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Night School door C.J. Daughtery

Beoordeling 5.2
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Night School
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 4e klas vwo | 1015 woorden
  • 30 maart 2015
  • 3 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.2
3 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Night School
Night School door C.J. Daughtery
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She was born in Dallas, Texas in the US.

The month she was born is October.
She studied Journalism.

She was a crime reporter, journalist and political writer, now she is a fulltime novelwriter.

She lives now in the south of England, in Surrey.

Night school was her first book she wrote.



Allie: A 16-year-old girl, is really rebellious so her parents sent her to a boarding school. She first don’t like that school, because it’s a school for rich children and for children where their parents had gone to Cimmeria.

Isabelle: The headmistress of Cimmeria, she knows Allie really well and will always help Allie. She is the stepsister of Nathaniel, but you will know that in the third book.

Nathaniel: The bad guy in the book. You know very little of him, only that he wants to get Cimmeria, so he can beat Lucinda and rule the UK.

Lucinda Meldrum: The grandmother of Allie and a very famous politician, she rules the organisation of Orion, what Cimmeria is a little part of.

Rachel: Allie’s best friend at Cimmeria, they share a lot. Rachel isn’t in Night School.

There are a lot of things that happen in this book, so I’ll tell the most important things.

In the first book Allie is arrested for so many times, that her parents sent her to a boarding school. She was rebellious since her brother had disappeared, because they were really close. Allie missed him terribly. In Cimmeria, she discovers a secret society. Later she becomes to know it is a society to protect the school from Nathaniel.

The second book, starts in London. Allie is back by her parents in London because in Cimmeria was a fire that probably was set by Nathaniel (or men that work for him).

In that fire she had seen Christopher, her brother, with a flaming torch in his hand. She knew by then that Christopher worked for Nathaniel.

But when she went home after a night out with her old friends, she was chased by men, probably Nathaniel’s men. The leader of the security guards of Cimmeria, Raj Patel, saved her and brought her back to Cimmeria.

When the lessons began again,  she picked up her normal life. A lot of things happened in the few months Allie lived at Cimmeria, A good friend of her was murdered; she became to know that her grandmother was Lucinda Meldrum, a very famous politician, she rules the whole organisation of Cimmeria; and more things like that.

But then Isabelle ask her to join Night School, because Allie had to defend herself. That was a big change. And she wasn’t going to get a normal training module, but an accelerated module, so she gets everything all the others had learned in three years at one time.

In Night School she have to train with Zoe, she’s a 14 year old girl, who trains on the level of Allie’s classmates. First they don’t like each other but later they become friends.

There are also troubles with Carter, but that’s not really important to tell.

At one day, Christopher sent her a message. He had been in her room while she was asleep and left the letter. Allie panicked, because he wanted her to meet. She first lie to everybody, her friends, Isabelle, her teachers. But then she had to give an interview to Sylvain, for a school project. And when he asked about her brother, she couldn’t lie anymore and tells him the truth.

Sylvain thinks she have to go to Isabelle. But she don’t want to, and they get an argument. Allie runs away, she wants to look for Christopher, but Sylvain could stop her, on time.

But although, Allie still goes to Christopher. He tells her that she should not believe Isabelle or Raj Patel.  And when she walked back to the school building, a guy attacked her, she had to fight back, and she wins, but then she sees Sylvain and Gabe, an old-student who works for Nathaniel, fighting. Gabe was a Night School student too, and was always the best student. But together Sylvain and Allie beat Gabe, go back, and tell everything to Isabelle.

Winter ball was coming, and Allie get heard that her grandmother would be there too. But Raj told the Night School students that they had to patrol during winterball. Raj was going away. And no security guards and with Lucinda, something bad would happen.

And Allie really met Lucinda. She asks her, what to do, how to protect Cimmeria and herself. But Lucinda could not give an answer to it. Because at that moment there’s an emergency. But after all it was an false alarm.

The next morning, everyone was tired, but Allie and Zoe had to patrol. But then they found out that someone opened the gate. Suddenly she lost Zoe. She runs, but instead of finding Zoe, she finds Jo. A friend of hers. Jo was hit by a car, Gabe’s car.

Allie gets a panic attack and Gabe attack her too. When she got awake in a car, she fights. Fights for her life. She can somehow get out of the car, and Raj Patel finds her. She’s saved again by Raj Patel.


I liked this book very much. Just like the other books I’ve read already. The fifth one, comes out in June. I read the first, second, third and fourth book. But this one I liked the most.

When I wrote my summary, I thought, it is actually a boring book. Because there is not one thing that happened, but several.  But if you read the book, it is much more exciting. One thing I don’t like, is the open ending. Every book of Night School has an open ending, and you want to read the next book.


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