Waar heb jij je schoolspullen gekocht?

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Boek 3a, hoofdstuk 4

Beoordeling 6.9
Foto van een scholier
  • Antwoorden door een scholier
  • 3e klas vwo | 694 woorden
  • 15 januari 2003
  • 152 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.9
152 keer beoordeeld

Laat van je horen: schrijf een brief en kom in de krant 📰

Ook dit jaar organiseert Nieuws in de Klas een schrijfwedstrijd waarbij het winnende verhaal wordt gepubliceerd in de krant. Schrijf jij het meest vlammende betoog, best onderbouwde of scherpste opinie over wat er nu speelt in de wereld, dichtbij of ver weg? Of het nu gaat over het milieu, geloof, vluchtelingen of het nieuwe kabinet, AI of gender-issues, alle meningen zijn welkom. 

Doe mee!
Antwoorden Stepping Stones 3a, hoofdstuk 4: It’s a crime! 1 1 hang with a rope
2 shoot with a gun/revolver
3 poison with cyanide/arsenic
4 gas with gas
5 blow up with dynamite
6 hit with hands
7 freeze with freezer
8 burn with fire
9 scalp with knife
10 drown with water
Father Drown, creek. Mother Poison. Sister Burn. Brother Drown with stones. Baby-brother Cook and serve as meal. 2 HOEFDE IK NIET TE DOEN!
3 1 9,4,5,10
2 6
3 7
4 1,2,6
5 3,8
6 3
7 12 4 1 You aren’t allowed to park bicycles here. 2 Drinks may be taken outside. 3 It is forbidden to write on this wall. 4 This parking lot is protected by Armstrong security. 5 Passengers are advised not to stand near train doors. 6 Food mustn’t be taken into this shop. 7 You aren’t allowed to smoke here. 8 Shoplifters may be reported to the police. 5 1 is
2 may be
3 will be

4 mustn’t
5 am not
6 is
7 may be
8 will be
9 am not
10 will be 6 1 It is forbidden to smoke here. 2 Bottles and cans mustn’t be throw through the window. 3 You aren’t allowed to dive here. 4 You are advised to walk on the footpath. Otherwise, you me attacked by crocodiles. 5 Bicycles mustn’t be parking here. 6 Pickpockets will be arrested by the police. 7 t/m 10 HOEFDE IK NIET TE DOEN! 11 KAN JE ALLEEN ZELF INVULLEN! 12 1

a. unsuccessful
b. unlawful
c. disgraceful
d. innocent
2 a. important-unimportant-onbelangrijk
b. possible-impossible-onmogelijk
c. responsible-irresponsible-onverantwoord
d. to appear-to disappear-verdwijnen
e. interesting-uninteresting-oninteressant
f. honest-dishonest-oneerlijk
3 a. belief-unbelief-ongeloof
b. legal-illegal-illegaal
c. grateful-ungrateful-ondankbaar
d. expensive-inexpensive-goedkoop
e. pleased-unpleased-ontevreden
f. to dress-to undress-uitkleden
4 a. belief-goed
b. legal-goed

c. grateful-goed
d. expensive-goed
e. pleased-goed
f. to dress-goed 13 1 What crimes should be punished by dead in your opinion? 2 What is your opinion about capital punishment? 3 Which do you like the best, police series or documentaries? 4 Which criminals do you hate the most, pickpockets, shoplifters or burglars? 5 What do you think of this? 6 What kind of people commit crimes like this, do you think? 14 HOEFDE IK NIET TE DOEN!
15 1 What is you view on this? 2 What kind of punishments are needed in your opinion? 3 Susan, what shocks you most, bank robbery or murder? 4 What is the right punishment for a murder, do you think? 5 What is the just punishment for robbing a bank, imprisonment or capital punishment? 6 Arthur, what is your opinion about a punishment by dead? 7 And which criminals are worst, murder, fraud, stealing or drug dealing? 8 What kind of people, do you think, commit crimes like this? 16 HOEFDE IK NIET TE DOEN! 17 1 2 3 4
I G J E 18 1 Onjuist
2 Juist: Lines 11-15
3 Juist: Lines 16-17
4 Onjuist
5 Onjuist
6 Onjuist
7 Juist: Lines 38-41
8 Juist: Lines 56-59
9 Juist: Lines 76-79 19 1-n
12-f 20 1 They said they had done nothing wrong. 2 She said that it had really upset here. 3 He said he had gone to the theatre recently. 4 They were told that they had broken the law. 5 They said that her daughter sneaked out after the children had gone to sleep. 6 She said she was glad things had turned out that way. 21-22 HOEFDE IK NIET TE DOEN!
23 1 Never take lots of money with you when you go out. 2 Know a number of the parents when you are baby-sitting. 3 If you go out, never take a lift with somebody you just know. 4 Let your parents know were you are. 5 Always lock your bike when you leave it. 24 1-c
12-a 25 1 I think more attentions should be paid to victims of crime. 2 Don’t you agree? 3 That may be so, but… 4 I see what you mean, but… 5 I’m not sure I agree, because… 6 That’s a good point. 7 I think Neighbourhood Watches are a good idea. 8 How do you feel about it? 26 1 that may be so, but I think that’s impossible. 2 Yes, that’s true. 3 No, I don’t think so. 4 That’s a good point. 5 No, I don’t think so. 6 I’m not sure I agree, because it don’t work very well most times. 7 Yes, I think so too. 8 Yes, I agree. 9 No, I disagree. 10 I don’t agree, because you are out with an other, not with your parents. 27-31 HOEFDE IK NIET TE DOEN!




heb je ook nog andere andwoorden (andere hfst)
reageer ff

19 jaar geleden



hoi, is da ook voor havo:P

17 jaar geleden



kan je h5 ook doen?

10 jaar geleden

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