Matty Doolin door Catherine Cookson

Beoordeling 5.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Matty Doolin
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 2e klas havo | 392 woorden
  • 21 oktober 2004
  • 34 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.4
34 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Matty Doolin
Matty Doolin door Catherine Cookson
This book: The writer from this book is Catherine Cookson. It is a story written in our time, the background isn’t important. It’s a realistic story The Persons: Matty; he is 15 years old and he is a big and strong boy. He doesn’t know what he wants to do when he leaves school. He wants to work white animals, but his parents say you must have a job in ship-building. Joe and Willie; they are Matty his friends. Jessica; she is the daughter from Mr. Walsh (farmer) Matty love her. Summary: Matty Doolin want to work with animals so he wants a job on a farm, but he lives in the north-east of England and there aren’t any farms. He went on holiday on a farm with his friends Joe and Willie. Matty love the farm and he helped on the farm; he turned the manure heap, cleaned out the cow shed, took food to the pigs and helped the farmer with the milking. Joe and Willie don’t like the farm, and they want to go home tomorrow. But Joe and Willie don’t want to go home tomorrow. Jessica, the daughter from the farmer, went to the hills. But there was a storm coming. Matty go search for Jessica in the hills. He called her name: Jessica, Jessica, but she doesn’t answers! After a long time Matty found Jessica. Mr. Walsh was very happy, and he thanked Matty. Matty’s life will be change; he can take the job of Mr. Walsh. And the farm will be his home!
My opion: The title is the name from the important person from this book. I will speak with Jessica, because I think she is a nice girl. I don’t like this book because it’s boring so I will nobody suggest to read it. Choice assignment I will write a newspaper article; Hero England, 15 Dec. Matty Doolin save Jessica, she was in the hills, and there was coming a storm. Matty was show and brave. He goes in the hills and save Jessica! With Jessica is everything O.K. But Matty is ill, because he gives
Jessica his raincoat an has self a cold, of course! You can give him a letter or call him: Matty Doolin
153 Sandwell Streett


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