A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess
The setting in “ A Clockwork Orange “ is a very important part of the whole story. The story is situated in a future England. England has become a place full of gangs and scum that rule the streets, while the regime is absolute. The fact that the story is situated in England makes it surrealistic, if it would be writing like it al happened in a present England. Instead of making an alternative reality, the story happens in a nearby future. The first part in the book narrates the daily life of Alex, a young criminal who is the leader of a gang of 4 people in total: Georgie, Dim, Pete and Alex. One of the settings is a bar where they usually go and drink a special fictional drink called “ drug-laced milk and really contains a sort of drugs that makes them violent and active. After those drinks, they always go for a walk and attack everyone who get on their way. The setting is mostly at night or in at the evening, and they always take weak victims who they can easily beat up and rob. One time they beat up an old drunk guy, another time they get in a house called “home”, where they
get in with an excuse that they use several times: “ My friend has got a terrible accident and he\'s bleeding heavily, could I please use your phone to call an ambulance ?”. At home there is a writer and his wife. The gang manages to get in and they beat up the writer and rape his wife, while Alex inspects a manuscript the man was making. It is called “A Clockwork Orange”, and the fact that he sees this title becomes important to the end of the story. Another setting is his home, where his mother calls him to go to school, but he uses an excuse and stays home. The same day, his “Post Corrective Advisor” , a guy that helps him to stay out of trouble, comes to visit him and asks him if he hasn\'t got into a fight. Alex lies, but only a few days ago he had fought with a rival gang with the leader Billybob.
The PCA had heard Alex\' name in the hospital where the gang members were brought to, because of severe wounds. Another important setting is the prison he is sent to, because of the murder on a lady and the fact that his fellow gang members had set him up. He is sentenced to 14 years of prison. The setting is important to the story, because Alex behaves him more in this environment than in the real live, because he wants to get out as quick as possible. He helps with sunday processions at the prison, in hope to gain respect with the friar and raise his chances to get out. One day he hears of a treatment for his violent behavior, and he wants to participate. The treatment promises to cure the patient for the rest of his life of bad deeds. The prison is important to the story because Alex gets in touch with the treatment here and it gets very important to the story. Also the fact that Alex wants to get out soon is caused by all the other murderers, perverts, faggets and brutal guards. Further in the story, the treatment is given to Alex, and he is released into normal life again. He arrives home, but his parents think that he has escaped from prison and don\'t accept the fact that he wants to come back, because there is a person instead of him who rents his room. Here is the setting important because the only place that he could go is also unavailable, so he feels left by everyone. He goes back to the milkbar were he loved to go to with his gang, but there he hears some Beethoven music , and even that makes him sick because he relates it to his violent actions a few years ago. He wants to kill himself, but it is impossible for him, because he becomes sick of every violent action he only thinks of. He goes to the library and searches for some suicide methods, but gets sick of every book that describes violence like the bible. There he gets in touch with one of his victims, and the man recognizes Alex and starts beating him up.
The police comes, his old enemies, and take him far away from the city and beat him up harder. They leave him for dead, but he manages to get to a cottage. He realizes that it is the “Home” cottage, where he had raped a woman and tortured the husband. Alex tries not to do suspicious, and gets a bed of the man. Alex remembers the manuscript and gets a conversation with the man. The story of the manuscript is the same as Alex has been trough lately: a prisoner who gets cured. The next day, he is awoken by Beethoven music and his door is locked. The man of the cottage had recognized him and wanted to torture him back. Alex wants to escape and looks out his window, but he can only see propaganda pamphlets with the words death. On another one, he sees an open window,
that puts him on the idea to kill himself. He jumps out of the window and hits the sidewalk.
The setting here is important to the story because no matter what he does after he is cured, is getting into trouble again. He is punished for his earlier deeds, but cant defend himself. Alex is brought to a hospital were he stays a few days, he is heavily wounded but not life-threatening. This setting is important, because he is actually going trough the same things as his victims. He is beaten up, left for dead, tortured and now he is also in hospital, like billybob and his gang in the beginning of the story. Here Alex sees a nurse and immediately he thinks of raping her and having violent sex with her. Suddenly he realizes that the cure is not working anymore. The doctors come and say they have reversed his cure, and that he is “normal” again like he used to be. The end of the story doesn\'t contain any important settings anymore. The settings are very important to the story, because it is a complex story and settings return. You need to understand and remember them to fully understand the story.
2.Describe two main characters:
A): Alex: The main character of the story. He is impulsive: When he sees a possible victim, he wants to do something violent with it immediately and doesn\'t think of other things than violence. He is violent: He is a violent person and it has become a natural reaction for him to do violent stuff. He is a leader figure: he always wants to be the best, the leader,... With other words: he always wants to have the position where he has the most power. All these adjectives only fit to the character in the beginning and ending of the story, because he is cured psychologically.
B) Georgie: a gang member that only is active in the beginning of the story . He is an opportunist: The moment he sees a moment where he can possibly increase his power in the gang, he takes it. Prideful: he doesn\'t like to show his weak spots and to lose his pride.
He loves to take revenge: a direct consequence of the fact that he is prideful. The moment that Alex beats the gang up for being rebelllious, he beats them all up, but a few days later, they take revenge on Alex and then he is arrested. Georgie is also a main character in the story, because it is his fault that Alex gets into jail and is eventually cured.
A clockwork orange door Anthony Burgess

De vijftienjarige Alex is dol op klassieke muziek (en vooral op de Negende Symfonie van Beethoven) en verzot op geweld. 's Nachts zwerft hij met zijn bende door de straten en begaat daar allerlei extreem gewelddadige misdaden, zomaar, voor zijn plezier. Als hij uiteindelijk wordt gepakt en in de gevangenis belandt wordt hij met behulp van een rigoureus afkickprogramma…
De vijftienjarige Alex is dol op klassieke muziek (en vooral op de Negende Symfonie van Beethoven) en verzot op geweld. 's Nachts zwerft hij met zijn bende door de straten en begaa…

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