William Shakespeare
Introductory questions 4
William Shakespeare was born on the 23d of April 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon and he died on that same day in 1616. His father, John Shakespeare, was a Roman Catholic and illiterate. He was a business talent and major of Stratford. His mother Mary Arden was the daughter of a land owner.
William was an English actor, poet and playwright. He spoke Latin and Greek. He knew a lot about the Anglican-Humanistic antiquity.
On November 25 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, daughter of a gentleman farmer. Their daughter Susanna was born 6 months after the marriage and the twins, Hamnet en Judith, were born in 1585.
In 1593 Shakespeare dedicated the poem ‘Venus and Adonis’ to Henry Wriothesley, count of Southampton. In 1594 he dedicated the poem ‘Rape of Lucrece’ to Henry. These successful poems were printed in the printing-office from Richard Field, who lived in the same village as William.
Shakespeare got well-known in 1598, when his name was on the front page from ‘Love’s labour’s’. In the same year clergyman Francis Meeres wrote in ‘Palladis Tamia: wit’s treasury’ that Shakespeare was an exceptional enrichment for the English literature.
William was, as an actor, member of the society of the counts from Pembroke en Sussex. In 1594 he became a member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men under the leadership of Richard Burbage.
William moved in 1596 from London to the southern bank of the Thames, because The Lord Chamberlain’s Men were playing in the new Swan Theatre. From 1602 till 1604 Shakespeare lived in lodgings.
In 1596 Shakespeare’s son Hamnet died.
Since Shakespeare was 30 years old he had a lot of success. In the first 12 years from the 17th century he wrote his best works: ‘As you like it’ ‘Twelfth night’ ‘Julius Caesar’ ‘Hamlet’ ‘Othello’ ‘Macbeth’and ‘King Lear’. The opening nights of these plays were in the Globe Theatre, which was build in 1598.
Shakespeare retired in 1613 and died in 1616.
William Shakespeare
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