Adventure in Rio door John Milne

Beoordeling 4.8
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover Adventure in Rio
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 3e klas havo | 413 woorden
  • 24 december 2004
  • 45 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 4.8
45 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover Adventure in Rio
Adventure in Rio door John Milne
John Milne Adventure In Rio *Background Where is the story set? The story is set in Rio in 20th centuary *Genre Whats the genre of the book? -its an adventure book with a lot of action
Is it a realistic book? -Its a realistic book because i couldt happen but the change it happens issnt much *Characters Descripe 2 Characters? -Neil Garton is a young men who works for Russel Bowden He is a important inventor. -Dr Lurcher is a rich badguy who always tries to sabotage the works of Russel Bowden because if he succeeds he will go broke. Is there a person that you dont want to meet ? -Yes I dont want to meet Dr. Lurcher because he is the bad guy of the story and he is really a jerk. *Summary Russel Bowden has a plan to make a car on electricity , so people dont have to spend money on gasoline! Because there are people who make a lot of money on gasoline they dont want that Russel succeeds with his car. Dr. Lurcher doesnt want him to make the car , so he tries to sabotage his plan to make the car. He sends Russel a boms and warnings that he needs to stop making the car. Later calls Rufus Garton from Rio. He Seems to be the uncle of Neil. He tells that his daughter has been kidnapped by Dr. Lurcher. They are to Rio to save his daughter. Mirjam the daughter of Rufus Garton escapes but he gets kidnapped. They make a plan to save him and stop Dr. Lurcher they succeed and stop the plans of Dr. Lurcher

And Russel Bowden can make his car
THE END *Title Do you think the title of the book is good ? I think the title is good for the book because its in rio and its a adventure so title is good. *Opinion Did I Read The Book With Pleasure? I only have read it because I had to. But at the end it wasnt a bad book. What did i like about it. And What did i dont like about it? It was a fun book to read but i dont like that the end is so lame. Have you ever read a book thats almost the same readtext? No i havent. Why do you recommend this book to a nother? I wont recommend this book to a nother but if someone like the genre maybe he should read it.


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