The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway recently moved to a fancy district in New York City. He immediately shows a lot of interest in his rich neighbour, but he doesn’t exactly know who he is. Than he gets invited to a party organised by Gatsby, the neighbour. When he goes there he finally meets Gatsby himself. They start talking and become friends. They speak to each other very often and Gatsby tells Nick he got a lot of money from his family when they passed away. Then suddenly Nick discovers that his little cousin Daisy used to have a relationship with Gatsby. Gatsby and Nick decide to ask Daisy over so she can meet up with Gatsby again and their plan works! Daisy and Gatsby fall in love with each other again.
One night they all go to the city, but on their way back Daisy drives into her man’s mistress. Probably because of jealous reasons. That same night the man of the mistress kills Gatsby while he’s asleep. The man kills himself too. Nick makes a last move and organises Gatsby’s funeral, but almost no one shows up, so Nick decides to continue with his old life and returns back home.
Nick Carraway
Nick is the main person in the Greats Gatsby. He is also the teller, you see the story from his perspective. He is young, but very friendly to everyone he meets. Sometimes he can be a bit naïve, but that doesn’t get him in real trouble in the book. He moved to New York to discovers about the bond business.
Gatsby is the person that the book most talks about. Gatsby is a very rich man, but Nick finds out that Gatsby haven’t earned his money in a legal way, he used to sell illegal alcohol. You can notices that Gatsby isn’t very happy, even though he has a lot of money. He doesn’t have many friends and he seems to be a little lonely.
Daisy had a little relation with Gatsby in the past, but she was tired of waiting for him so she married Tom. Her marriage isn’t very good, she know Tom is cheating on her. Later she meets up with Gatsby again and there’s love in the air. She is being unfaithful to Tom than.
Title explanation
Gatsby is Nicks neighbour. He is the richest man of the street and he gets seen as a great man. That’s why the title of the book is ‘The Great Gatsby’.
Own opinion
I didn’t really liked the book that much. The beginning was very boring, so it took a long time before I got the true meaning of the book. And a big negative point of the book in my opinion is the use of so many different persons. At some point I didn’t understand who was saying something and what persons made a couple. It was very confusing. But I did liked the ambiance created by the book, the big villa’s filled with rich people at fancy party’s.
Dear Nick,
I’ve been reading the book ‘The great Gatsby’, but I still got some question. I was wondering why you are so attracted to money, especially from other people. You seem to be obsessed by money, but you don’t have a lot yourself. Maybe that’s something you could better be focussing on. And then something else, the death of Mister Gatsby was quite shocking for you, but you never really cried or anything. Have you done that afterwards or just never? And last but not least I want to ask you something special, almost no one came to Gatsby’s funeral even though he had a lot of money and gave a lot of fancy party’s. Do you still think people with a lot of money are very happy?
Thank you for listening and I hope you will respond soon!
Greets Romiley Veenhof
Dear Romiley,
Thank you for your letter. I want to answer all your question. First, money. Well you I am kind of addicted to money, but in my opinion not in a negative way. I am very careful with what and how I spend it, I don’t live a royal life even though I would like to. I must admit that later I have been grieving about Gatsby a lot. He was a good friend of mine and I had some amazing times with him. I’ve really been thinking hard about your last question. I’ve never really thought people with a lot of money are happy, but I do still it can help you to buy things that make you happy. I hope your happy with my answers, thanks for writhing me.
Greets Nick Carroway
3: Maak een grafische voorstelling van de spanningsopbouw in het boek dat je gelezen hebt. Zet op de verticale lijn de spanningswaarde en op de horizontale lijn de corresponderende verhaalmomenten. Zie voor een voorbeeld LM 1-3.3. |
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Omschrijving van de verhaalmomenten: |
1 Nick komt in New York wonen |
2 Diner van Nick en Daisy |
3 Betrappen van Tom en zijn minnares (gevecht) |
4 Ontmoeting tussen Nick en Gatsby |
5 Reünie tussen Daisy en Gatsby |
6 Trip naar New-York |
7 Overrijding van Myrtle |
8 Dood van Gatsby |
9 Grote organisatie van de begravenis |
10 Niemand komt opdagen |
1 seconde geleden