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Adrian Mole: The cappuccino years door Sue Townsend

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Boekcover Adrian Mole: The cappuccino years
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 764 woorden
  • 29 november 2003
  • 8 keer beoordeeld
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Boekcover Adrian Mole: The cappuccino years
Adrian Mole: The cappuccino years door Sue Townsend
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An other marvellous book of Townsend, born in Leichester, 1946. You wouldn\'t expect such a career of a fifteen years old school-dropout. Her first book about Adrian Mole, The secret diary of Adrian Mole, aged 13 ¾ ( 1985), sold millions of copies all over the world. After this huge succes Townsend just kept on writing books about Adrian Mole. This part is already the sixth book about him. How did Townsend achieved all this? It wasn\'t because of her jobs she had before she started writing, she had worked in a factory, a garage and she has even been a shop assistent. The only possible way to reach all this success, is to be a sublim writer and no one can say Townsend isn\'t. Aged 35 years, Townsend won the Thames TV playwrights award. She hasn\'t just written books about Adrian Mole, before she started this succes, she wrote several plays. Also during these eighteen years of succes, she wrote other books, like Rebuilding Coventry (1988), The Queen and I (1991) and Ghost children (1998). Townsend lost her sight in 1999, due to diabetic retinopathy she suffers from for over twenty years. This novel was written by her husband to who she dictated the whole story. I think this is great, she had just turned blind, but that didn\'t stop her from writing this book. I think you have to be very strong and talented to go on writing without being able to read and see the result, there are just a few people who would have done the same. Townsend has assured in an interview, that there will be a seventh part of Adrian Mole. In this part he will turn blind too. I don\'t know if this is such a good idea. How will Adrian be able to write in his diary? Maybe he will finally find the woman he is looking for and confide her to all the secrets of his life. Actually, I do think this is a good idea, I\'m curious about what he will do with his life when he\'s blind. I\'ll definitely read that book. As said, this is an other masterpiece of Townsend. In this part, Adrian is about thirty-one years old, he still hasn\'t got a girlfriend ( Pandora is still out of reach), a proper job and not even his own house ( he lives in a small room above the restaurant where he works). Unfortunately, the restaurant goes bankrupt and has to close down. The only problem is that Adrian loses his little place to live so he\'s forced to move in with his parents and his little son,William, (a result of his last marriage), of who his parents are taking care of. Luckily, Adrian isn\'t totally out of work. He is approached by some kind of busy TV-man who wants to make a TV-show about offal and Adrian has to be the cook. Eventually this program turns out to be a giant flop, but anyway the director wants to publish a book about the show and Adrian has to write it. This is a wonderful opportunity for him, being the intellectual as he thinks he is. Now that he really gets the chance to write a book, he has no inspiration. In the meanwhile he gets a letter from Sharon Bott, an old girlfriend of him. She wants him to take a DNA-test to find out if he\'s the father of Glenn Bott, her son. It turnes out he is. So now he has two sons to take care of. His parents have difficulties with their relationship, his mum is cheating with the father of Pandora and after a while , his father is cheating with Pandora\'s mum. Between all these difficulties Adrian still has to write his book, take care of his children and find a wife. All this is written in a hilarious way, in wich only Adrian can write. I really loved this book, just like all the other diaries I\'ve read. It\'s funny how he always knows how to surprise you. His comments on situations is really unbelievable, he hasn\'t changed a bit from the boy he was at 13 ¾ years. I would really love it if they will make a film about all of his diaries. Maybe it would disturb all of my pictures I\'ve made of all the characters, but I\'m sure Townsend will add her typical Adrian Mole touch, even if she can\'t see what the characters look like, or how they act. It really would be nice, but I don\'t think it\'s going to happen, so I\'ll just keep waiting for his next diary to appear.


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