The Hunger Games door Suzanne Collins

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Boekcover The Hunger Games
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • vwo | 1018 woorden
  • 10 maart 2014
  • 69 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.7
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De hongerspelen
Suzanne Collins
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Niveau 2 (12-15 jaar)Lezen voor de lijst Niveau 2 (12-15 jaar)
Young Adult
Fantasy & SF
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Boekcover The Hunger Games

Katniss Everdeen woont in het 12e en armste district van Panem, het land dat ooit bekend stond als Noord-Amerika. Met haar moeder en haar zusje Prim leidt ze een armoedig leven, getekend door het keiharde regime van het welvarende Capitool. Jaarlijks worden de Hongerspelen uitgevaardigd: 24 door loting aangewezen tributen, een jongen en een meisje uit elk district, ga…

Katniss Everdeen woont in het 12e en armste district van Panem, het land dat ooit bekend stond als Noord-Amerika. Met haar moeder en haar zusje Prim leidt ze een armoedig leven, ge…

The Hunger Games door Suzanne Collins

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book report The Hunger Games


the story took place in the future. About seventy years after a big war between the districts and the Capitol, who ruled the districts. Katniss lives in district twelve. The story began in district twelve. Katniss has to play in the hunger games.  The most of the story took place in the arena.

Main character

Katniss is telling the story in first person. Katniss is 16 years old and lives with her sister , Primrose, and her mother in district twelve. In the Seam, the poorest part of district twelve. they have a cat, Buttercup, he and Katniss hate each other. Her dad died in the mines when she was twelve years old. She learned from her dad to shoot with a bow, she is very good in it. She is a very smart girl and very strong too. She keeps her  opinion for herself, because if she say it aloud she will be punished by the capitol. Her best friend is Gale. He calls  He is 18 years old. He has a big family with two brothers and a little sister. He can shoot very well too. Katniss and Gale go every day to the woods and hunt. They live in impoverishment, because there isn’t much food. Katniss and Peeta are the tributes for the hunger games. Peeta is in love with Katniss, but Katniss not with him. Peeta’s parents have a Bakery and he helps them.


earlier in Panem, there was a war between the thirteen districts and the Capitol. The capitol defeated twelve districts. The thirteenth was destroyed by the Capitol. The Capitol invented the Hunger Games, because the districts have to listen to the Capitol. The rules are easy. Every district choose one boy and one girl between 12 and 18 years old on reaping day. They are the tributes and have to play the Hunger Games. The children have to fight in a big arena until one survives. The only survivor is the winner of the hungergames.  Katniss Everdeen lives in district twelve. She has a little sister and mother. Her mother is a chemist and her father died in the mines with a big accident.  She goes every day into the woods with Gale. They hunt for food together, because district twelve is very poor. Almost every men works in the mines, because district twelve is the district of the coal.

When Katniss woke up she sees her little sister, primrose, lying in her mother’s bed, she always did when she had a nightmare. Today it was reaping day. She was very excited. All the children between 12 and 18 have to congregate on the square . Effie Trinket reads the girl name …… Primrose Everdeen. It was her little sister. Katniss volunteers as tribute. The boy name is Peeta Mellark. They go with a train to the Capitol, to train and to show yourself. Peeta told on TV that he was in love with Katniss. Katniss find out it was fake, it was only to get sponsors. The get a name; the doomed couple. Katniss stand on a platform waiting for the bell that tells you the hunger games  is began. Katniss took a back bag and a knife and ran into the woods, looking for water. After a couple of days she got dehydrated and got found by the career tributes. She climbed into a tree. Rue helped her to show her a nest of Tracker Jackers . Katniss threw the nest to the career tributes and one got killed. She escaped. She teamed up with Rue. Rue and Katniss invented a plan to blow up the food of the career tribute. It was successful, but Rue was killed by one of the career tributes. Katniss killed the tribute and watched how Rue was dying. The rules were changed by the game makers. Two tributes from the same district can win now. Katniss heard the message and ran to the river to find Peeta. Peeta was very wounded by the career tributes. They hide together in a cave, Katniss was trying to heal the wound but he was too big.  Katniss kissed Peeta on his cheek and they got a package from the sponsors. It was soup and a message from haymitch (their mentor): did you call that a kiss? Katniss and Peeta heard a message from the game makers.  at sunrise there will be a banquet at the Horn. Peeta’s medicine! Katniss went to the horn and took that medicine. She was almost killed by a career tribute but Thres saved her. She went back to the cave and gave Peeta his medicine. The next morning the wound was almost healed. They hadn’t any food anymore, so they went hunting. It became dark, very fast and heard a scream from Thres. The finale! It were wolve mutations of the death tributes. Katniss and peeta ran to the horn. There was Cato too. Katniss and Peeta defeated Cato. They were the only survivors. There was a message from the game makers again; The changed rule that there can win two people is drawled  back, good luck. Katniss and Peeta take very toxic berries and put them in their mouths. STOP STOP screamed a loud voice thru the arena. We have two winners of the 74th hunger games.

Best part

I think the best part was the end. That Katniss and Peeta ran to the horn and fight with Cato.  This scene was very exciting ,because you don’t know who dies. I loved the exciting parts.

I would recommend this book to everyone

It was a very nice book, because it was exciting and engrossing. This book is really worth to read. It’s wrote on the best way you can write a book. The story is told in chronological order. There are some flashbacks, but not many. The story is told the first person. If you read this book you fall in love with it

Boekenquiz 10 vragen

Nieuw! Open vragen worden nagekeken door AI
Op de resten van welk land is Panem ontstaan?
Wat is de specialiteit van District 12?
Waarvan kennen Katniss en Peeta elkaar?
Wat moeten Katniss en Peeta doen om zich geliefd te maken bij het publiek?
Hoe heeft Katniss geleerd om zich in de natuur te redden?
Welke beweringen zijn juist?
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Waarom sluit Peeta zich aan bij de Beroepstributen?
Waarom sluiten Rue en Katniss een bondgenootschap?
Wanneer gaan Katniss en Peeta samenwerken?
Wat doen Peeta en Katniss om de Hongerspelen samen te winnen? Geef van de volgende mogelijkheden aan welke waar zijn.
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