords social workers can’t do something. Brad, Stacey and Sunil went to a teacher because they worry about Colford. Colford is very angry on Brad because he doesn’t like that Brad called the police. A few days later Colford came back to school, and he wears the soldier uniform from his father. Complete with gun. Everybody became nervous. Colford told he has shot on his father, who is death now. But he told it was an accident, and he said he loved his father. He also shot on Brad’s shoulder, and Brad had gone to the hospital. The police take Colford with them, and colford have to do a psychiatric test. The relation between Colford and Stacey is become all right, after Phil dumped Stacey. That was the story of the book. As you know Mr Merrick is a statue. A little story of his live is also describe in this book. That’s after about 3 chapters. You can read he has one son and he loves him very much, but his son died in the War. His wife died when she was very ill. The places in the book are: In Brad’s house and area, in Colford’s house and area, and in school. I don’t like the book very much, because the subject is not one of my favourite, but it was easy to read and to understand. The book is for our age, and is from this time. The book isn’t boring, so I can advise you this book.




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