The stranger door Norman Whitney

Beoordeling 7.1
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The stranger
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 2e klas vwo | 545 woorden
  • 11 november 2004
  • 69 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.1
69 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The stranger
The stranger door Norman Whitney
Samenvatting: On Saturday 31 October 1994 a man, named Dave, arrived in Woodend. He was looking for a hotel but he couldn’t find one. He didn’t succeed so he left Woodend and a month later he came back. He was looking for a house in Woodend because he wanted to open a shop “THE CORNER SHOP”. Monday 21 December he opened the shop and everyone in the village said he was mad because no shop in Woodend would ever succeed. The man was a very strange person, the people in the village called him ‘’The Stranger’’. But the shop was a good plan, the customers in the village did buy cheap things there. After a while everyone loved him because he was so smart and a good man. The shop went so well that he needed an assistant. The new assistant was Anne a girl from the village. She was very happy that she could help Dave. Sometimes her boyfriend Peter helped in the shop. But there was one strange thing at the shop. One of the rooms was locked. This room was called: the special orders room. Anna couldn’t enter it, which was strange. On different times three guests came into the room. All three the guests were famous. She also found the people who came in the special order room very strange. They all brought something, but then left without it. And all three cried when they came out. Later Anne found out that all three had been lucky in a strange way. People near them suddenly had accidents which turned out very favourable for Dave’s guests. One day Anne saw the special orders room door was open! She got into the room and saw a boring room with nothing strange in it. A moment later Dave came in and was angry with Anne because she had entered the room. Anne asked Dave an explanation. But Dave said ‘you can ask only one question’. Then she asked what he had been doing in this room and he answered that he had been helping people in the room. When she asked another question, Dave said “sorry Anne, one question not two”. Dave was in love with Anne, but Anne had an another boyfriend, Peter. Dave asked her for a weekend trip to London as a reward for answering her question. She agreed, but after the trip Peter found out and was very angry with Anne. Anne wanted to explain but Peter didn’t listen to her. Anne felt very bad about it. Anne was still curious about the room and went back there to look for a clue. Then Dave appeared and after a while he confessed that he was a voodoo man. He had been helping his guests by doing voodoo tricks. Dave asked Anne to marry him. She refused and ran out of the room. After that she became very ill. A few days later the corner shop was on fire, and Dave was still in! The whole house was burning but to the everyone’s surprise Dave looked out the window and was laughing. That was the last time they saw the stranger. After the fire Peter went to Anne’s house and was very shocked when found her dead……




Het is neit in 1994 maar in 1964. Ik heb het boekje hier voor me liggen. De eerste zin.

On Saturday, 31st October, 1964, a man...

18 jaar geleden

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