Love by design door Kieran McGovern

Beoordeling 6.5
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Love by design
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 1259 woorden
  • 6 maart 2002
  • 118 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.5
118 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Love by design
Love by design door Kieran McGovern
1 Bibliothecaire gegevens - The authors name is, Kieran MCGovern. - The title of this book is, Love by Design. - The publisher of the book is, Wolters Noordhoff it is the first print. - The year of the first publishing is 2001 2 Beschrijving van het verhaal - There was a boy who was called Tom, he failed his exams and his dad was very mad. ‘Your exam results are terrible, Tom’ he said. Tom wasn’t happy himself he want’s to study on the Art and Photography at Silverton College, but they don’t want him because of his bad grades. His dad told him that he’ll have to get a job. Tom did find a job in the Silverton Public Library as an assistant. It was an very easy job it was a small library and it wasn’t very busy. The most of the time Tom sat at his desk and did nothing. But on one day there came a beautiful girl in to the library and Tom falls in love. The girl was called Rita, they made a little chat but before Tom knows Rita was gone. Tom thought he never see her again, but he was wrong , four days later Rita came back in to the library they had a nice chat again and Rita told Tom that she want’s to be a model but that she only had ₤300 and she had a father who was injured and they had not much money. Tom thought he could help Rita to make some pictures of here and then he will send them to every model magazine in the country. They did but there was no reaction of the magazines which returned, Rita was disapointed and they started to search for people who wants to learn Rita how to become a model. And there was it in a magazine about models it was a small advertisment whit the text Models Wanted no experience necessary phone Mr. Spooner Tel: 7435278 Rita was exited and called the number directly, Tom did not like the advertisment at all, but he didn’t want to upset Rita. Rita and Tom met Mr Spooner and they had signed a contract about that Rita became a model. Tom wasn’t very happy because he didn’t like the way how the contract was written and he couldn’t read the little letters below the contract he didn’t trust Mr Spooner to, but he had signed when he saw Rita’s happy face, it was Rita’s only hope she had to marry with Bungo her father said but Rita won’t marry with Bungo (a old rich man). Rita was angry that Tom didn’t trust Mr Spooner and she walked away from him. Tom was still doing his boring job and the most of the time he sat at his desk thinking about Rita. His friend Danny visit Tom and saw him sitting at his desk he asked “what’s the matter, Tom?” Tom told the whole story about Mr Spooner and the contract. Danny told him to visit Rita at home and Tom did. Tom went to the flat in a poor district. He came by number seven he rang the door bell and Tom get to hear that Rita doesn’t live with her father anymore. Tom walked through the city and decided to have a drink at Big John’s, but when he walked in he saw Rita with Spooner on one table he ran outside that bich he thought she had tricked me. The christmas began the first snow was fallin’ and Tom was still doing his boring job in the library at once the door opend en Rita walked in (but Tom was still mad) “The library is closing now,” he said “Please leave .” Rita put a small present with a card on it on his desk and walked out. Tom readed the cart “I Love You, Rita” he read. Much later February 14th (Valentines day) he heard some news from Rita he get a card he thought but it was an invitation from Rita WHAT RITA IS GETTING MARRIED WITH SPOONER !! but on the back of the card was a message : Please phone Tel: 828 4657 (before 8 pm) Tom was very angry about the card “she knows i love her why does she send me this” he thought. One day Tom was busy in the library an man with a raincoat and a bleck suit came in Tom asked if he can help him the man was searching for him “Why do you want to see me?” Tom asked. The man told the whole story about Mr Spooner and Rita and the contract, he told Tom that Keith Dutton (otherwise Mr Spooner) an trickster was who people tricks to steel money from the bank, and that Tom helped him with stealing. To sign the contract Tom addmited that if Spooner owes money from the bank Tom will pay it back. “April 17th is the marriage, that is the day we get that thief” the detective said and that was happening as far as there was a huge bang the police car was crashed above on a lorry with chickens the chickens where flying everywhere. But the police car could get trough this mes and came just on time at the Registery Office Rita and Spooner where arrested and one day later Rita came off of prison her father was waiting outside and told Rita that she havn’t get to marry with Bungo. And Rita and Tom kissed each other and where girlfriend and friend. Tom did his exams again and he is assumed at the Art and Photo College. EINDE - This story is about Tom in the begin and at the and Rita is Toms girlfriend - Tom is a 17 year old boy who faild his exam he get a job in a library. He is a nice, kind and a very clever person
Rita is a 17 yaer ol girl who has many problems her father is injured and want that Rita get married with a rich man Bungo, but she wants to become a model. Rita is a active silly girl who can’t make decisions. Mr Spooner is a trickster who is obsest for money - The time between the begin an the end is five months it think - The place where the story is playing is in Silverton - The tension-construction is in the begin very boring but whil you’re reading it become more exciting. - I don’t understand what it means symbolism and what i have to anwser
3 Interpetatie van het verhaal - The genre of de story is Love and the motive is what Tom is doing to be with Rita - The title explanation is Love by Design love between Tom and Rita and Design about that Rita wants to be a designed model - The kind of story is Love of course 4 Beoordeling van het verhaal - I liked this book it was easy to read and it was a story what could happend in real life i liked the way of exciting in the book it was always present - This book was much easyer then Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde the structure was much easyer. 5 Beredenering - I had expect that it was about someone who falled in love and what (of course) will be come all right - My expectation was very good i get what i had expected and hoped


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