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Alice in Wonderland door Lewis Carroll

Beoordeling 7
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Alice in Wonderland
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 1585 woorden
  • 5 december 2007
  • 22 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7
22 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland door Lewis Carroll
1. Title
Alice adventures in Wonderland

2. Author
This book is written by Lewis Carroll. He was born on the 27th of January in 1832 in Daresbury. He died on the 14th of January 1898 in Guildford. His most famous books are Alice’s adventures in Wonderland and Through the looking glass.
Lewis Carroll was also a mathematician, logician, Anglican clergyman, and photographer.

3. How many pages does your book have?
The books has 160 pages.

4. Explain the title
The reason why the book is called Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is because the story is about a girl named Alice. One day she sees a rabbit which is going into a big rabbit hole. Alice follows him and from that moment Alice is caught in a land of all kinds of animals. Alice has a lot of adventures in Wonderland and everything keeps on getting stranger.

5. Where and when does the story take place?
The story takes place nowadays in Wonderland. A land of Alice‘s dreams.

6. Plot Outline- Summarize the story
When Alice one day sits on a riverbank with her sister a strange white rabbit comes by and he talks to himself. He goes into this big rabbit hole and Alice follows him down into Wonderland. Alice sees a little door. Behind this door lies a beautiful garden. She sees a bottle which has the words on it: ‘Drink me’. Alice drinks the bottle and she shrinks. Now she can go through the door, but than she realizes that the key from the door still lies on the table. Alice can’t climb on the table, because she is so small, and desperate as she is, she eats a cake which says: ‘Eat me’. She grows again and she can grab the key, but now she is much bigger than she was and she can’t fit through the door. Alice starts to cry but then she is shrinking and she falls into a sea of her own tears. In the water, Alice meets a mouse and all other kinds of animals. Under leadership of Alice all the animals are going out of the water. To get dry the mouse is telling a story, but they are not getting dry. Then the Dodo says that they have to hold a race to dry up. After this the mouse is telling a little ‘figured poem’ and Alice starts to tell about her cat Dinah. All the animals get scared and run away.

Alice sits there all by herself but then the big white rabbit walks by and he thinks that Alice is his housemaid and he sends her to his house to get his pair of gloves and a fan. Alice was too frightened to say anything and she goes to the house of the rabbit. While she is in the house she sees a bottle. She drinks it and she starts to grow. Alice is stuck in the house and the rabbit is coming to look where his ‘housemaid’ is. Everybody is trying to get Alice out the house but nobody succeeds. Then Alice sees a cake and she eats it. She is small again and runs away.
She sees a mushroom and she wants to eat it to get big again, but on the mushroom sits a caterpillar and he smokes a pipe. He tells Alice that if she eats from one side of the mushroom she gets smaller but if she eats from the other side she gets big again. Alice eats of the mushroom and her neck grows. Then she sees a pigeon and the pigeon thinks Alice is a serpent. Eventually Alice gets her own strength.
Alice walks and sees a little house. She eats from the mushroom and she shrinks to nine inches. She sees two footmen and one of them says that he has an invitation from the Queen for the Duchess to play croquet. Alice goes in the house and there she finds the Duchess, a baby, the cook and the Cheshire Cat. The Duchess says that Alice has to take care of her baby because she has to get ready to play croquet and the baby changes into a little pig.
Alice starts to talk to the Cheshire Cat and she asks him a way to get out of there. The cat says that she can go to a Hatter and to a March Hare, he asks her if she is going to play croquet with the queen and he disappears. Alice decides to go to the March Hare. He is holding a tea-party with the Hatter and with the Dormouse. Because they had a fight with Time (which is a woman) it’s now always tea-time. The Dormouse is starting to tell a strange story about three sisters who lived at the bottom of a treacle-well. Eventually Alice goes again and then she sees the door who leads to the beautiful garden again. She eats a little bit from the mushroom (she saved a bit in her pocket) and she shrinks to one inch high. Now she can go through the door without any problems.
In the garden Alice sees three gardeners who are cards from a card game. They are busy with painting the roses red because they had planted white ones. Then the King and Queen of Hearts came with all there guests (including the white rabbit). The Queen asks Alice who she is and then she sees the three gardeners and asks Alice who they are. Alice says that she doesn’t know. The queen says that Alice her head has to get chopped of but the King thinks that’s not necessary, because she is only a child. Then the queen says that the heads from the three gardeners has to be chopped of, but Alice succeed that that’s not going to happen. Then she has to play croquet from the Queen. But Alice wonders were the Duchess is and the rabbit tells here that she is under sentence of execution. Then they are going to play croquet with hedgehogs as balls, the mallets were flamingo\'s an the soldiers were arches. Then Alice sees the Cheshire Cat again and the began to talk with each other. The Queen wants that the head of the Cat gets chopped of but then there’s no body to chop the head of and so they get the Duchess. The Duchess is nicer then she was when Alice met her for the first time because there was no pepper in the air which was the case in the Duchess house. After this the Queen takes Alice to the Gryphon who takes her to the Mock Turtle. He tells about himself and about his school time. The Mock Turtle and the Gryphon are showing Alice a dance and they want Alice to tell them about her adventures. But then they hear that there is going to start a trial and they rush to the court.
The Knave is been accused of steeling pies which the Queen baked. The Queen is the judge and the Hatter en the Cook from the Duchess are the first witnesses. After that Alice is being called.
Alice, who is growing slowly to her old size, says that she knows nothing of the case. They read a letter with a poem which would be written by the suspect. Alice protests and all the cards are being against her. Then Alice wakes up next to her sister. Alice tells her sister everything about her dream and while Alice runs home for tea her sister dreams about the dream of Alice.

7. Describe the main characters as detailed as you can
Alice: She is a very curious girl. In her dream she does everything and she cries very quick.

8. Are there any minor characters that are important to the story?
The Queen of Hearts: She is very strange and violent because she wants almost everybody’s head chopped of.
The Duchess: She is pretty nice and friendly if she isn’t near to much pepper.

9. Is the story divided into chapters? If so, how many?
The book is divided into twelve chapters.

10. Whose point of view is presented?
The book is written in the third person.

11. Describe one scene from the book that moved/shocked/struck you: What exactly happens? (describe in detail) Mention the pages describing the scene. Why did this scene moved/shocked/struck you?

The scene that I really found frustrating was the part that Alice just got into Wonderland. She wants to have the key to get into a beautiful garden but the door is very small. So she drinks from a bottle and she shrinks. But then she remembers that the key is still on the table and she eats cake which makes her grow. Now she can grab the key, but she can’t go through the door because she can’t shrink anymore.
I found the scene frustrating, because she wants to do something, but it keeps on going wrong.

This part begins on page 10 and it ends on page 15.

12. Did you like the story? Why (not)?
I didn’t like the book. It was much of the same; Alice grows and shrinks and grows again. After a while that really started to irritate me. I didn’t like most of the characters. Some were very annoying. It was a frustrated dream and that was actually the part that I hated. Which was almost the whole book. I don’t want to read it again.


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