Carrie door Stephen King

Beoordeling 3.3
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Carrie
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • hbo | 474 woorden
  • 2 september 2004
  • 6 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 3.3
6 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Carrie
Carrie door Stephen King
The story is set in Chamberlain between 1966 and 1980 and tells us about Carrie. Carrie is a very lonely girl who’s living with her extremely religious mother, Margaret White. Carrie has telekinetic powers, but she’s unaware of that fact in the beginning. Throughout the story she becomes more and more aware of it and she learns how she can use these powers. One day at school, as a teen, she has a shower after PE and all of a sudden blood is running down her legs; she’s having her first period. But because her mother never told her anything about such matters, she completely flips; she thinks she is going to die. All the other girls are laughing and screaming. The PE teacher, Ms Dejardin, helps her out. Later on this teacher punishes the girls that had been pestering her, the worst of all being Chris. Chris swears she’ll get even with Carrie. Sue, another girl who had joined in the pestering, regrets doing so, she actually feels for Carrie. She talks her own boyfriend Tommy into taking Carrie to the Prom, just to make Carrie feel special for once. Chris, obviously hating Carrie, thinks it’s a stupid idea, but for her it’s the ideal opportunity to get back at Carrie. Her boyfriend Billy gets hold of pig’s blood and they arrange for it to be set up in a bucket above stage where the King and Queen of the Prom will be crowned. Chris and Billy make sure that everyone will vote for Tommy and Carrie so they can execute their evil plan; empty the buckets on top of Carrie and Tommy. Carrie made her Prom dress herself, but her mother wants to destroy it as she thinks revealing the shape of your breasts and being feminine is an evil act. Carrie uses her powers on her mother to stop her and is off to the Prom with Tommy. Carrie looks great in her dress and for the first time she gets a lot of attention. And being voted King and Queen of the Prom with Tommy makes her really happy. As she is on stage with Tommy, Chris and Billy execute their horrible plan and tilt the buckets of pig’s blood, steeping Tommy and Carrie with it. Carrie is absolutely horrified and angry and she uses her powers to set fire to the gym, killing most of the people inside. Outside Carrie leaves a path of destruction in her wake: most of the town has exploded, collapsed or been set fire to, she kills Chris and Billy and her mother. Her mother manages to stab Carrie, leaving Carrie badly wounded. Sue, who didn’t go to the Prom as her boyfriend went with Carrie, finds her, but Carrie dies and the town dies with her.


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