The Hunger Games door Suzanne Collins

Beoordeling 5.2
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The Hunger Games
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vmbo | 856 woorden
  • 30 maart 2016
  • 13 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.2
13 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The Hunger Games

Katniss Everdeen woont in het 12e en armste district van Panem, het land dat ooit bekend stond als Noord-Amerika. Met haar moeder en haar zusje Prim leidt ze een armoedig leven, getekend door het keiharde regime van het welvarende Capitool. Jaarlijks worden de Hongerspelen uitgevaardigd: 24 door loting aangewezen tributen, een jongen en een meisje uit elk district, ga…

Katniss Everdeen woont in het 12e en armste district van Panem, het land dat ooit bekend stond als Noord-Amerika. Met haar moeder en haar zusje Prim leidt ze een armoedig leven, ge…

Katniss Everdeen woont in het 12e en armste district van Panem, het land dat ooit bekend stond als Noord-Amerika. Met haar moeder en haar zusje Prim leidt ze een armoedig leven, getekend door het keiharde regime van het welvarende Capitool. Jaarlijks worden de Hongerspelen uitgevaardigd: 24 door loting aangewezen tributen, een jongen en een meisje uit elk district, gaan een strijd op leven en dood met elkaar aan. En dit jaar wordt Prim uitgeloot...

Katniss weet dat de Hongerspelen een doodvonnis voor haar jonge zusje betekenen en besluit haar plek in te nemen. Onder het oog van de hele bevolking van Panem, die de strijd als bron van vermaak volgt, begeeft ze zich in de gemanipuleerde arena. Gevangen in een meedogenloos web van bruut geweld, gemanipuleerde tv-beelden en corrupte politici komt Katniss voor de keus te staan: hoe ver zal ze gaan om te overleven? 

The Hunger Games door Suzanne Collins

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Summary: It starts in Panem. Panem has 12 districts and a Capitol. Long ago there were 13 districts. As reminder for the rebellion they conceived The Hunger Games. This means that every year a boy and a girl between 12 and 18 years old have to go to the Arena, where they fight between life and death. On the day of the reaping is Primrose chosen against all odds. Katniss volunteers herself as tribute, because she knows  that her sister wouldn’t survive. The chosen boy is Peeta Mellark. On the night before the Games they have to give an interview. In this interview tells Peeta that he is in love with Katniss for several years. Katniss feels betrayed, because they didn’t involve her with this plan. Peeta closes an alliance with the Professionals. At the start Katniss thinks that he does this to win. Although, when she is in danger Peeta saves her. This ensures that Peeta is no longer with the Professionals. In the mean while meets Katniss Rue. They make a plan to destroy the food supply. Rue misleads them, while Katniss blows up the food supply. When she is there, she sees Fox face who jumps to the camp and grabs something of the pile. Katniss sees that the stock is protected with mines. With her bow and arrow she succeeds to bring it to explode. She is just in time between the bushes, when they came back. They are very angry. They expect that the one who blow up the stock is dead. Later that night they see nobody in the air. They project photos in the air of those who are deceased. They know that the perpetrator survives. Katniss goes back to the place where she agrees with Rue, but Rue isn’t there. A guy is capturing Rue in a net and kills hear with a spear, on which Katniss kills him. At Rue’s request sings Katniss a song when she is dying. That night the Game makers change a rule. From now on two players can win, if they’re from the same district. Katniss goes to look for Peeta. She finds a camouflaged but badly wounded Peeta. She brings him to a cave where she takes care of him. Through their love they get a lot of sponsors. Peeta's life still hangs by a thread as the Game Makers announce a banquet. They distribute things that every tribute needs most. Katniss want to get the medicines, but Peeta refuses her to go. Katniss decides to go secretly. She tries to grab the medicine but Clove stops her. Clove is about to kill Katniss if Thresh saves her. Thresh kills Clove. He doesn’t kill Katniss, because of Rue. When she comes back, Katniss smears Peeta in with the healing ointment. Katniss and Peeta are looking for food. Peeta thinks he finds eatable berries. They hear the canon shot what means someone is dead. Katniss is scared to death, because she thinks its Peeta. When they find each other, they see it is Fox face.

She has eaten from the berries, called Night lock. You’re dead within a second from eating Night lock. Around 12 o'clock in the afternoon it suddenly becomes dark. There jump wild dogs, which are actually genetically mutated killing machines from the bushes, causing them to run. They climb on the Cornucopia, where Cato the last remaining tribute also is. He threats Katniss by almost strangle Peeta. In the meanwhile frees Peeta one arm and makes a cross on Cato’s free hand. Katniss shoots an arrow in the cross, whereby Cato fells down from the pain. Cato is partly eaten by the wild dogs. In the end shoots Katniss an arrow to him to help him out of his misery. After which they get the communication that only one player can win. Katniss finds that Peeta must win and Peeta thinks the same about her.                                                                                        Katniss decides that they both eat Night lock, which kills them both. So that there is no winner. In order to prevent that there is no winner they turn back the rule again. Katniss and Peeta win The Hunger Games. Back in the Capitol they are crowned by President Snow.

My opinion: You want to know what’s going on in Panem. You want to read an know more and more about Katniss, Peeta and the other characters. It’s an exciting book. Even though it is sometimes a bit bloody, there are also funny and cute moments




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