A slipping-down life door Anne Tyler

Beoordeling 5.9
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Boekcover A slipping-down life
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 1006 woorden
  • 10 april 2002
  • 18 keer beoordeeld
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Anne Tyler
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Boekcover A slipping-down life
A slipping-down life door Anne Tyler
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The Novel \'A Slipping-Down Life\' is written in 1970. The book is about Evie Decker (the main character) who becomes obsessed with the local rock singer Bertram \"Drumstrings\" Casey, or how she calls him: Drum Casey. She carves his name on her forehead. And then their lives become entwined. Evie helps Drum with ways of advertisement. She uses herself for this. Then Drums gets fired and he had nowhere else to go then Evie\'s place. After a couple of days he asks Evie to marry him. And they marry. My essay is about how Evie and Drum come together and split up.

In the beginning of the book Evie becomes obsessed with the local rock singer Bertram \'Drumstrings\' Casey. She hears him on the radio and then she goes out to see him at the local rock show. After that she goes wit a classmate of her to the Unicorn where he plays every Saturday. When she\'s there she carves his name on her forehead. \" When she (Violet) reached the door of the ladies\' room she stopped suddenly and rocked backward against the policeman\'s chest. \"Evie?\" she said. Evie was smiling. ..... Evies face was ridged with vertical strands of blood. There were crimson zigzags across her forehead, dampening her hair. Evie what happened? \"It\'s his name\" Evie said\". (Page 23). Evie suggests a publicityplan to Drum, but he doesn\'t like it. He wants them to lead their lives apart. But David (Drum\'s manager) likes the plan and Evie sits every Saturday\'s eve at front in the Unicorn and watches Drum. The plan works. Drum may also play on Fridays. The part where Drum says that he doesn\'t like Evie\'s plan: \"Are you out of your head?\" \"Why? What\'s so crazy about that?\" \"For you maybe nothing\" said Drum. \"But I ain\'t going to sing under those conditions\" \"what conditions?\' How do you think I would feel?\"\" Well I don\'t see-\" \"Go on now\" said Drum. \"Get out. I\'m real sorry about what happened, but I got my own live to live.\" (Page 49) Then Evie becomes in an Argument with Drum and goes away. Drum\'s succes comes in a bad way. Drum comes in a fight and gets arrested. His parents become angry and Drum walks away to Evie\'s place. He said he had nowhere else to go and Evie forgives him. Drum said he liked listening to Evie. He stays for a couple of days. Evie still likes him. \"Sometimes, watching him sprawled in her house, she felt an unpleasant sense of surprising hit her. There were things about him that kept startling her each time she noticed them: the bony, scraped look of his wrists, the nicotine stain on his middle finger, the straggling hairs that edged his sideburns.\" (Page 87). After a couple of days that Drum stayed in Evie\'s place he asks her to marry him. Evie thinks he is joking. But he really means it and Evie thinks: Why Not?\' so they get married. Only Evie\'s best friend Violet and David are at the wedding. She comes home and tells her father. \"First her father said: \" Married?\" Then he sat down on the porch steps and said: \"married? I don\'t believe it\" (page 102). Drum an Evie go find a house where they can live. They find a cheap house and go live there. Evies thinks of new ways for publicity for Drum because he is fired at the Unicorn. They go to a revivalist who talks about Evie. Then they have publicity for a couple of weeks. But it becomes less. Evie plans a kidnapping. But then her father dies. She goes to the hospital and stays at her fathers place for the night. When she comes home she sees Drum in bed with a classmate of hers. She asks him to come with her and live in her father\'s house. But Drum doesn\'t want to. And he asks Evie to stay but she doesn\'t. Drum says: Evie don\'t go. But she goes. And that is where the book ends.

It was very difficult to think of a theme for this book. So I decided to describe the way Evie and Drum come together in the book. I liked the book. At first I didn\'t think I would like it but when I was halfway through the book I started to like it. And when the book was finished I thought it was a very nice book. I think it\'s very realistic how Evie and Drum come together and at the end split up. I will explain the Title: A Slipping-down Life. At page 121 Drum says: \"I\'ll never get anywhere. I ain\'t but nineteen years old and already leading a slipping-down life, and hard rock is fading so pretty soon nobody won\'t want it.\" He says that It\'s life has had its heightness. He is already married at the age of 19. Very young.

There is made a movie about the book. Maybe I\'ll watch it sometimes. Here is some information about the movie: A Slipping Down Life Synopsis:Set in Pulqua, North Carolina, the story of an awkward, shy, young woman, who\'s lived a sheltered life with her father, and who becomes obsessed with meeting the charismatic rock star after she hears him interviewed on the radio. One night Evie watches in desperation as Drum\'s music works the crowd into frenzy. In the middle of the performance, Evie escapes to the restroom--moments later she\'s led from there with blood streaming down her forehead. In the hospital the next morning, Evie proudly removes the bandages. Carved backwards into her forehead is Drum\'s last name \'Casey.\' For the first time in her life, Evie has done something she believes in and won\'t back down. David Elliot, Drum\'s manager-drummer, tries to capitalize on the very strange event by inviting himself, Drum and a reporter from the local newspaper to visit Evie in the hospital for an interview and photo. From this strange turn of events, a peculiar relationship begins to develop between Evie and Drum.


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