Henry VIII
| | | |
Margaret Mary I (bloody Mary) Elizabeth I Henry VI
| (1553-1558) (1558-1603) (1547-1553)
James V
Queen of
Scots (executed- 1587)
The Biography of Elizabeth I.
Elizabeth was born on September 7, 1533, in Greenwich an estate near London. She was the daughter of Henry VIII, who died on January 28, 1547. She had her father's red hair and pale eyes. Elizabeth's mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed for treason on May 19, 1536 when Elizabeth was just 17 years old. Elizabeth became the queen of England at the age of 25. She ruled from 1558 to 1603. Elizabeth never married and died on March 24, 1603, at the age of 69 after 45 years of being the queen. At the beginning of her reign England was in despair. The country had been weakened by war and religious strife, and the treasury was empty. Spain and France were powerful, and both wanted to rule England. The people hoped their young queen would soon marry a strong man who would guide her. But Elizabeth at took the government into her own hands and though Elizabeth had many suitors and close friendships with several men, she refused to marry. The young queen chose as her chief minister Sir William Cecil (Lord Burghley). For 40 years he was her mainstay in both home and foreign affairs. Her favourite courtier was the charming and handsome Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester. When she died at the age of 69, she was still called the Virgin Queen. By then rich and secure, England was enjoying its greatest literary period. English ships were sailing into all seas, and the island kingdom had begun to establish its position as a world leader.
Elizabeth I
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