The perks of being a wallflower door Stephen Chbosky

Beoordeling 6.6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The perks of being a wallflower
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 1102 woorden
  • 11 juni 2016
  • 41 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.6
41 keer beoordeeld

Vertaald als
De belevenissen van een muurbloem
Stephen Chbosky
Coming of age
Young Adult
Eerste uitgave
februari 1999
Oorspronkelijke taal
Literaire thema's
Coming of age,
Seksueel misbruik

Boekcover The perks of being a wallflower

Charlie probeert op zijn eigen manier vat te krijgen op de wereld van dates, familiedrama's, seks en drugs. Gelukkig heeft hij vrienden die hem hier af en toe bij helpen.

Op zijn eigen unieke, aandoenlijke en aangrijpende manier vertelt Charlie zijn verhaal aan de enige persoon die hij vertrouwt.

Aan jou.

Charlie probeert op zijn eigen manier vat te krijgen op de wereld van dates, familiedrama's, seks en drugs. Gelukkig heeft hij vrienden die hem hier af en toe bij helpen.<…

The perks of being a wallflower door Stephen Chbosky

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A         My book (1pt each).

  1. Title. The perks of being a Wallflower
  2. Author. Stephen Chbosky
  3. First published. 1999
  4. Publisher. Simon and Schuster
  5. Genre. Diary

B         Author (Biographical data)

  1. Date / year of birth (1pt) 25 January 1970
  2. Date / year of death (1pt) He is now 46.
  3. Did / does this author write about a specific theme, and / or in a specific genre? If yes, what are they and what can you say about this theme and genre? (3pts).

He writes about teenager stuff. But he is more of a filmmaker than a writer. He made the film of the perks of being a wallflower by himself.

C         Characters, Place, Time (1pt each).

  1. Who is the main character? (name, short description of looks and personality, use key words).

Charlie. A wallflower. Very shy. Lost a friend. Not really good in social stuff. Very often in panic.

  1. Who is / are the secondary characters? (same as 1).

Girl he falls in love with. Very kind. Brown hair and green eyes. Sister of Patrick. Relationship Craig.

First called Nothing. Gay. Got a boyfriend named Brad. Very outgoing.

Mary Elisabeth:

First girlfriend Charlie. Piercing and tattoos. Talks a lot. Charlie doesn’t like her very much. Likes poems. Got a friend named Alice. Relationship with Peter.

  • Very weird. Gives Charlie drugs.

Advanced English teacher. Gives books to Charlie. Says he is very smart and really special.

  1. Where does the story take place? (give evidence from the story, use key words).

High school, the Big Boy, rocky horror picture show, graduation, family in Ohio.

  1. When does the story take place (same as 3)?

Probably in the ’90.

  1. Give your opinion on the main character.

I can really identify with him. I feel sometimes the same as he does. Like panicking for no reason, not having friends and feeling lonely. I like the way he wants to make everyone happy except of himself, because I do that myself. I don’t like the way he broke up with Mary Elisabeth. He had to say something before than feeling bad all the time.

D         Summary or essay / letter about the story (min. 250 words).

In your piece, make sure you dig a bit deeper: motives, themes, development, links to ‘real life’. Don’t be superficial!

Charlie begins his letters to me when he is really nervous about school tomorrow. He tells about his friend Michael who committed suicide. He doesn’t know how he can survive school without a friend.

He meets Sam and Patrick (first called Nothing, because people called him Patty. He said: Call me Patrick or call me nothing. So they called him nothing) at a the football game on school. They become his friends. First things Charlie that Sam and Patrick are a couple, but there not. Charlie says to Sam that he really likes her, but Sam says he is too young for her and that he must stop thinking about her like that. Charlie can’t but he tries.

Charlie goes with his knew two friends to a lot of parties and he meets knew people. Charlie founds out that Patrick got a kind of boyfriend whose name is Brad. Brad doesn’t want people to know. Charlie doesn’t tell anyone. Charlie also has his first experience with drugs and it feels really good. He gets addicted to smoking.

Charlie got a teacher in advanced English class who called Bill. Bill is very nice to Charlie and gives him a lot of books and asked him to write essays. Charlie has to participate from Bill. So he goes a lot to parties with Sam and Patrick. He gets knew friends: Alice, Mary Elisabeth and Bob. They celebrate Christmas together and Charlie gets a typewriter. Sam gets a boyfriend named Craig and Charlie can deal with it as long Sam is happy. Before Christmas (24 December) it is Charlies birthday. He thinks a lot of his aunt Helen, because she died in a car accident when she was getting Charlies present. Charlie feels a lot of guild.

Mary Elisabeth likes Charlie a lot and they are going out. They get a relationship, but Charlie doesn’t like it really much, because Mary Elisabeth does all the talking and he can’t say anything. On one evening they are in Bobs house with Bob, Sam, Patrick, Alice, Mary Elisabeth and Charlie. They are doing truth or dare. Patrick dares Charlie to kiss the most beautiful girl in the room. Charlie kisses Sam. This ends up being a disaster. Patrick says that Charlie has to stay away for a while. Charlie goes to Bob for pod and smokes it a lot. He gets really lonely and feels what it is to have friends. He gets back to the group when he is in the Big Boy and sees Patrick there. Brad and Patrick are getting in a fight. The friends from Brad are getting in the fight too. That is when Charlie helps his friend. He beats up two boys and takes Patrick away. Charlie does a lot with Patrick after this. Patrick is really sad and takes Charlie to a lot of places he went with Brad. Every night Patrick kisses Charlie and Charlie thinks that he is a good friend for Patrick.

It is the end of the schoolyear and all of Charlies friends are going to college. The relationship between Sam and Craig is over, because Craig cheated on her many times. Charlie doesn’t askes Sam out, because he still things Sam things he is to young (she said this 9 months ago). After the last party with everyone Sam and Charlie are alone in her room and they are kissing with each other, but when Sam slides her hand in his pants Charlie gets really upset. Sam things he is not ready and Charlie sleeps on the coach. He dreams about his aunt Helen. She does the same thing as Sam and he realizes she raped him.

The next day he waves Sam goodbye, but at home his parents found him naked on the couch watching a black screen on the TV. They bring him to a hospital and he stays there for two months.

Good luck!

Beoordelingsmodel schrijfvaardigheid 4 havo, roman, maart 2014

Zakelijke gegevens:

Maximaal 15 punten.


  • Zinsbouw: 0, 2, 4, 6
  • Woordgebruik / volgorde: 0, 2, 4, 6
  • Grammatica: 0, 1, 3, 5
  • Spelling / hoofdletters / interpunctie: 0, 1, 3, 5

Maximaal 22 punten

Inhoud / diepgang: maximaal 8 punten (2, 4, 6, 8)

Totaal: 45 punten (aantal gedeeld door 4,5 = cijfer)

Boekenquiz 8 vragen

Nieuw! Open vragen worden nagekeken door AI
Welke boeken krijgt Charlie te lezen van zijn docent Bill?
Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk
Waarom maakt de vriend van de zus van Charlie het uit?
Hoe is tante Helen om het leven gekomen?
Sam is degene die Charlie een muurbloem noemt.
Hoe reageerde Brad de dag nadat hij voor het eerst gezoend had met Patrick?
Hoe oud is Charlie?
Met wie zoent Charlie voor het eerst?
Ook nadat Charlie zich beseft dat zijn tante hem seksueel heeft misbruikt, houdt hij nog van haar.


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