3, 4, 5, 6

Beoordeling 5.4
Foto van een scholier
  • Antwoorden door een scholier
  • 5e klas havo | 1712 woorden
  • 15 december 2003
  • 40 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.4
40 keer beoordeeld

3. ‘Disturbance’ 3.0 Sounds and Sights Anne: When I woke up, I heard my clock alarming. - I heard the shower. - And I heard a bird. + When I opened my eyes, I saw my clock. - And I saw my pillow. + Ellen: When I woke up, I heard the clock ticking. - I heard the birds singing. + And I heard the shower, my mother was in there. – When I opened my eyes, I saw nothing, because it was dark. + And I saw a part of the curtains. + 3.1 What did the I-figure see and hear? Things seen Things heard

Sharp light
Magpie getting at sparrows Magpie’s cry
Sound of machine-gun
Sound of dying sparrows
One sparrow being eaten some distance away 3.2 Answer true or false 1. true
2. true
3. false, The magpie in line 23 is the uncertainly of live
4. true
5. true 3.3 Do you understand? 1. A. the young sparrows
2. A. what happened to be one sparrow
3. B. my mind
4. A. the great break 3.4 Describe the I-figure Realistic 3 Angry 1
Fun-loving 2 Lazy 4
Passive 3
Sentimental 4

Caring 2
Intelligent 2
He is a realistic person and an intelligent person too, because he relates the magpie and the other birds with his own life. He’s very sentimental and caring. He’s not angry, because he tells it not with aggressive words. 3.5 Focus on form 1. It sounds negative and threatening. 2. A sharp … t/m in June (line 4 & 5) Line 14 & 15
Line 19 & 20
3. - I woke when a magpie hammered, its machine-gun voice. (Line 1 & 2). Het is als een machine geweer. It’s a metaphor. - From close range into my ear as if in the same room (Line 2 & 3). Het lijkt alsof het in dezelfde kamer is. It’s a simile. - The sky, a whole smooth eggshell (Line 5 & 6). De lucht als een eggshell (vertaling niet te vinden) It’s a metaphor. 4. It’s all with a ‘b’. It sounds nice. 3.6 You and the text Ellen: 1. The magpie was smashing a sparrow’s nest above the window, pick-axing trough the downed, just-feathering young. It’s not hot to image, and a like the way of the nature. However also that it is the way of a human-being. 2. It’s machine-gun voice from close range into my ear as if on the same room. 3. Abstract. You can illustrate it very well because he’s a human-being. However also figurative because of the machine-gun voice. 4. One was lifted fifty yards away to a bough and banged and broken and gulped. Anne: 1. ‘I woke when a magpie hammered’ That’s my favourite line because I often wake up of the noise that the birds make. 2. Line 7 t/m 12. The magpie was smashing a sparrow’s nest, above the window, pick-axing through. To the downed, just-feathering young. Ten days hatched, they were spiked. Out of their lined, close world by a black Bill and an implacable eye. 3. Figurative because you can see that the magpie is smashing at a sparrow nest. 4. Line 19 t/m 24. And how it seems to live in another medium, unseen, unknown, outside. Till the great beak smashes in. Knowing it is no benefit. I hear the black-white-black flap of that magpie come chattering back for the next grab.
4. ‘The Rat’ and ‘The Twa Corbies’ 4.0 Instant reactions Ellen: Title Association Reaction +/- ‘The Rat’ ‘The Twa Corbies’ Disgusting animal
Long tail
Black bird
Great bird Scary
Beautiful + - Anne: Title Association Reaction +/- ‘The Rat’ ‘The Twa Corbies’ Thoot
Long tail
Flying Dangerous
Looks nice
cool - + 4.1 Check your predictions See table 4.2 Answer the questions on ‘The Rat’ 1. We think that the rat is the I-figure, because he is saying in the last paragraph that he’ll pick one of her cheek-bones. And rats are sneakily just like that sentence. 2. See at 1. 3. The rat. 4. The I-figure and that is the rat is left at home, that is what we are thinking. I’ll pick at one of her cheek-bones, that’s sounds very angry. 4.3 Compare picture and poem -
4.4 Answer true or false 1. False, the I in line 6 is a corbie. 2. False, in line 4 is another speaker than in line 5. 3. False, the hawk, the hound and the lady of the knight know where he lay. 4. False, the corbies want to have his eyes and his flesh. 5. True. 4.5 Compare the texts The Rat The Twa Corbies
Human Being Rhyme Animal
English Death Song
Poem Scottish 4.6 Interview a classmate - 4.7 Creative group work a. – b. ‘The Rat’ This poem is very strange. It’s very difficult to find out who the I-figure is and who is left a home. We have read this poem more than three times, certainly. And yet it is still too difficult to figure who is the I-figure and who is left at home. It’s about someone how is spying a family, we don’t know what kind of family it is, I can be just humans, but also animals, maybe a rat? It happens all in a house. Finally we think that the I-figure is a rat, who is spying a humanly family and they are doing things and the rat is explaining that. We don’t know why this poem is written, it’s a stupid poem. We would like to hear the opinion of the readers. 5. ‘The Horse Whisperer’ 5.0 Experience Anne: 1. I have heard of home apathy, and paranormal healing. 2. A friend of my parents has had home apathy and another friend of my parents has do paranormal healing. 3. Yes, I will do it maybe as last resort. Ellen: 1. I have heard of acupuncture, paranormal healing, neural therapy. 2. I have heard of a friend that she is doing acupuncture, further I haven’t heard it from anyone. 3. Yes, I will do it if there is nothing else working.
5.1 Read and find out 1. It refers to a man in Montana, he is the Horse Whisperer. His name is Tom Booker. 2. I think that’s the Horse Whisperer, Tom Booker. That’s why the book named as The Horse Whisperer; he would heal the troubled horse. That is the story about. 3. It is setting in Montana. We know it because they are saying in the text: “Here, under the massive Montana sky, all their lives are changed forever. 5.2 Read and decide Ellen: I think I would read this book, because I have already seen the movie, and it was a beautiful story, and most people say that the book is more exciting. Anne: I think I wouldn’t read it because, I don’t like that sort of books. I prefer more exciting stories instead of those soft stories with much romance. 5.3 Write down your opinion on the characters -Tom is Patient: Line 93: Tom now slowly moved one hand to the horse’s neck. Line 84: Tom just stood there and let him. -Tom is Thought-reading
Line 105: He could read in Pilgrim’s eyes and in the quiver of his flanks how close he was to rejecting in.. Line 75: And when he saw Tom was now facing him, he calmed.. - Grace is emotional
Line 86: Grace felt many things connect. She couldn’t have explained it, even to herself. Line 129: He could see Grace biting her lip, trying not to tremble. -Pilgrim is Nervous

Line 32: He’d stopped his pacing and now stood watching. Line 24: Pilgrim started snorting and trotting to.. -Pilgrim is inquisitive
Line 63: Then he took two or three more steps toward Tom. Line 83: And once he’d sniffed the rope, he started sniffing Tom’s hand. 5.4 Think of a motto Tom’s motto: Take it easy, you must be patient. And love who you like. 5.5 Answer the questions 1. First they are in the creek house, and were the accident is happen is by the corrals. See lines 3 and 4. 2. No, in the first session he is not managing it, he let the horse came to him, and then he put the halter on the Pilgrim. See line 45 t/m 48. 3. Yes, in the last pair of sentences, see line 129 t/m 137. Pelgrim and Grace want both to be friends again. 5.6 Find out the facts -
5.7 Compare picture and text - 5.8 Review your opinion Ellen: I like the extract because
1. the characters in it are described in a realistic way. 2. the story is interesting. 3. the story moves me. 4. I don’t like to read about horse. 5. the style of writing is exciting. 6. I like the extract because there is love within it. Anne: I like the extract because
1. the characters in it are described in a realistic way. 2. the story is boring. 3. the story moves me. 4. I don’t like to read about horses. 5. the style of writing is exciting. 6. I don’t like the extract because I think the story is too soft, there is noting reallu exciting happened. 5.9 Creative response a. To:
Subject: Pelgrim. Dearest Daddy, The Horse Whisperer has come to Montana, especially for Pelgrim. I am so glad now, because else I haven’t any longer. Pelgrim is everything for me, and I hope he becomes soon better. The Horse Whisperer is a patient and kind man, named Tom Booker. I think I will going to like him. He is also very chivalrously, he is a gentleman. He has put the halter on Pilgrim, very slowly, with a lot of patient. It was amazing! I will going to mail you again how it is here! I miss you! With a lot of kisses from your daughter Grace. b. – 6. Looking Back. 6.0 Make a top of three 1. Ellen: 1. The Horse Whisperer. 2. Disturbance. 3. ‘The Rat’ and ‘The Twa Corbies’. Anne: 1. Disturbance
2. The Horse Whisperer. 3. ‘The Rat and ‘The Twa Corbies’. 2. 1. The Horse Whisperer. 2. Disturbance. 3. ‘The Rat’ and ‘The Twa Corbies’. 6.1 Copy and explain - 6.2 What did you do? - 6.3 Evaluate your own work Ellen: - Understanding the texts: 3 - Working with classmates: 4 - Tasks - as regards content: 3 - Concentration: 3 - Tasks – as regards presentation: 3 - Effort: 4 - Creative tasks - 3 - Time management: 3
Anne: - Understanding the texts: 2 - Working with classmates: 4 - Tasks - as regards content: 3 - Concentration: 3 - Tasks – as regards presentation: 3 - Effort: 3 - Creative tasks - 3 - Time management: 3
6.4 Give advice - 6.5 Checklist Ellen: -Setting: + -Initial incident: - - Narrated time: + - Run-on line: + Anne: -Setting: - -Initial incident: - - Narrated time: + - Run-on line: + 6.6 You and organizers I -


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