Kiss kiss door Roald Dahl

Beoordeling 7
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Kiss kiss
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • Klas onbekend | 1058 woorden
  • 15 mei 2016
  • 3 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7
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Roald Dahl
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Boekcover Kiss kiss
Kiss kiss door Roald Dahl
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Misschien is de studie Sociologie of Antropologie dan wel iets voor jou! Bij beide opleidingen ga je aan de slag met maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Wil jij erachter komen welke bachelor bij je past? Stel al je vragen aan studenten Romy of Marie!

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William and Mary

William has cancer and is putted in a hospital, where he ‘died’. But before he dies, he writes a letter to his wife Mary. In the letter he describes a chat with Landy, who is a magnificent neuro-surgeon. In their conversation and tells about an experiment that he wants to do with William after his death. He wants to keep the brains and one eye alive to test if it would regain consciousness. After some discussion William agrees with Landy’s plans. So after his death Landy saves his brains and it all seems to work. Mary reads the letter and calls Landy. She goes to visit ‘William’. When she sees William’s brains laying there so helpless, she sees that this is the moment for revenge, because William was bossing her whole her live. SO she decides to take the brains home as her ‘pet’.

Answer: I really don’t like the idea of keeping brains alive after death. I think when the person really wants to do that for the science, he or she can do that. But with one condition: that all the family members and friends or at least the most important people know about the experiment, so there can’t be action like in the story. Science can only be used when it will be productive.

The Way up to Heaven

Mrs Foster is a woman who always wants to be on time, for example to caught a plan. Her man seems to boycott her with this issue. He always waits until the las moment to leave, so she will be or just on time or just too late. One day she wanted to go for 6 weeks to her daughter who lives in Paris. And as always, Mr Foster waited until the last moment to leave and when they finally left, there was so much fog that the plane was delayed. Her husband convinced her to turn back home. The next day she left again, but of course not without delays. When Mr Foster finally got into the car, he told the chauffeur to stop because he has forgotten the present for Ellen (the daughter) so he turned back inside. Then Mrs Foster founds the present hidden between the seats. She wanted to get inside to tell her husband. When she want to enter the house, she hears the sound of the elevator who got stuck. In sign of revenge, she acts like normal and leaves without him. When she is back home from 6 weeks Paris, she finds her husband death in the elevator.

Answer: Yes I am very punctual about appointments and to catch a bus or a plane. But when it’s about homework, I am more someone who waits until the last moment.

Mrs Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat

Mrs Bixby goes every moth to the Colonel, he isn’t her husband but they are in love. When she goes there, her man thinks she is going to her aunt. The last time she was waiting on the station in Baltimore (where the Colonel lives) to return back home, when the Colonel’s groom gave her an enormous box. In the Ladies’ Room at the train she opened it. There was a very expensive coat made of real mink in it. She put it on and saw that there was no possibility her aunt would give this to her. She worked a plan out to let her husband think that she is just lucky. So she went to a pawnbroker and gave the coat in return for 50 dollar and a ticket to get it back later. When she came home, she told her husband that she found this ticket in the train. On Monday her husband went to the pawnbroker to get ‘whatever it is’ that went with the ticket. Mrs Bixby went to her husband’s workplace. When he showed her the coat’ he only gave her a little  fur neckpiece. The rest of the coat he gave to his assistant without Mrs Bixby’s knowing.

Answer: I think she deserves this. I think that she even deserves worse, because she has been cheating on her husband for a long time without his knowing. I also think when you fall in love with someone else that’s okay but you have to tell that immediately to your partner. You need to be honest.

Royal Jelly

Mrs Taylor and Albert have a bay. Mrs Taylor thinks that there is something wrong with her baby because it’s losing weight and it doesn’t eat much Albert reads a magazine about royal jelly that bees use to feed the larves so they grow faster. Then he has an idea. He goes upstairs, where Mabel is crying and his idea. But she is crying and doesn’t listen so he tells her that he will feed the baby while she can sleep. The next morning the baby looks much better and she has eaten much more. Mabel says to Albert that she will do the feeding next time. But Albert tells her that he wants to do the feed-mixing and the bottle-sterilizing. Later Mabel asks just to be sure if Albert doesn’t do something in the milk. Then he explains her that he puts royal jelly in the milk. When Mabel says that he’s crazy he start to read a lot of articles and he tries to convince her. In the end of the story he tells her that he has been take royal jelly during the last twelvemonths and that the thinks that it’s going to work better on a ting infant.

Answer: I think you can certainly use it when there is scientific prove that it has an effect. But the story with the royal jelly goes way too far for me. That isn’t human anymore.


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