The invisible man door H.G. Wells

Beoordeling 5.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The invisible man
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 487 woorden
  • 5 november 2001
  • 34 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.4
34 keer beoordeeld

H.G. Wells
Fantasy & SF
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Boekcover The invisible man
The invisible man door H.G. Wells
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The Invisible Man

1. The Title of my book is The Invisible Man and the name of the author is H.G. Wells.

2. There is a Man coming into the inn. His whole body is covered with clothes and bandages. The man is very unkind to everyone. The people around think he´s strange. One day he angrily pulls of his bandages so that everybody can see he has an invisible head. Than he quickly pulls of all his clothes. Nobody could see him anymore, and he ran away. When he said he would rule by terror the whole country searching for him. Then he´s coming into a friends house, Mr Kemp. Mr Kemp called the police but the man could get away. From that moment on he slept on the street. When the Invisible Man goes after someone he knows, they can hear his footsteps. Kemp heard this and rolled on top of his enemy. In another second there was a rush of people to the struggle. Then suddenly came a wild cry that died away into silence. The Invisible Man died and became visible again. 3. I think the author choose this title because the whole story is about an Invisible Man. I think it´s a good title because he is the leading part player.

4. I choose this page of the book: ( Z.O.Z ) This is the first page of the story. Most of the stories start very boring and this story doesn´t, that is what I like about it.

5. Things that I liked in the book: You can´t stop reading, I like that because that meens I like the story. The story doesn´t get boring, I hate it when a story gets boring. Mostly it isn´t difficult, I don´t like a difficult book because then it gets boring sooner. Sometimes the story is funny, I think a book must have a funny or a sad scene.

Things that I disliked in the book: The way it ends, it is not a very good end and I think that is the important scene of the story. What I disliked about the end was that he became visible again.

6. The Invisible Man ( Griffin ): The man who became Invisible. Mrs Hall: The innkeeper´s wife. Mr Hall: The innkeeper. Millie: The servant. Mr Henfrey: The clock-mender. Mr Cuss: The doctor. Mr Bunting: The vicar. Mr Huxter: The shopkeeper from over the road. Mr Marvel: A tramp. Mr Kemp: An old fellow student. The character I liked best was the Invisible Man, because he was brave. He was also the character I liked less because he was a murderer.

7. The problem was that there was a invisible man starting to rule by terror. I think it´s a sience fiction story and that the author want to make clear to us that a person can change when they become different ( like invisible ).


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