Series Young Blackbirds It\'s an exiting and funny book. The main characters are The Invisible Man, Mrs. Hal, Mr. Henry and Mr. Marvel. The story takes place in the winter, in a house in the neighbor of Coach and Horses. My opinion of this book is that it is an exiting, beautiful book.
Herbert George Wells was born in 1866 in England, into a family where was little money to spare. Herbert had to work from the age of fourteen years old to support himself to education. In 1895 he became a fulltime writer. His most famous books are: The Machine (1895), The invisible man (1897, The war of worlds (1898) and The first man an the moon (1901).
Bookreport A stranger came early on a wintersday in February, trough a very biting wind and the least snowfall of the year. He walked over the hill from Bramblehurts station, and carried a little bag in his tickly-gloved hand. He was wrapped up from head to foot, and the edge of his soft gray hat hid every part of his face except the shiny point of his nose; the snow had itself against his shoulders and chest. He almost felled into the Coach and Horses, more dead than alive, and threw the bags down. \'A fire, he cried, in the name of human kindness! A room and a fire!\' He stamped his feet, shook the snow from his coat and followed Mrs. Hall, the innkeeper\'s wife, into the parlour. There he arranged a room in the inn and gave her two-pound. The stranger accepts the meal he received. Mrs. Hall found it strange that the stranger his coat and hat still wore. She noticed that some melted snow was falling onto the floor from his shoulders. The stranger was not a friendly man. Because when she asked \'Can I take you coat and hat Sir?,\' he said: \'Leave that\'. She found it strange that he the hole time kept his napkin in front of his face. Mrs. Hall said: \'The man looks not to seem a human, and that napkin over his mouth, he even speaks trough it!\' On the ninth of February the stranger come to Iping Village. Next day his boxes arrive. In those boxes where only bottles. Six cases of bottles! On white Monday the Vicarage was been robbed. At four o\'clock Mr. Bunting the sound coins and they know that the thief had found the housekeeping money. That was two pound and ten shilling in gold and silver. That sound made Mr. Bunting very angry. Holding the poker firmly, he ran into the room, closely followed by Mrs. Bunting. \'Come on, my dear,\' and them Mr. Bunting stopped. The room was perfectly empty. They where sure the sound came out of this room. That was sight, the money was gone but the lamp was burning. There was a loud sneeze in the passage. The kitchen door closed. As he opened the kitchen door, he saw the backdoor open. They ran outside, looked around for a minute before they returned to the kitchen. The next morning the stranger comes down and asks:\' Why was my breakfast late and why didn\'t you answer my bells?\' \' That\'s because I told you days ago, that I first will see some money!\' \' That I have,\' the stranger says. \'First I want to know how you get out of your room and later back in it, without opening the door. In my house goes everybody trough the door and nothing else.\' The man says: \'That\'s because I\'m invisible,\' and he puts all his clothes out. He ran away and they couldn\'t catch him.
Mr. Thomas Marvel, a tramp, had removed his boots, while he is sitting by the roadside airing his feet. He says to himself: \' The ugliest boots on the hole world.\' \' They\'re boots anyway\' says a Voice.\' \'Yes,\' Mr. Marvel agreed, \'they where given to me. Who are you anyway?\' I see only an empty street. Am I going mad?\' \'No,\' said the voice, \'but I am invisible.\' \' Look here,\' said Mr. Marvel, \'don\'t knock me any more. And let me go. I must get my breath back. It\'s unreasonable. Empty earth, empty sky. Nothing visible for miles except Nature. And then comes a voice. A voice out heaven. And stones. And a hand. The voice said:\' You must be my helper. I will do great things for you.\'
Dr. Kemp was writing in his study room when he heard the shots. Crack, crack, crack, they came, one after the other. \'Hello,\' said Dr. Kemp to himself, putting his pen into his mouth again and listening. Who\'s letting of guns in Burclock? What are they doing now? He went to the shut window, threw it up and, leaning out, stared down at the town. \'It looks like a crowd by the \'Happy Cricket\'s\',\' he said for himself. He tried to work, failed, and went downstairs.
It was two o\'clock when he finished his work for the night. He went on upstairs and went to his bedroom, his face quite calm - perhaps a little more determinate then usual. He looked at the bed. There was a pool of blood, and the sheet was torn. He had not noticed this when he had been in the room before. The other side of the bed looked of there someone has lying. He heard a voice. \"Help me Kemp!\' Kemp said \'eh\' with his mouth wide open. The Voice said:\' It\'s me, the invisible man.\' \' I thought that was a lie,\' he said. \'Have you got a bandage on?\' he asked. \"Yes,\' Oh, I see! But this in nonsense, it\'s some trick. \' Keep steady, Kemp, in Gods name. I want help badly. Stop!\'
Kemp went to the kitchen for some bread and meat. \'Never mind about the knife\' said the Invisible Man. \' I always like to have my clothes on when I eat,\' said the Voice.
The next morning Kemp heard a loud noise and went to his guest. \' What\'s the matter?\' \'Nothing\'. \'Your story is in the newspapers,\' said Kemp. The Invisible Man swore. \'Come and have breakfast,\' said Kemp.
The Invisible man told Kemp how to come invisible. \"If you take a small piece of glass and crush it to powder, it\'s white and solid like salt. You can see trough it. Human flesh, white paper, clothes, and hair is really made of a kind of powder. Now, if you could smooth this broken grain of powder so that they would not break up the light, they no longer look solid. The light would shine trough them, just as the sun now is shining through me. You can try it. Take a piece of paper, a drop of oil on it and you can see the text on the other side. I have found something what that does with flesh…..
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