Wonder R.J. Palacio

Beoordeling 6.9
Foto van een scholier
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 2e klas havo/vwo | 345 woorden
  • 27 juni 2022
  • 19 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.9
19 keer beoordeeld

Wonder       level 2

R.J. Palacio

Paragraph 1:

This book is about a boy named August, he goes to school, plays on the Xbox when he’s at home, plays soccer, plays with friends. But he got something that no one else have in his town, he has a deformed face. This is why he gets bullied. He didn’t wanted to go to school anymore because of the bullying. In fifth grade, he went to school again.

Paragraph 2:

Wonder stands for the boy, August, who has a deformed face. He’s actually a wonder kid.

The main characters are:

  • August, he has a deformed face and gets bullied because of it. There are not many people that are friendly to him, a lot of people find him weird. 
  • Jack, he was friendly to August from the beginning. The principle, Mr. Trushman, wanted him to be friends with August because he doesn’t have anybody else. At the end he wants to be real friends with August. 

Most of the time the story takes place at school, or at the dining table with his family.

The genre is fiction, and the main themes are children’s literature and romance. 

Paragraph 3:

An event that really stood out for me is when he’s getting bullied at school because of how he looks. It stood out for me because you can’t bully someone because of how they look, that’s not fair. He was born with it and can’t do anything about it.

Paragraph 4:

Children’s literature, it’s really good for kids to read those kind of books because it makes them see that not everything can be perfect and you can’t bully someone because of how they look. It can really hurt people. 

Paragraph 6: 

I would totally recommend it, the events in this book are really special and the movie is special aswell. It’s based on true events so that makes it even more interesting. It’s good for people to read this so they can’t walk away from the sad truths. 


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