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Death in the dojo door Sue Leather

Beoordeling 5.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Death in the dojo
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 1e klas vwo | 340 woorden
  • 7 maart 2017
  • 22 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.4
22 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Death in the dojo
Death in the dojo door Sue Leather
Combineer wetenschap met techniek!

Wil jij met technologie de wereld veranderen? In de bachelor Science, Technology & Innovation bedenk én maak je oplossingen voor de maatschappelijke uitdagingen van nu. Ontwikkel je eigen prototypes en experimenteer met 3D-printen, lasersnijden en robotica. Ervaar het zelf op de Open Campus Dag op vrijdag 14 maart van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Meld je aan voor de Open Campus Dag!

I wrote a different ending of the story.

My story ending:

Al is very sick. He has Aids and there is no medicine for this. His sister Ellen and the friends Dan and Linda Future go to the doctor.He decides to put Al in to a freezer for 100 years. They hope that 100 years later, there is a medicine that can make Al better. 100 years later Linda, Dan and Ellen are death. The doctor who put Al in the freezer tells the story to an other doctor and 100 years later he decides to melt the ice. He does and when the ice melts, they see that Al is alive. They give him the medicine against Aids and a few months later Al has no longer Aids. He goes on a tour with his band and he lives a long and happy life. He thanks his death sister and his death friends that they put him into a freezer so that he can live very longer.

The difference between the book and my story is that my story has an happy ending. In the book, Al hates his sister and Ellen hates her brother Al. Ellen was six years older and their parents loved All more than Ellen. Ellen is poor and Al is rich. Two friends of Al, Dan and Linda Future decide to put Al in a freezer in his own house and let him there for 200 years. They live in his house. Ellen does not like that and puts of the electricity so that Al will die, so that she gets al his money and his house and not Dan and Linda Future. The police arrested Ellen because they think that she killed Al, but Al was already death when he was put in to the freezer. The police finds drugs in the house with fingerprints of Ellen and the judge decides later that Ellen killed her brother so she can get his money and house and she was send to prison.


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