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The thirty-nine steps door John Buchan

Beoordeling 5.7
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The thirty-nine steps
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vmbo | 686 woorden
  • 11 oktober 2010
  • 5 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.7
5 keer beoordeeld

John Buchan
Thriller & Detective
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Boekcover The thirty-nine steps
The thirty-nine steps door John Buchan
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1. Maurice, 4k2, 30-03-05.

2. The Thirty-Nine Steps, John Buchan

3. John Buchan was born in Perth in Scotland in 1875. His father was a minister of the Free Church of Scotland and the year following his birth the family moved to Fife. They later moved to the Gorbals in Glasgow and it is here that John received his education, attending Hutcheson\'s Grammar School and then the University of Glasgow and Brasenose College, Oxford. Called to the bar in 1901 Buchan\'s first job was as private secretary to Lord Milner, a post which took him to South Africa. Returning to London in 1903, he became a director of Nelson\'s the publishers. In 1907 he married Susan Grosvenor, a union which proved to be an extremely happy one. During the First World War Buchan was a newspaper correspondent in France, an intelligence officer and then Director of Information. In 1927 Buchan was elected Conservative MP for the Scottish Universities and in 1935 on being made the fifteenth Governor-General of Canada was created 1st Baron Tweedsmuir. An extremely well-liked and respected man, his death in 1940 evoked a great deal of sorrow. John Buchan\'s first real success as an author came in 1910 with Prester John, a fast-moving adventure story set in South Africa. This was followed by a series of popular stories with recurring heroes like Richard Hannay, Dickson McCunn, Edward Leithen and Sandy Arbuthnot.

4. The publisher of The Thirty-Nine Steps is Longman.

5. The book is about Adventure and Love.

6. Richard Hanney: He is 37 years old and is a Mine Engineer.

7. The place where Richard`s adventures take place is Everywhere and nowhere.

8. The story takes place in the past, around 1890 and 1940.

9. The title is named the Thirty-nine steps because that was a draw out of the book of Mr. Scudders.

10. The fact that it was an adventures story was the most interesting to read in the book.

A. This is a nice book to read and i would do it again any time.

B. I liked the most that this is a book when you start reading that you can’t stop reading.

C. I sometimes couldn’t follow what they where doing.

D. Yes i would recommend this book, because it is a nice and interesting book to read.

11. As Richard hannay walks home to his flat in London, he is feeling bored.

Nothing exciting ever seems to happen in England, he thinks. Perhaps he will go back to Africa. But that night he has a strange visitor, a man called Scudder, who tells him a strange story. By accident, he has discovered a group of people, the black stone, who are working secretly to push Europe towards a war. Their plan is to get Russia and Germany at war with each other. And there is only one man who can stop them, Constantine Karolides, the Greek prime minister, who know what was going on. But the black stone plans to kill the Greek prime minister when he’s coming to London the 15th of June. Scudder is in danger.

The enemies know that he know all their plans, so they have to kill him. So Scudder puts a dead body in his clothes and laid it in his bed, the people of the Black Stone would think that Scudder is dead, and the problem is solved. But it worked not for long, when Richard comes back from a dinner the next evening he fiends Scudder lying on the ground, with a knife killed Scudder. Richard realise that he would be the next victim and that the police would think that he had. He decides to go to Scotland. So the next day he takes the train to Scotland.

There the police chase him and the black stone is also after him. On the 15th of June Karolides is killed in London. Richard is still in Scotland. Eventually Richard meets Sir Walter bullivant, an influential man. Together they solve the mystery of the thirty-nine steps and the can arrested the members of the black stone. But the black stone had already dispersed the information about the war. Seven weeks later the Second World War began.


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