The story begins on a cold winterday in Iping when Mr and Mrs Hall get a guest. It’s a strange dark man who isn’t very friendly to them. The next morning when his boxes arrive, the dog of the carrier bites him in his leg and hand. The strange thing was that no one had seen his leg or hand. Other strange things were the bottles he had in his boxes. What was the use of the bottles? A few days later Mr Hall went into his room to bring him his breakfast. Mr Hall couldn’t believe what he saw; the furniture was moving! Mr Hall discovered something very strange, the strange man was invisible! A new thing did happen. Mr Marvel, a tramp, was sitting by the roadside. A voice told him that he had to give him some clothes, food and something to drink. When Mr Marvel returned he had the clothes and the food in his arms. But someone saw him, and Mr Hall ran away. But he felled. When he was recovered he stood up and brought the clothes to the voice. Some later in Burdock a man was running trough the streets, screaming that The Invisible Man was coming. The first attack of The Invisible Man was in a little inn, called the Happy Cricketers. He was searching there for Mr Marvel, because Mr Marvel ran away. When he couldn’t find Mr Marvel there, he went to Dr Kemp. The Invisible Man and Dr Kemp studied together at the same university. The next morning the invisible man told him how he became invisible. Dr Kemp intended that he wanted to help him, instead of calling the police. But he did call the police. When the police arrived, they made so much noise that the invisible man sneaked out. The man who would rule the world escaped again……To catch the invisible man, the police told everyone to stay inside and keep the doors and windows closed. But that didn’t stop him, he murdered someone in Wicksteed. Some later he attacked the house of Dr Kemp, after he send him al letter. But that was his final mistake. Dr Kemp killed the invisible man there. When The Invisible Man was dead, you saw his normal body again. Very strange…………………………………………………………………………………………………
The invisible man door H.G. Wells
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