The life of Pi door Yann Martel

Beoordeling 7.4
Foto van een scholier
Boekcover The life of Pi
  • Balansverslag door een scholier
  • 5e klas havo | 813 woorden
  • 20 juni 2018
  • 5 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 7.4
5 keer beoordeeld

Boekcover The life of Pi

Het leven van Pi vertelt het ongelooflijke verhaal van Piscine Patel (Pi), een zestienjarige Indiase jongen, wiens vader een dierentuin in India heeft. Wanneer de familie besluit het lan te verlaten wordt de gele dierentuin ingescheept. Maar het schip vergaat en de enige overlevenden zijn Pi, een hyena, een zebra met een gebroken been en een tijger van 200 kilo. Een m…

Het leven van Pi vertelt het ongelooflijke verhaal van Piscine Patel (Pi), een zestienjarige Indiase jongen, wiens vader een dierentuin in India heeft. Wanneer de familie besluit h…

Het leven van Pi vertelt het ongelooflijke verhaal van Piscine Patel (Pi), een zestienjarige Indiase jongen, wiens vader een dierentuin in India heeft. Wanneer de familie besluit het lan te verlaten wordt de gele dierentuin ingescheept. Maar het schip vergaat en de enige overlevenden zijn Pi, een hyena, een zebra met een gebroken been en een tijger van 200 kilo. Een magistraal boek waarvan alleen in Nederland al meer dan 100.000 exemplaren zijn verkocht.

Deze bijzondere roman is nu verfilmd door de wereldberoemde regisseur Ang Lee, bekend van Brokeback Mountain en Sense and Sensebility, en belooft nu al dé bioscoop hit van deze winter te worden.

The life of Pi door Yann Martel

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Life of pi

5 questions 4bout My book

!. The title of My first book is Life of Pi. There's not much to Expl4in 4bout this. The book is 4bout 4 boy c4lled Pi. His full n4me is Piscine Molitor P4tel, but most of the people c4ll him Pi. The book describes 4 p4rt of the life of Piscine.

#. The prot4gonist is the tiger n4med Rich4rd P4rker. L4ter in the book they become friends, but the journey on Pi's bo4t would be 4 lot e4sier without the tiger. His opposing 4ctions in the book 4re by ex4mple th4t he 4te 4ll of the other 4nim4ls on the bo4t. Pi 4lso h4s to feed the tiger so he h4s less food for himself.

$. There 4re 4 lot of fl4shb4cks in the novel. Actu4lly the book exists for like ninety percent 4bout fl4shb4cks. Pi is telling 4 story to his friend th4t he h4s experienced when he w4s younger. The purpose of the fl4shb4cks 4re to give his friend 4nd the re4der of the book 4n ide4 of wh4t he h4d experienced in his p4st.

%. I think the clim4x of the novel is where Pi 4nd Rich4rd P4rker were str4nded on the mysterious isl4nd. Pi found 4 hum4n teeth in 4 flower which me4ns th4t the isl4nd is e4ting everything on it. I think this is the clim4x of the novel bec4use it m4kes you think how it's even possible th4t 4n isl4nd is e4ting living cre4tures 4nd it's exciting 4nd mysterious.

&. The plot of the novel is th4t Pi tells his friend to different story's. the first story is the re4l story 4bout him on the bo4t with the tiger 4nd the 4nim4l. In the second story he turns 4ll the 4nim4ls into hum4ns bec4use the people in the hospit4l didn't believe the story of Pi. When he told both of the story's to his friend he 4sked him which of the story's he likes the most. He 4nswers he preferred

The book Life of Pi is 4bout 4 m4n c4lled Piscine ( which me4ns swimming pool in French ) , but most of the people c4ll him Pi. He is r4ised in 4 zoo. His brothers n4me is R4vi. Pi tells the story of his life to 4 friend of him. First of 4ll Pi w4s 4 Hind, but l4ter he went to 4 Christi4n church where he le4rned 4 lot

4bout Jesus. He thought th4t the Christi4nity w4s very interesting. He pr4yed  on 4 bl4nket like 4

Muslim. Now he h4s three religions, he's 4 Hindu, 4 Christi4n 4nd 4 Muslim. Pi's f4ther kept 4 tiger in the Zoo. His n4me w4s Rich4rd P4rker. Pi fed him 4nd he directly felt 4 b4nd with the tiger. Pi pl4yed the drums for 4 d4ncing group of girls. He fell in love with one of these girls. Then Pi h4d too le4ve Indi4 bec4use his f4ther w4nted to repl4ce the zoo in C4n4d4. He s4id good by to his girlfriend 4nd went on the bo4t with his f4mily. After four d4ys the bo4t c4me 4cross the m4ri4n trough ( the deepest point of the e4rth ). There w4s 4 huge storm 4nd Pi w4nted to w4tch it so he went outside. He c4lled R4vi to w4tch the storm. The w4ter gets on the deck 4nd Pi gets thrown in 4 rescue bo4t.

His f4mily is still inside, they're dying. The zebr4 jumped on the bo4t 4nd Pi 4ccident4lly gets Rich4rd P4rker Ito the bo4t with 4 flo4t. They're sh4rks swimming everywhere but Pi still jumps out of the bo4t bec4use he's sc4red of Rich4rd P4rker. There's 4lso 4 hyen4 on the bo4t 4nd 4n or4ngut4n is swimming to them. The hyen4 killed the zebr4 4nd the or4ngut4n. The only ones left 4re Pi 4nd the tiger. Pi m4kes 4 flo4t to sit next to the bo4t bec4use he's still sc4red of Rich4rd P4rker. When Pi w4s sitting on the flo4t 4 wh4le c4me to him 4nd hit the flo4t. All the food on the flo4t fell into the w4ter. But fortun4tely there c4me 4 whole lot of flying fish.


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