The fault in our stars door John Green

Beoordeling 7.3
Foto van Anouk
Boekcover The fault in our stars
  • Boekverslag door Anouk
  • 4e klas havo | 2442 woorden
  • 17 december 2020
  • 10 keer beoordeeld
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Een weeffout in onze sterren
John Green
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Niveau 3 (12-15 jaar)Lezen voor de lijst Niveau 3 (12-15 jaar)
Eerste uitgave
januari 2012
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Boekcover The fault in our stars

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernietigt, dat ieder godsblij maakt dat hij lééft. 

Hazel werd drie jaar geleden opgegeven, maar een nieuw medicijn rekt haar leven voor nog onbekende tijd. Gen…

Geen enkele samenvatting kan recht doen aan de kracht van deze roman. John Green heeft een meesterwerk geschreven dat door merg en been gaat, dat kracht geeft en vernieti…

The fault in our stars door John Green

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  1. General information……………………………………………………………………blz. 2

    1.1 Title…………………………………………………………………………………..blz. 2

    1.2 Author………………………………………………………………………………..blz. 2

    1.3 Genre………………………………………………………………………………..blz. 2

    1.4 How long did it take to read?……………………………………………………..blz. 2

    1.5 Number of pages…………………………………………………………………..blz. 2

    1.6 When was it published?…………………………………………………………..blz. 2

    1.7 Point of view…………………………………………………………………...…..blz. 2

  1. Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………blz. 3

    2.1 Plot………………………………………………………………………………….blz. 3

    2.2 Main characters…………………………………………………………………...blz. 4

    2.3 Setting……………………………………………………………………………...blz. 5

  1. Personal opinion……………………………………………………………………….blz. 5

    3.1 Did you like the book?…………………………………………………………….blz.5 

    3.2 Would you recommend the book?……………………………………………….blz. 6

  1. D2. A…………………………………………………………………………………….blz. 6

    4.1 Differences………………………………………………………………………...blz. 6/7

Sources…………………………………………………………………………………....blz. 7

  1. General information


The title of the book we have read is called: ‘The fault in our stars’.


The author of the book is John Green. He is an award-winning, bestselling author. He is 43 years old and he lives in Indianapolis. He is married in 2006 with Sarah Urist Green.         The fault in our stars was the number 1 on the New York Times bestselling list in 2012. He has written a lot of books and some of these books are filmed. Just like “The fault in our stars”.                                                                                                                                      John is also one half of the Vlogbrothers, a very popular video project.


The fault in our stars is a romantic novel, because some charistics of a romantic novel are: it has a clear romantic intention, and in every romantic novel someone is sick or someone died. And that’s exactly what happened.


It took about 2 or 3 weeks to read the whole book. 


It has 313 pages and 2 pages of acknowledgement.


It was published for the first time on the 10th of January 2012.


The book is written in Hazel’s perspective, and some pieces are written in the author’s perspective.

  1. Analysis

2.1 Plot

Plot 3: The Quest

  1. The Call-Life

Going through their illnesses can be compared to a journey.

  1. The Journey

When Augustus met Hazel at Support Group, he told the group that he had a little touch of osteosarcoma a year and a half ago and that’s why the doctor removed his right leg and replaced it by a prosthesis. After replacing his right leg, he was cancer free and it never had returned.

When he met Hazel for the first time at Support Group, she was still stick and she wasn’t doing well. That’s why I expected that she was going to die instead of Augustus. But after there trip to Amsterdam Augustus told Hazel that he recently had a PET scan and that his cancer has returned. After he told her, he became weaker and weaker and later he died.

  1. Arrival and Frustration 

The frustration in this story is that Augustus after that his leg is removed he is cancer free. Finally the cancer returned and at the end of the book he dies. 

They found each other but they didn’t want a relationship. They didn’t want to hurt each other, because one of them could die.

  1. The Final Ordeals

The love between them is put to the test.

  1. The Goal

Surviving the cancer and dare to love each other.

Total words: 204.


Hazel and Augustus are 2 teens who are very sick. They both have cancer, Augustus’s leg has cut off and Hazel always needs extra oxygen so she is connected to an oxygen tank. They met at Cancer Kid Support Group. They fell in love a little later.

Every kid with Cancer and is treated for it in the hospital, has 1 wish to spend. That means that for example they could go to Disneyland. Hazel had already spent her wish, but Augustus didn’t….. 

An imperial affliction is a book written by a Dutch writer. Hazel really liked the book and wanted answers on the questions she had about the book. So she wanted to go to Amsterdam but she can’t.

Augustus told her that he had his wish yet, and they went to Amsterdam to visit the writer Peter Van Houten

2.2 Main characters

 Hazel Grace:

She is a main character and also a round character. 

Hazel is a 16 year old girl who is very sick. She met a boy named Augustus at Cancer Kid Support Group. And they fall in love. 

Hazel is short, has short hair because of the chemos and she is always connected to the oxygen tank. 

She is very positive despite her disease  and wants to help everyone, who she could help.

I can’t relate to the main character because I am not sick, but qua character traits can I relate because I am also very positive and want to help people who i could help.

 Augustus Waters:

He is a main character and also a round character.

Augustus, also called Gus, is a 17 year old boy. Hazel describes him as a tall boy who is very handsome. He has mahogany hair, straight and short, blue eyes and a low voice. 

He met Hazel for the first time by Cancer Kid Support Group.

He had a little touch of osteosarcoma a year and a half ago and that’s why he has his right leg replaced with a prosthetic due.

Augustus succumbed to his cancer on July 2, 2012.

2.3 Setting: 

At the beginning they are home in Indianapolis. Later they're going to Amsterdam and when they are they were in Peter’s house and in a lot of museums for example: The Anne Frank house and the Rijksmuseum. They spent the rest of their time in the hotel.

Most of the time when Hazel and Augustus are home in Indianapolis they were at Gus’s house, where they play videogames or they just talk.

In between they are also often in the hospital. In Indianapolis, New York and also in Amsterdam. 

Despite their oxygen tank and leg prosthesis.They try to act  normal as possible while they have cancer and are very sick.

  1. Personal opinion

I really liked the book, because it is a romantic book and I really enjoy reading that kind of books. A lot has happened and it is written very realistic. That’s why you can relate to the characters very well.

I even had to cry, because you can empathize very well into the personages. 

Also, the things that happened in the book are very realistic because of course it’s a frequent disease(cancer). Because a lot of people have cancer and everyone knows someone who is sick, you can relate even more. 

I really liked the book, because I like to read romantic stories. I found this a really nice story, because despite the heated topic, the book is very positive and shows you that you have to make the best of it even if you don’t know how long you have to live. 

I also found that the writer tells the story with the diseases really beautiful and I can replace myself very well in the story and the main characters. For example when Augustus tells Hazel that the cancer is coming back and when I died, I had to cry. 

I really like how Hazel tries to make everyone around her happy and that she in the first place didn’t want a relationship with Augustus so she couldn’t hurt him if something would happen to her.


I would recommend this book to my friends and fellow students because it’s just very amusing and everyone can read it. It’s maybe a little more for girls, because it’s a romantic book, but boys can absolutely read it too. Girls are probably a lot more sensitive for some events, but you never know… Maybe the boys cry too. 

Every piece in the story is positive, because it’s from Hazel’s perspective, and she is very positive about all the things. Even the worst things what could happen, for example when her boyfriend died she stayed positive, of course she was in pain and hated that he was gone, but she stayed positive about all the things.

I would recommend this book to my friends, because they also like to read romantic books. I also would recommend it to girls that are younger than me, because the level of English isn’t very high and I could follow it very well. 

I also would recommend it to my friends and other people, because the book shows you that you have to try to turn every negative point into a positive one and that you have to make the best of things you can’t change. 

4: D


Differences between the book and the movie: 

  • In the movie persuade Hazel's doctor (Dr. Maria) her to go to Support Group. In the book persuade Hazel’s mother her the first time to go.
  • When Hazel for the first time went to Support Group, in the book, she met Augustus. They watch a movie together at Augustus’s house after the meeting from Support Group.
    Hazel has met Augustus, in the movie, the second time at Support Group, because he wasn’t there the first time she went. 
  • In the movie persuade Hazel’s parents her to go to Support Group for the second time. In the book decides Hazel herself to go to Support Group for the second time, because she wanted to see Augustus again.
  • In the movie Hazel and Augustus bumped into each other, the second time when Hazel came to Support Group. In the book saw Hazel Augustus looking at her the first time she went there.
  • In the movie, Augustus comes to pick up Hazel and her mother in a limousine. In the book, Hazel and her mother pick him up with their car.
  • In the book Augustus’ parents call Hazel wann he had died and in the movie they call her mother.
  • In the movie gave Peter Van Houten Hazel a paper, with the text from Augustus, after the funeral.  In the book mailed Hazel Lidewij to get the text from Augustus.
  • The text in the letter from Augustus is a bit different in the movie than in the book. In the movie tells Augustus that he had secretly visited Hazel, wenn she was in a room from the hospital and he doesn't tell this in the book.
  • In the book they talked about Augustus’ sisters and in the book they don’t.
  • In the movie friends van Augustus doesn’t share letters for Augustus.
  • The best friend from Hazel, Kaitlyn, doesn’t appear in the movie. 


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