Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator door Roald Dahl

Beoordeling 8.1
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas havo | 417 woorden
  • 11 februari 2014
  • 32 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 8.1
32 keer beoordeeld

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Sjakie en de grote glazen lift
Roald Dahl
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Boekcover Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator door Roald Dahl
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The story is about Charlie, he is a young boy who went to Willy Wonka’s choclate factory in the previous book. Willy Wonka said the choclate factory would be Charlie’s when he got too old. His parents, Mr and Mrs Bucket, and his grandparents Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George and Grandma Georgna are also important to the story. They tried to stop the silly things Mr Wonka does, but they couldn't.
The story consists out of two parts. In the first part, the whole family and Mr Wonka were in the great glass elevator. The problem was, the elevator was going to high, so they went out of the building, into space. There was a space hotel. Before it was opened, the elevator-travellers were going into the hotel. That wasn’t a good idea, because there were some aliens, who wanted to eat them, so they went back into their elevator. Then the staff of the hotel wanted to go into it, but they saw the aliens too. The elevator-travellers helped them flying. Then the spacecrafts both went back to earth.
In the second part, Mr Willy Wonka invented a pill that makes you 20 years younger. The grandparents, except of Grandpa Joe, all ate four of them. Grandpa George and Grandma Josephine became little babies, but Grandma Georgina disappeared. She took too many pills, because she was just 78 years old! Charlie and mister Wonka had to go to Minus-land to get her back. They used a spray that makes you older, but she came back as a 358 year-old lady, so they had to make her younger again. They made her exactly the age she was before al the pills and spays. Then they gave the two babies some spray so they become older too. At the very end of the story, they were invited to the White House for a couple of days, because they saved the space-hotel staff.

I think the book is a bit childish but I like this kind of stories so I liked to read it. The people in the book also were funny so it was nice.

The best quotation, I think, was when Willy Wonka told Grandma Josephine this: ‘Madam, it’s not a  lift any longer. Lifts only go up and down inside buildings. But now that it has taken us up into the sky, it has become an elevator. It is the great glass elevator.’


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