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Shopaholic goes abroad door Sophie Kinsella

Beoordeling 6.8
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Shopaholic goes abroad
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas aso | 512 woorden
  • 22 april 2011
  • 6 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.8
6 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Shopaholic goes abroad
Shopaholic goes abroad door Sophie Kinsella

Reading Assignment

Title : Shopaholic & Baby

Author : Sophie Kinsella

Publisher : Bantam Press

Year of publication : 2007

Place of publication : Great Britain

Number of pages : 364

First I have to say that it wasn’t easy to find a good book for me because I had a lot of requests. I was looking for a quite thin book and at the same time it should have contents that interest me like World War I or II or another true story. But when we went to the school library I immediately saw the colourful cover of the book “Remember me”. I decided to take it home but then I began to hesitate and I thought that it was to difficult for me and I found that there were to many pages. Because of that I went to the library of my town the next day and I began to search again, I was glad that I found a really interesting story about the World Wars the book was named Private Peaceful. But there was again a problem because every student from the fifth form has to read this book for our excursion to Ypres. But in the time between this I already brought my first book back to the school library. Now I was really desperate but then I decided to go to the library of Hasselt and there I FINALLY found a book. I chose the book Shopaholic & Baby, there were also many pages but this time I decided to go for this challenge.

After this long story about searching a good book I will tell something more about the contents of the book. The main character, Becky Brandon life is blooming. She has a new job as a ‘personal shopper’ at London’s big store, The Look, she goes house hunting with her husband Luke and she is pregnant.

Becky is dying to know the gender of her unborn baby but together with her husband she made an agreement to let it be real surprise. But since she discovered that shopping cures morning sickness her bank accounts grow. Everything has to be perfect for the baby, designer clothes (pink and blue), a really cool pram and last but not least to the celebrity, must-have obstetrician Venetia. But when she knew that Venetia is an ex-girlfriend of her husband Luke she becomes very jealous. And afterwards come true that Becky was right and Venetia just want to make an end on the marriage of Becky and Luke. But like in every feel-good book the story ends well, Becky gives birth to a little girl, Minnie and together with her husband and daughter she has a wonderful life.

There are a lot of reasons why I like this book so much. First because of the main subject “shopping” that’s also one of my favourite activities. And I found that there were many funny moments during the hole story because of the gullibility of Becky. In short it is a wonderful story that fascinate me till the last page.

Short glossary

indignantly verontwaardigd

thriving gezond,getraind

Obstetrician specialist

flourish opfleuren

matrimonial echtelijk

gleam fonkeling

genuinely beslist

Apparently blijkbaar


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