Standard Worksheet for fiction
1 Essentials
A. The title of the book is: ‘ The devil wears Prada’.
B. The author is Lauren Weisberger
C. The first date of publication is 2003.
2 Setting
A. At the present. Things that happened would be the same at this time. For examples: the fashion shows, the brands of clothes and the cars.
B. It does take place mainly in New York, but at the end of the story it does take place in Paris. I will give a quote to explain: ‘The light hadn’t even officially turned green at the intersection of 17th and Broadway before an army overconfident yellow caps roared past the tiny deathtrap I was attempting to navigate around the city streets’. (Page 1)
C. Andrea Sachs (Anne Hathaway) – the main character – let her friends down because she’s to busy with her job.
Her boss, Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) is selfish and she isn’t very friendly to Andrea. Actually, she treats her like a slave.
3 Characters
A. The main character is Andrea Sachs. She is a recent graduate from Brown University and she works now as the personal assistant for the devilish fashion magazine editor Miranda Priestly. Her friends and family call her Andy. Andrea is a sweet, realistic girl and at first she fights against the Runway style but later she changed her mind. Andrea is a very pretty girl but in the beginning of the story she doesn’t take care for her appearance, later, she find out that if she work at the fashion world she has to take care of her appearance.
B. We get to know Andrea very well because we get to know her feelings and we see it like her point of view. Andrea is a very smart girl but she lost herself in this story. At the end she finds herself back, because she realised that the life she lived not the right life was for her.
C. The relation ship of Andrea and her boss Miranda is in the beginning not very well because they don’t like each other. Miranda treats her like a subordinate. At the end of the story, Miranda is changing her mind but Andrea’s opinion about Miranda stays the same.
The relationship of Andrea and her boyfriend(Nate) is at the beginning the best relationship she could ever wish but later, the only thing which is important for her is her job. The relationship with her boyfriend broke up. When she finally realised that the world wasn’t only about fashion and Miranda, she came back to her old life and also back to her boyfriend.
4 Point of view
A. The story is told by Andrea in the I-perspective.
B. The effect of this point of view is that you get to know Andrea very well because she shares her mind with the reader of this story.
5 Structure
The chapters are numbered and have names.
6 Dramatic line
A. Andrea is looking for a job and has an application by the fashion magazine ‘RUNWAY’. She doesn’t give much attention to her beauty. We get to know this by a good description of the author, she lets us know that Andrea is not interested in the whole world of fashion, she only wants this job for the opportunity to get possibilities for her future.
B. When Andrea get styled by Nigel because she wants to show Miranda that she can be fashionable. From this point is she changing her mind and get a total different point of view.
C. The initial incident for preparing the climax is that she has to tell Emily (Her colleague) that she gets the opportunity to get the change to go to Paris instead of Emily. This is the point where you see that Andrea really has changed in her point of view.
D. The climax of the story is when Andrea got the opportunity to go to the fashion week in Paris. This is the moment where Andrea changes her mind. In the beginning she feels like this is it. But later, she feels that it isn’t that amazing.
E. The down going action of this story takes places when Andrea talked with Miranda about their future. Miranda told her that she thought Andrea is a look-a-like of herself. She said that everyone wants to be them. Andrea realised that this is an abuse to her. The realised that the things they do. Not the right thing is which fits by her point of view at the beginning of this job.
F. The conclusion of this story is that Andrea realised that she wants to go back to her old life with her old lifestyle, her old friends and boyfriend. She leaves Miranda and give Emily a call to tell her that she can take her clothes of the Paris fashion week, If she wants to. To show Emily a little regret, for took her place in Paris fashion week.
7 Theme
A. The message for this story is that you have to stay as you are. You don’t have to change when you get another job. Stay by your own point of view and keep contact with your family and friends as before, work is not everything.
B. Andrea is changing more and more in the story, the only thing she thinks about is work and how to get good efforts for keeping Miranda satisfied. Miranda is a very hard worker, and she brings this over to Andrea. At the begin of the story is Andrea very insecure, that is why she did everything for Miranda, even the things which are impossible! The conlusion about this is that Andrea get influenced by Miranda.
8 Title of the work
The boss of Andrea ( Miranda) is quite onkind to her. Miranda is very severe and gives impossible directions to Andrea. She does only wear brands, which are made by famous designers. Clothes without brands does she hate. That’s why you can call Miranda a little devil, who is wearing ‘Prada’. ( That’s an example for a brand)
I think that the author chose this very well!
9 Genre
A. The work does belong to a Novel.
B. I will call this story a love, work, friendship novel in one. All this aspects belong in this story. If I have to choose from the given genres, I will say that it is a psychological novel.
10 Your own comment
A. Having read the Devil wears Prada, my impression of the work is that I like it very much. I think that this story is interesting for a target: teenagers and girls, it is about really ‘girl things’ like fashion, runway etc. The author has described it very nice and it makes me realise that there is more than work in the fashion industry. Many girls do want a job like this, but they don’t have to forget their family and friends.
B. I like some of the main characters a lot and some I do not like. I like Andrea because I can find myself in her and I like fashion too! ( But I am not as her at the begin of the story!) I do not like Miranda because she is very mean to people and she doesn’t have any respect for other people!
C. I wouldn’t act like Miranda, if I was the boss, I would be some more nice to other people.
Acting like Andrea, sounds better for me, I wouldn’t act exactly the same, but I can find myself in somethings of her character.
D. The aspect of the story I will remember the most is that she does go back to her old life-style. That is better for her.
E. Yes, I would recommend this book. Because I like it and I think that other people will like it too! I don’t think a lot of boys will read this book, because the whole story is about woman things.
The devil wears prada door Lauren Weisberger

Andrea Sachs, vers uit de collegebanken, is net aangenomen als de nieuwe assistent van de alom gevreesde en bewonderde hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift Runway, Miranda Priestley.
Runway is hét blad op modegebied, de lieveling van alle ontwerpers. Op de redac…
Andrea Sachs, vers uit de collegebanken, is net aangenomen als de nieuwe assistent van de alom gevreesde en bewonderde hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift Runway, Miranda Priestley.…

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