Drinking and using drugs

Beoordeling 5
Foto van een scholier
  • Brief door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 303 woorden
  • 5 maart 2002
  • 79 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5
79 keer beoordeeld

Janine Johnson
123 Englandroad
United Kingdom
18-02-2002, Dear Janine, I loved reading your last letter. It made me think about the situation here in Holland. Here in Holland you’re allowed to go to discotheques when you’re 16 and with some discotheques you have to be 18 years or older. When you’re allowed to go to a discotheque you can have alcoholic drinks. It is available for everyone. Some drinks, with a high percentage of alcohol, are only available for people older than 18, but they don’t check that. When you’re 16 years or older, you can buy weed and hash in coffee shops. But most of the times they also don’t check your age. I think it’s good that you can buy all these stuff, because you can get it whenever you want it. So there isn’t a great kick doing it, and that’s why some people will only do it one time or several times. I think that in England the kick of smoking weed is much bigger. It is forbidden so it’s way more exciting doing it. And I think the weed and hash isn’t so good. The same thing with alcohol. When you can get it, you drink it or not. The choice is much bigger. There are lots of people in Holland that don’t drink. When you can only get it occasionally, you take advantage of it. You are not used to it, so you will make abuse of it. You will only drink more, because you don’t know when to stop. That’s why I think the policy in Holland is a good one! I hope you know now how the situation in Holland is! If you have any comments, I would like to here them. Yours Truly,




18 + geen 16 +

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