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The Hitchhiker door Roald Dahl

Beoordeling 5.8
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The Hitchhiker
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 340 woorden
  • 19 september 2003
  • 106 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.8
106 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The Hitchhiker
The Hitchhiker door Roald Dahl
Title: The hitchhiker: There is a hitchhiker that stoles stuff of the driver. Persons: Hitchhiker: A small ratty-faced man with grey teeth. His eyes were dark and quick and clever. Driver: Rich man that loved cars
Policeman: A big meaty man with a belly and his blue breeches were skin-tight around enormous thighs. Story: The story begins about a man who had a new car. A fast and expensive car. He drive to London on a beautiful day in June. The driver saw someone hitch hiking, and he slowed down for the hitchhiker. The face of the hitchhiker seemed on that of a rat, because he had dark sly eyes and sharp ears. The hitchhiker had also to London, to the races of horses. The hitchhiker don\'t go to the races to bet on horses. The driver asked why he goes than, but then he don\'t answer. Later the driver excused himself for the many questions he asked. The hitchhiker was curious to see if the car could really make it upto 129 miles per hour which was guaranteed by the manufacturer. The driver gave gass to show that it was possible. But at 120mph there came police with siren and aks the driver to stop. The driver had show giving its drivers license and is name and address. The hitchhiker gave his name also and gave the address to the police man. Also early the police man aks what kind of work the hitchhiker did .He said he was a opperman. When the police man was gone the driver ask why the hitchhiker lied. The hitchhiker said that the police don\'t need to know everything. Later the hitchhiker started about his fingers, he said they\'re great. Later it was clear what he meant. He had the laces, drivers license, key\'s, a couple of papers, a couple currencies, a letter etc.. stolen of the driver. Also he had stolen the two note-books of the agent. The hitchhiker will go to the races to stole from the rich people and the winners.




Door jou verslag heb ik een10!

20 jaar geleden



wtf is dit hoe krijg je hier nog een 5.3 voor gewoon een 1 wat is de spelling mijn neefje van 7 kan dat nog beter

6 jaar geleden



jij kan nog niet eens normaal gramatica Nederlands, pff kansloos dit...

6 jaar geleden

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