The devil wears prada door Lauren Weisberger

Beoordeling 5.5
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The devil wears prada
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 743 woorden
  • 4 januari 2008
  • 35 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.5
35 keer beoordeeld

Vertaald als
De duivel draagt prada
Lauren Weisberger
Eerste uitgave
mei 2003
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Boekcover The devil wears prada

Andrea Sachs, vers uit de collegebanken, is net aangenomen als de nieuwe assistent van de alom gevreesde en bewonderde hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift Runway, Miranda Priestley.
Runway is hét blad op modegebied, de lieveling van alle ontwerpers. Op de redac…

Andrea Sachs, vers uit de collegebanken, is net aangenomen als de nieuwe assistent van de alom gevreesde en bewonderde hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift Runway, Miranda Priestley.…

The devil wears prada door Lauren Weisberger

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Title: the Devil wears Prada
Author: Lauren Weisberger (1977 - ….)
Year of first publication: 2003
Genre: Chicklit
Number of pages: 360
It took me two weeks to read this book.

Place and time:
The placein the beginning of the story is in Manhattan, New York, where the Elias-Clark building is. After a couple of months Miranda takes Andy to the fashion shows in Paris, and in the end Andy is in Connecticut for a little while.

Main characters:
Andrea “Andy” Sachs: Andrea Sachs is a recent graduate from Brown University and she now works as the junior personal assistant for the devilish fashion magazine editor Miranda Priestly. Her friends and family call her Andy. Andy is a sweet, realistic girl and at first she fights against the Runway style, but she is able to acquire enough free designer clothing to fit in better with the rest of the Runway staff and then begins to act very snobby.

Miranda Priestly (born as Miriam Princhek): Miranda Priestly is very chic and influential editor-in-chief of Runway, a fashion magazine published by Elias-Clark. Miranda is a classic \"boss from hell\" — she rarely gives enough information or time to comply with her demands, yet she routinely berates those who fail. She makes people go to great lengths to accommodate her only to change her mind after they have done so. She feels no compunction about ordering Andrea and others to do things such as getting Starbucks coffee or a steak lunch from Smith and Wollensky anew if they have gotten too cold for her in the meantime. People at the magazine are afraid of finding themselves alone in an elevator with her. She is known for wearing a white Hermès scarf everyday.

Emily Charlton: Emily is Andrea’s coworker. She was first Miranda’s junior assistant, but now her senior assistant and responsible for more business-related matters. Andrea and Emily have a hate-love relationship.

Opinion about the main characters:
I think that the main characters are all brilliant in their own way. They really make it such a great story to read because they are all so different.
Andrea is the one I like the most because she isn’t really interested in all the fashion things and then gets the job for which \"a million girls would kill.\" You see the changes she goes through and how hard that is for her. But that makes her an interesting character.
Another great character is –of course- Miranda Priestly. She is a devilish person and she is never happy with anything and that is really fun to read; you never know if she’s satisfied with something or not.

Explanation of the title:
The title is the Devil wears Prada because Andrea’s boss is the editor-in-chief of Runway, a fashion magazine. Miranda is such a devilish person and always dressed up very chic, in brands like Prada, Chanel and Hermès, so the novel is called the Devil wears Prada.

Example of an event which stands symbol for what’s the most important thing that happen in the book:
In this book everything is about how you look and what you wear. And so, most of the quotes are about that as well. Here a top with the quotes I found the most memorable:
“You bet your size 6 ass!” – Nigel, Runway \'s creative director

“So none of the girls here eat anything?“
“Not since two became new four and zero became the new two. “
“Well, I\'m a six... “
“Which is the new fourteen.”

“Andrea, my God! You look so chic.”
“Oh, thanks. You look so thin.”
“Really? It\'s for Paris, I\'m on this new diet. Well, I don\'t eat anything and when I feel like I\'m about to faint I eat a cube of cheese. I\'m just one stomach flu away from my goal weight!”

“Corn chowder. That\'s an interesting choice. You do know that cellulite is one of the main ingredients in corn chowder.” – Nigel

I think it’s a really great book. It’s a real chick lit and a little predictable sometimes, but it’s still very funny to read the things Andrea goes through. If you’re a girl and if you like the typical books about fashion, friendship and love I think you should totally read this one. There is also a movie of the Devil wears Prada and seeing that movie was for me the point of resolving that I was going to read the book.

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