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The curious incident of the dog in the night-time door Mark Haddon

Beoordeling 3.6
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The curious incident of the dog in the night-time
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas havo | 1024 woorden
  • 7 februari 2012
  • 16 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 3.6
16 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The curious incident of the dog in the night-time

Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nacht is geen gewone detectiveroman. De detective en verteller is Christopher Boone. Christopher is vijftien en heeft een vorm van autisme. Hij weet heel veel van wiskunde en heel weinig van mensen. Hij houdt van lijstjes, patronen en de waarheid. Hij houdt niet van de kleuren geel en bruin en wil niet aangeraakt worden. H…

Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nacht is geen gewone detectiveroman. De detective en verteller is Christopher Boone. Christopher is vijftien en heeft een vorm van aut…

Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nacht is geen gewone detectiveroman. De detective en verteller is Christopher Boone. Christopher is vijftien en heeft een vorm van autisme. Hij weet heel veel van wiskunde en heel weinig van mensen. Hij houdt van lijstjes, patronen en de waarheid. Hij houdt niet van de kleuren geel en bruin en wil niet aangeraakt worden. Hij is in zijn eentje nooit verder geweest dan het eind van de straat, maar wanneer de hond van de buurvrouw vermoord blijkt te zijn begint hij aan een angstige reis die zijn hele wereld op z'n kop zet. Christopher is onvergetelijk en Mark Haddon schildert zijn wereld op diep ontroerende, bijzonder grappige en uiterst overtuigende wijze. Het wonderbaarlijke voorval met de hond in de nacht won verschillende prijzen, waaronder de Whitbread Book of the Year Award.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time door Mark Haddon

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-    Christopher Boone
-    Christophers father and mother
-    Wellington the dog of Mrs. Shears; it was a big poodle it had curly black fur.
-    Ms. Shears
-    Siobhan

-    Christophers mother and Ms. Shears
-    Christophers mother and father
-    Ms. Shears and Mrs. Shears

Subject: autism, trust
Time: in the autumn of 1999
Place: Swindon – Christophers home – Christophers school – His mother’s house in London – the train – police station – the backyard of Mrs. Shears
Title explanation: Everything happens in a consequence. If Wellington wasn’t killed Christopher wouldn’t have found anything about his mother.

Perspective: The story has written by Christopher. The 1st person narrative.
Structure: The whole story is chronologic, but sometimes Christopher writes a ‘flashback’. For example; the ‘dead’ of his mother.

Main - Character:
Christopher is the characters of the story. He has autism and doesn’t like changes. He knows every prime number up to 7507. He can’t tell lies. He lives with his father in Swindon a small town in the UK. His mother died in 1997. Later Christopher finds out that his mother isn’t dead but lives in London with Ms. Shears. Christopher has a good relation with his teacher Siobhan. He doesn’t  have any friends at school. But he has a pet rat called Toby. Christopher want to pass his Maths A Level.


It was 7 minutes after midnight and Wellington, the dog of Mrs. Shears, was killed by a garden fork. Christopher Boone pulled the fork out of the dog. Mrs. Shears was running towards Christopher and shouted to him. The police arrived and the police agent asked Christopher about the murder on Wellington. Christopher thought the police agent asked to quit and Christopher panicked. The police agent hit an arm around Christopher and Christopher hit the police agent. The police agent arrested Christopher and he became calm. Christophers father came to the police station and took Christopher home. Christophers father said that Christopher shouldn’t search into the murder of Wellington.
Even though his father had told Christopher to stay home. Christopher decided to found out who killed Wellington. He rang to the neighbors to ask if they know anything about Wellington. Christopher told a white lie to his father ; a lie for sake. The day after Siobhan told father that Christopher shouldn’t do any detective work.  This means the end of the book.
Five days later Christopher saw five red cars. This means a Super Good Day because Christopher has autism and when you have autism you want have things in a logical order. That afternoon he saw Ms. Alexander in the shop and he asked her about the murder of Wellington. Ms. Alexander told Christopher that his mother and Mr. Shears had a relation with each other. 
A few days later Christopher went to school and visited Siobhan. She read Christophers book. Later that day Christopher came home and left his written book on table. His father came home and read the book, he was very angry that Christopher told to Ms. Alexander about Mr. Shears. Christophers father hit Christopher and Christopher was angry. Al soon his father said sorry to him. And the next day they went to Twycross Zoo.
Christopher was still lost his book. He looked all the places and found his book in his father’s closet. He also found a box with envelops and he read some. They were letters of his mother of 1997. But his mother died? Or not? She wasn’t dead and still alive and she hasn’t a heart attack as his father him told. His mother wrote about her situation in London, her jobs and about missing Christopher. She was upset that Christopher didn’t answered her letters.

In the evening his father had suddenly go to work and Christopher looked again in his father’s room. He found 43 letters of his mum and he read some. Then is father came home and saw Christopher reading the letters. His father feels sorry for Christopher. His father told he killed Wellington at that moment Christopher decided to go away with his pet rat Toby.
The next morning Christopher decided to rang by Mrs. Shears. But she wasn’t home. Christopher decided what he should do and he decided to go to his mother by train.
Christopher was at the train station and he was very frightening because he doesn’t like new places. Christopher couldn’t think about all the things in his head. Suddenly there was a police agent for him and he asked some questions about Christopher.
Christopher sat in the train and made a schedule of the day when his mother ‘died’. But then there was another police agent for him. The police agent said his father went to the police station and Christopher had to go to the police station. But he didn’t. Christopher hided for the police agent. He was scared but after a while he decided to go back to his chair. At the next train station he got out. He didn’t feel comfortable at the train station because it was too busy.
Later that day he come to his mothers flat. Christopher found his mother and she was glad to see him. They talked about how Christopher found his mother, Christopher told about his father’s cupboard and also about Christophers Maths A Level exam. Christopher wanted to make his exam. Two days went and Christopher and his mother went back to Swindon. Mr. Shears came to Christophers house with his mothers stuff. He had said she didn´t has to go back to London.
Christopher made his Maths A Level. His mother got a job on the till in a garden centre and the doctor gave her pills to stop her feeling sad. She also moved into a room in a big house.
Christophers pet rat Toby died. Christophers father feel sorry for Christopher and bought a dog. Christopher called the dog Sandy. Christopher passed his Maths A Level. Next year he will pass his Further Maths A Level. And then he wants to go to the university in another town. He also wants be scientist!


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