A clockwork orange door Anthony Burgess

Beoordeling 5.1
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover A clockwork orange
  • Boekverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas vwo | 929 woorden
  • 30 maart 2003
  • 49 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.1
49 keer beoordeeld

Anthony Burgess
Fantasy & SF
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Boekcover A clockwork orange

De vijftienjarige Alex is dol op klassieke muziek (en vooral op de Negende Symfonie van Beethoven) en verzot op geweld. 's Nachts zwerft hij met zijn bende door de straten en begaat daar allerlei extreem gewelddadige misdaden, zomaar, voor zijn plezier. Als hij uiteindelijk wordt gepakt en in de gevangenis belandt wordt hij met behulp van een rigoureus afkickprogramma…

De vijftienjarige Alex is dol op klassieke muziek (en vooral op de Negende Symfonie van Beethoven) en verzot op geweld. 's Nachts zwerft hij met zijn bende door de straten en begaa…

A clockwork orange door Anthony Burgess

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1.1 Samenvatting

A Clockwork Orange
Anthony Burgess

The story is about Alex, a young boy that lives in New York. He has three friends, Pete, Geargie and Dim. Alex acts like he is the leader and Dim is the not so smart one. The four of them go out at night to beat up inocent people. The first victim in the story is a elder man, who is a professor. They, tear his books apart and beat and kick him, until they have enough of it. After that they go to a bar for an alibi. When they think that they have been there long enough, they go and mug a store, and of course beat up the two owners of the store. Then they go back to the bar again and kick a drunk man. Later that night they drive around in an stolen car. They stop at a house and ring the doorbell. They tell the woman that opens the door that their friend is sick and ask if they can come in. When they come in Alex sees that a man is writing a book called Clockwork Orange. The four of them beat up the man and rape the woman. Alex also destroys the book that the man was writing. Again they got to the bar and leave after a while. The next day P.R. Deltoid comes to visit Alex and warns him that he has to be carefull. Alex goes to the music store where he comes a lot. There he meets to little girls and asks the girls to come to his house to listen to his classic music. The girls go with him. At home he abuses the girls and the he lets them go. Georgie, Pete and Dim talked about how things are going in the group and they don’t like it. It would be better if everything was more demecratic. But Alex does’nt like it that way, he wants to be the leader. Alex his parents don’t no anything about the things that their son is doing at night, they think that he is working when he actually “goes out”. Georgie and Alex start a fight and Dim helps Geargie. But Alex wins and is the leader now. Pete never said anything about it. They decide to go to the house of an old woman and try to get in the same way they did the last time. Alex gets out of the car and rings the doorbeel. But the woman does not want to open the door. Then Alex goes in through a wndow, while the others are waiting outside until Alex opens the door. But Alex wants to do it all alone, so that he can prove that he is the real leader. He hits the woman very hard, but she had called the police. When Alex opens the door and wants to run to the car, but Dim is waiting outside and kicks him really hard, so that he can’t walk anymore, then Dim leaves with the others. The police come and they arrest Alex. Alex has to stay in the State Jail for two years. While Alex is in prison Geargie dies. It happned when they were breaking into a house again. Alex thinks that he is getting out of prison very soon, because he heard of a special treatment. By helping the minister of the prison, Charty, he hopes to get out earlier. One day the a new man comes in the cell Alex is staying wiht already five other men. They all don’t like the new man and Alex knocks down the new one. The next day the man turns out to be dead. The man had had a heartattack. After a few more days Alex hears that he is going to be reformed. That was a decission made by The Minister of The Interion. Alex signs for Reclamation Treatment. That treament contents that they are going to cure him. When Alex comes to the new place where he has to stay, he likes it very much. One of the people that work there gives him a injection, when he asks what it is for, because his legs got weaker, they say that it are vitamins. After his injection they take him to a room for his first session. In the room they tie him up to a chair. Alex does’nt like it anymore and he feels like he is in prison again. Dr. Brodsky watches him during the session. They make him wacht films about people being beaten up and raped. Dr. Brodsky thinks that he had a very positive response. He has to do this kind off session every day and he thinks that when he does everything they say, he will get out of there soon. His parents don’t know that he is in the institution, he says that it will be a nice surprise for them when he comes home sooner then expected. During the session they play classic music. Alex gets very mad because of that. He likes that kind off music very much and now there just using it for this. Dr. Brodsky says dad he does very well during the sessions. And by talking to him Alex finds out that it is the so called vitamins that make him feel very sick when he is wachting the films. After a few more sessions Alex does’nt get the injections anymore, but he still feels very sick whem he watches the films.

Boekenquiz 7 vragen

Nieuw! Open vragen worden nagekeken door AI
Hoe heet de melkbar waar Alex en zijn vrienden altijd zitten?
Welk wapen heeft Dim's voorkeur?
Hoe lang moet Alex naar de gevangenis?
Wie van Alex zijn oude vrienden/vijanden wordt naast Dim ook politieagent later?
Hoe noemt Alex zijn vader en moeder?
Wie is degene die Alex selecteert voor de behandeling?
Waar denkt Alex aan aan het eind van het boek?




handige samenvatting in het engels!

21 jaar geleden



matig Engels word gebruikt zoals: no/know en dad/that

voor de rest wel een goede samenvatting

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