After door Anna Todd

Beoordeling 7.3
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover After
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 1128 woorden
  • 9 oktober 2017
  • 28 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.3
28 keer beoordeeld

Anna Todd
Erotische roman
Young Adult
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Boekcover After

There was the time before Tessa met Hardin, and then there's everything After. Life will never be the same.

Tessa is a good girl with a a sweet, reliable boyfriend back home. She's got direction ambition, and a mother who's intent on keeping her that way. But she's barely moved into her freshman dorm when she runs into Hardin. With his tousled brown hair, cocky Britis…

There was the time before Tessa met Hardin, and then there's everything After. Life will never be the same.

Tessa is a good girl with a a sweet, reliable boyfriend back home. She's…

After door Anna Todd

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Hey everyone my English teacher gave my (and my class) a command to read an English book and make a book report about the book you have read.  So there it is. I’ve read a book named: After. It is a fanfiction about 1D. I’ve choose this book because I like reading on my phone and I like the music from 1D. More about the book you read beyond. I hope you like it. Enjoy!


I’ve found this book on Wattpad. It’s a sort of an library on your phone, tablet or laptop. You can read books writhed by people like you and me. No real writhers. But sometimes there’s a book that is so good that publishers make it a real book. That’s what happened with this book. This book is also translated to Dutch and an few more languages. So when I don’t understand an part of the story I can read it in Dutch. I’ve read so much books on wattpad that I’m a sort of addicted J.


The story

The story is about a girl named Tessa. She is going to college it’s her first year. Her roommate is Stephanie and they are really different. But who cares. Tess her mother don’t like the people who are her friends. Steph has a friend named Harry he is a bad guy he has tattoos he drinks and he fight a lot with other people. Tess hates Harry. But then Harry ask her for a date she accept the invite. They both like the date. A few dates later Harry ask Tess to be his girlfriend. Tess say yes and that’s the start from a really confusing relation. They make a lot of fights. But when they break up they find out that they can’t live without each other. Tess has no contact with her mother anymore and that creates more tensions between Harry and Tessa. At the end of this book they live together in an apartment. Harry is very mysterious and Tessa wants to find out what is going on.


That’s how this book ends because there is an continuation or 3. I’m now reading book 2 but I don’t say what’s going to happened J. I hope that I don’t say too much about what happened in the book so when you read the book enjoy!


The characters

In this part of the report I say something about the most important characters in the story.


Tessa Young: she is an 18 year old student with an simple life , high notes and an sweet boyfriend. She is very smart and like to learn and read. But her mother wants to make a perfect girl from her after what happened with Tessa’s dad. Tessa don’t like it when her mother says that she can’t have any contact with Harry or else she want to have no contact with her

Harry Styles: Harry isn’t an perfect boy with a perfect life. He has a lot of tattoos and sometimes he drinks too much. When Tessa came in to his life he is in a fight with his thoughts. He doesn’t want that he hasn’t the control about his life when he is with Tessa. His dad and mum are divorced. His dad is going to marry again.

Liam Payne: he is an friend of Tessa and his mum is going to marry with Harry’s dad. He and Tessa both like books and study. But he and Harry can’t live with each other. 

Further there are a lot more people







+a lot more friends

My favourite character is Tessa because:

*One she is the main character

*Two I love the way she think and yeah I think exactly the same sometimes

She look a little bit like me. Because when I people meet for the first time I’m very shy. But when I know that people I really can be myself. I also like reading books and like to study so I can learn new things. Further I like her part of the story. I like reading with her view a lot more then by Harry or somebody else. Sometimes I don’t understand her reaction about things but when I read beyond I find out why.

More information about the book

It’s writhed by Anna Tod the English book. The Dutch translation is writhed by Mar. the book is very popular on wattpad. It has more than 1 milliard reads. More than 5 million comments and more than 500 thousand votes.

The author

Anna Todd was always an lover for romantic books and boybands, so when she can bring these things together and a dream came truth. She lives with her husband in Austin, Texas. The books are actually 50% different with the story on wattpad first. Now it’s more modern and more adult.

I don’t know when it is published and I can’t find it. I know it’s not an very old story but it’s at least 2 years ago when he is published.


I really liked the story. I couldn’t wait to read the second book. I’m right now at the middle of book 2 but I read 2 or 3 chapters at the day. I thought it was hard for me to read because I’m not really good in English but I had the Dutch translation and that makes it a lot easier. I didn’t read much from the Dutch translation maybe 5 chapters but there are 99 chapters so not much. I’ve read this book 2 times and the second time I understand a lot more from the story. At school I’ve road also a lot. Sometimes I want to stop reading this book because it was boring but then something happened and then I like the story more than before.

I don’t know what other people think about the story but I read some commands and I saw that a lot of people like the story mostly directioners. Directioners are people who love One Direction. I’m not really an directioners but I like the music from 1D. And they are cute J. In the story they are not an band like in real but they are normal people. Students.



Boekenquiz 12 vragen

Nieuw! Open vragen worden nagekeken door AI
Waar gaat Tessa studeren?
Wat is de relatie tussen Landon en Hardin?
Wie is de vriend van Tessa's kamergenoot Steph?
Wat is de eeste keer dat Tessa en Hardin intiem zijn met elkaar?
Waar gaat Tessa stagelopen?
Wie is Zed?
Wie dreigt om te stoppen met het betalen voor Tessa's kamer op de campus?
Waarom heeft Hardin nachtmerries?
Waarom heeft Hardin met Zed gevochten?
Wat was de weddenschap tussen Hardin en Zed om?
Wie dwingt Hardin om de waarheid over de weddenschap te vertellen?
Wie brengt Tessa naar huis na de onthulling over de weddenschap?


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