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Face door Benjamin Zephaniah

Beoordeling 6.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Face
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 549 woorden
  • 18 mei 2005
  • 66 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.4
66 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Face
Face door Benjamin Zephaniah
Title: Face
Author: Benjamin Zephaniah
Publisher: Bloomsbury
number of pages: 207
Date: 06-05-2005 1. Explain the title of the book = Martin’s face was burned at a car crash. 2. Who are the main characters? Give a brief description of their characters. What is the relationship between the main character and the other characters in the story? = Martin: member and leader of the gang of three. He always makes jokes. Natalie: martin’s girlfriend. A very independent girl. Matthew: member of the gang of three. He is more silent than the rest. Mark: also a member of the gang of three. He wants to be like Martin. 3. Where do the events in the story take place? Is the setting important for the story? Explain why. = The story is set in London. It’s not very important, because the story hasn’t got anything to do with London. It could have been any place.
4. When do the events take place? Is that important for the story? Explain. = Mondern day England. This is also not really important. 5. Is the story told in chronological order or does the writer use flashbacks? = It’s a chronological story. 6. Who is the narrator? = someone he sees the whole story, not one of the main characters. 7. What point of view is used by the writer? = omniscient writer 8. Does the story teach you a lesson? = the story tells you that your friends are very important. And that it’s not about looks but about what’s inside of you. 9. What sort of problems occur in the story and how are they solved? = Martin’s face was burned in a car accident. That’s why his girlfriend rejects him. That’s why martin’s looks for other friends.
10. What sort of story is this? = non-fiction. 11. What is your opinion about the book? = I liked the book very much. The story is about people of my age. It’s not a very common subject. 12. Give a summary of the story in at least 200 words. = Martin is a boy, who was with two other boys a group called: The Gang of Three. One night the Gang of Three and Natalie went to a hip-hop club, they had a great time. When they leave they see a car, which is driving really fast. The car stops and Martin knows someone in the car. He asks Martin, Matthew and Mark to go with him. Martin and Mark get in the car, Matthew don’t. Natalie was already home. The car seems to belong to a joy rider. The joy rider also seems to have a weird package. They break certain traffic rules and the police are following them. The weird package is thrown out the window. The car crashes and Martin’s face is really bas burned. He’s in hospital and he discovers that his friends find it difficult to communicate with him. When he goes back to school, he doesn’t hang out with his old friends. He becomes captain of the school gymnastics team. His ex-girlfriend Natalie is a model now. Martin has a personal trainer: Alan Green. In hospital Martin met a guy: Anthony, he is also burned. He knows very well how to deal with his injuries. Martin doesn’t want compassion, he just wants his old life back.


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