We give a talk about ‘afblijven’. ‘afblijven’ is a book and a film. First we’re going to tell you something about the book.
The book is written by Carry Slee. The book is published in 1999. She’s got a price from the Dutch children jury in 1999 and from the young jury in 2000. Now we’re going to tell you a short summery about the book.
Melissa is a 15 years old girl, and she is asked to dance in a movie. There she makes new friends. They are using drugs. When her parents find that out, she promise to never using drugs. But when she has to dance in the movie, she can’t dance without the drugs. She walks away from home, and everybody is looking for her. Her friend Jordy is looking for her at a house party. He recognized her in the ambulance. When she’s home, everything is alright, and Jordy and Melissa fall in love.
Now we’re going to tell you something about the film.
Sam Veeger plays the main character. That’s Melissa. Matijs van de Sande Bakhuyzen is in the movie Jordy. Jordy is Melissa’s boy friend. Other important characters are Jim Backum, Jullian Ubbingen, Melody Klaver and Tessa Sram.
The title song of the film is called afblijven. That is a song by dice - cream and T-slash ft. Brainpower. And now, you are going to listen to a part of the song. ----------
The movie was published at 5 October 2006, and the script was written by Carry Slee and Maria Peeters and the running time is 100 minutes. Now we’re going to tell you about Carry Slee.
Carry SLee was born on 1 July 1949. She is living in Tongeren. Carry has 2 daughters. Her first book is called rik en roosje. Other books are: razend, paniek, and moederkruit. She has also a new serial, which is called Timboektoe. She is a very popular author, and everybody knows her books.
- Carry Slee has also a little role in the film, she plays a bus traveller.
- The main character Sem, felt on the set.
- The movie was set in different places, like Aalsmeer, Purmerent and Aalsmeer.
- There is a lot of stuff of Afblijven, like T-shirts, notebooks, buttons and more.
Afblijven (book and movie)

Als Melissa mag dansen in de videoclip van een superbekende rapper, is haar beste vriend Jordi heel enthousiast. Maar al snel gaat het niet goed met Melissa. Ze slikt pillen om haar onzekerheid te verbergen en beter te kunnen dansen. Haar vrienden staan machteloos. Wat kunnen ze doen om Melissa te helpen?
Als Melissa mag dansen in de videoclip van een superbekende rapper, is haar beste vriend Jordi heel enthousiast. Maar al snel gaat het niet goed met Melissa. Ze slikt pillen om haa…

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