The story is written by Jules Verne. Jules Verne was born in Nantes on the 8 february 1828. He died in 1905. He studied law and lateron he became a stockbroker. Although he wrote some plays during his studies his talents came to an expression when he started to write novels about wonderful journeys, precursors of what we call to day science fiction. “Five weeks in an airballoon” was the first book of that kind that he wrote. He became world famous after writing “round the world in 80 days”.
The story is about a man, Philias Fogg, who wanted to travel around the world in 80 days. Phileas Fogg was a rich man, he lived in London where he met a lot of friends in the club he often visited. One day he read a news paper and saw that in theory it should be possible to travel around the world in 80 days. He discussed the possibility with his friends and as Phileas Fogg was a self-confident man he wanted to make a bet. They agreed that if he succeeded in coming back in 80 days he would get an amount of mony of 25000 pounds.
When he came home that day he said to his servant, Passepartout, we are going to make travel around the world in 80 days, we are going to Dover now because we start immediately. So the trip was started. The rest of the story is about the journey and the problems they met wile traveling. When they were in the jungle they saw a sort of cannibals who wanted to sacrifice a women to a god. They couldn’t let that happen so they made a plan to rescue the woman during the night. This was only one of the problems they met.
It is an exciting story. Just on the last page you get to know if Philias and his servant succeed.
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