10 vragen en antwoorden The Amsterdam connection

Beoordeling 5.5
Foto van een scholier
  • Antwoorden door een scholier
  • 2e klas vwo | 228 woorden
  • 2 mei 2016
  • 13 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 5.5
13 keer beoordeeld

The Amsterdam Connection


Book Test

1. What’s the job of Kate Jensen?

Kate Jensen is a reporter on the Daily Echo in London.


2. Where is Max Carson found?

Max Carson is found in the street De Pijp in Amsterdam.


3. Is Max Carson killed in De Pijp?

Not really. He’s somewhere else injured, but he died in De Pijp.


4. Which name found the police on Max’s body?

On his body Jos Essen was written. He was a former football player.


5. Kate wants to go to Tom Carson (the brother from Max Carson) at the football club, but what’s the condition?

The condition is that Kate Jensen has to write an article about the football club.


6. How could Kate protect herself when somebody attacked her?

She used her karate skills!


7. What kind of tip gave Jos to Kate?

Jos said that Kate should control the bets that people make before a football match.


8. How knew Kate that Jos gave her the tip about the bets?

He made twice the same spelling mistake.


9. What did the keeper Raul Sanchez say to Kate?

He confessed that he was bribed to lose.


10. How killed Max and Tom Carson?

Christiaans confessed that he killed them.



Word list

  • former= voormalig
  • conditions= voorwaarden
  • confessed= bekende
  • bribed= omkoopbaar


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