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The haunted mask door R.L. Stine

Beoordeling 7.9
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The haunted mask
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vmbo | 2090 woorden
  • 20 mei 2008
  • 82 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.9
82 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The haunted mask
The haunted mask door R.L. Stine
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The summary of the haunted mask

Main characters:
Caryl Beth Coldwell: 11 year-old, tiny with round face
Sabrina Mason: 11 year-old, tall-dark eyes, straight black hair
Chuck Green

Mrs. Coldwell: Caryl Beth’s mother, works at the art department of a museum
Noah: Caryl Beth’s little brother

Caryl Beth, Sabrina, Chuck and Steve are attending to the same school. Sabrina is Caryl Beth’s best friend. Chuck and Steve are always teasing Caryl Beth to scare in any situation because Caryl Beth is afraid of everything and she screams very easily. Caryl Beth gets fed up with their stupid games and she gets a good chance to scare them all at the Halloween night with the help of a mask…

1. They are having a lunch at the school canteen and talking about the last weekend. Caryl Beth is very afraid of ghosts and Sabrina made a joke to fear her. Like her attic is haunted. They all think that is very easy to scare Carl Beth. She does not like that at all. While Sabrina teases her, Caryl Beth says may be she is going to scare her one day... During the Halloween she is planning to wear a monster mask.

2. Steve and Chuck are very good friends. And both of them love to scare Caryl Beth. They love to startle her, to make her jump and shriek. Because of that they think about new tricks, plans. And each time Caryl Beth traps that in. This time Steve offers Caryl Beth a sandwich with a worm in it. Caryl Beth tastes it while boys are laughing at her. It is disgusting surely. Caryl Beth says you will pay me back.

3. At school everybody laughs at her. They think she is a scared-cat. Caryl Beth is very angry and irritated. She goes home. Her mother Mrs. Coldwell works in a museum’s art department. She made a sculpture of Caryl Beth’s. She likes it a lot. Than she asks her mother why did you do that for me? Her mother says I did it, because I love you a lot. Her mother also bought a duck costume for Halloween for Caryl Beth. But she does not want to wear it because she wants to be very scary one at the Halloween’s night.

4. Caryl Beth’s bother Noah puts the Duck costume on, when she sees that she is very scared again.
Sabrina calls to remind her that they have to finish the Science Project after dinner. Next day the Science Project is all set up for judging on the stage in the auditorium. While judges are looking at Caryl Beth’s and Sabrina’s project, Steve shouted that his tarantula is missing and actually it was on Caryl Beth’s leg. She is very scared, she dropped the entire project on the ground and everything was broken down at that moment. At this time all the other students were laughing at them. Caryl Beth is desperate; she does not know how to scare those two boys.

5. Halloween
Sabrina and Caryl Beth are going to go trick-or- treat trough the entire neighborhood. She did not want to put the Duck costume that is why she goes to the store to buy the ugliest and scariest mask. But it is already after five in the evening and all the shops are closed. While she is waiting in front of the shop, a man opened the door. Caryl Beth is in the store, a man with black gown tries to help her. She could not decide immediately then the phones rings and while the man talks on the phone, she goes in to the back room in which she finds really scary masks.

The man does not want to sell the mask because it is really scary and it is real. But still Caryl Beth wants to buy it to scare Steve and Chuck. She pays 30 dollars and she is extremely happy to buy it. She goes home very quickly.
Noah is Caryl Beth’s fist victim. She manages to scare him. It goes very well. She could take off the mask with lots of difficulty. And now she goes to Sabrina’s house to scare the others. She is really impatient to scare Steve and Chuck. She has a brilliant idea how to scare them.
Caryl Beth’s scary idea…
She picked up a broom stick, carefully balanced her sculpture head on top of it. And she puts the mask on her face. Before she leaves home , her mothers wants to have a look at her but at that time phone rings and she runs away from the house.
The entire street is well- decorated for Halloween. The half moon disappeared behind a heavy cloud, and the ground darkened…
She walks quickly to Sabrina’s house. She bells the ring, Chuck and Steve are already inside and they are going to open the door. Finally, Caryl Beth is ready in front of the door and two boys are really scared, they screamed very loudly. Their mother comes to down. She is very angry at her. But these boys are not Steve and Chuck. Caryl Beth is really annoyed. Mother and the children go all away from there.

Sabrina comes down.. She is scared too. ‘ Who is there ?’ Sabrina is dressed as Cat Woman with a silver-and-gray cat suit beneath a silver mask. Steve and Chuck are going to come later says Sabrina. Caryl Beth is disappointed not to see the boys. That is why Sabrina and Caryl Beth go out already to gather some candies. Sabrina likes the mask. She asks if she can touch it. She thinks it is real skin. And she says to her ‘ You must b sweating like a pig’ to Caryl Beth. ‘ Shut Up, Shut Up ‘ snarled Caryl Beth. Suddenly with an angry howl, she grabbed Sabrina’s throat with both hands and began to choke her.

Sabrina was shocked and terrified. But Caryl Beth says that is only a joke . And she says ‘ I like scaring people . You know usually I am the one who is trembling in fright. Honestly Caryl Beth does not know why she did that.
In the mean time they stop in front of a house and two children and a mother opens the door. Caryl Beth says to a child that she wants to eat him. The child scared to death. His mother is very irritated.
Caryl Beth is very excited and happy to scare people. She says this is my night. And they decide to walk a part from each other to gather more candies.
In the dark night Caryl Beth sees two boys who are playing trick-or treat, she scared them and takes their candy bag. Boys are very afraid of her and ran away.

Caryl Beth is really impatient to see Steve and Chuck , and finally she finds them, they are very close to her. At this moment she hesitates about the way that she is planning scare them. She thinks, probably Steve and Chuck are going laugh at her and they will make jokes about her again at school. Anyway they are walking to her now. It all seems to happen in a slow motion. The two boys move slowly pass the hedge , they are talking excitedly to each other. Caryl Beth pulled herself-up, stepped out from the hedge and screamed at the top of her lungs.
Boys’ eyes go wide, their mouths drop open. Their hands shot up above their heads. They both screamed loudly. Than Chuck and Steve ask ‘ Caryl Beth, Is it you?’ You scared us, She says ‘Caryl Beth did not want to give up her head tonight, but look I took it anyway.’’
‘ Hand over your candy bags ‘ She insists coldly ‘ or your heads will adorn my stick. ‘ Surprisingly all three of them saw the babbling head form the silent words.’ HELP ME. HELP ME .’
The boys scared to death, they dropped their candy bags and took off. Caryl Beth is succeeded and she is extremely happy. She managed it in the end.

Soon after Sabrina comes to her and they walk back to Sabrina’s house together. They gathered lots of candies, they put everything in the middle of the room to count how many they have gathered. Sabrina is not allowed to eat unwrapped candies from her parents. Caryl Beth Can not takes off the mask again. First Sabrina did not believe in her but when she tries to help Caryl Beth she notices something weird.
There is no longer a bottom to the mask. No place where the mask ends. No opening between the mask and Caryl Beth’s skin. The mask becomes her own face.
Caryl Beth looks in to the mirror’ No Mask Line ‘. She cries, ‘ Those are not my won eyes either.’ She is terrified. She runs out of the house. In the darkness she keeps on running. She is running away from herself, mirror and unfamiliar eyes. It is an ugly green monster head that attaches itself to her. She does not know where she goes, and what she does .. She comes to The Party House Store, maybe that man can help her to take it off her face. But the store is closed.
Caryl Beth is completely confused now. She hope that is a bad dream, but no, it is real. She asks herself what to do now? She is very angry with herself.
All of a sudden the man opens the door, he says ‘ I expected to see you again. ‘ Then Caryl Beth goes inside with him. He says ‘ I told you not to buy this.’ Because I can not take this off. She begs him to help her.
Caryl Beth is surprised and terrified stammered. Shop owners say that he can not remove it because it is not a mask. Because it is a real face. He made it in his lab. They were not ugly at the beginning. ‘ I do not believe in it’ Caryl Beth exclaimed breathlessly. The shop owner says that is true, real. No one wants them. That is why he calls these masks THE UNLOVED .

Caryl Beth begs him to take it off but the owner says this is your face from now on. But there is only one way the face can be removed. I can not do it but you can do it. I can only tell you how it can. Do not forget : ‘ It can only be removed once, and it can only be removed by a symbol of love.’ She is furious , she is shouting as give me my face, myself back. At that moment she woke up the other masks. The man asks her to run away, go run away.
Fat, dark, lips began to move, making wet sucking sounds, and ugly, inhuman noses twitched and gasped air noisily. She ran away from there but the hideous, glowing heads are flying after her, getting closer, closer. The rumbling of their animal murmurs grew louder in her ears until the frightening sound seemed to surround her.
A Symbol of love… She has to find what that is.. She had a symbol of love. It was her head The Plaster of Paris head her mother had sculpted it. And her mother had replied ‘ Because I love you.’ But she doe not know exactly where it is.
Caryl Beth finds her head. She holds the head with both hands. And she takes the mask off. She could not bear being alone and shut in with her fear., surrounded by silence and dark. She feels real exhausted. Most of the houses are dark. There are no cars moving on the streets. The trick-or-treaters had all gone home. She goes home and her brother Noah open the door and he raised his eyes to her face. And he started to scream. Take off that mask, you are so ugly.’
Caryl Beth cried in horror as NO!! She looked in to the mirror and she was relieved because it is her own face. She gets very angry with Noah but he says that is only a joke.
At that moment her mother asks her to come to kitchen. Have a seat and talk to her. Caryl Beth has never been so glad to be home in all her life. She hugs her mother. She just starts telling about her story but at that moment Noah Bursts into the room.’ Hey Caryl Beth Look at me! How do I look in your mask ? ‘




Carly Beth*, Chuck Greene*, Steve Boswell. Paar foutjes (:

7 jaar geleden

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