Grammatica: Conditionals

Beoordeling 6.8
Foto van een scholier
  • Aantekening door een scholier
  • tto vwo | 144 woorden
  • 2 november 2014
  • 169 keer beoordeeld
Cijfer 6.8
169 keer beoordeeld

Zero conditional (present simple + present simple)

We talk about what is always true or a fact.


If something is lighter than water, it floats.

If you eat too much you get fat.


First conditional (present simple + will & infinitive)

We talk about something that is possible in the future.


If the weather is cold enough, we will go to the mountains.

If he has enough money, we will buy himself a train.


Second conditional (past simple + would & infinitive)

We talk about impossible present situations.


If I had more time, I would finish my dinner.

If she were with you, she wouldn’t be alone.


We talk about imagined, unlikely or impossible events in the future

If I won a lot of money, I would buy a computer.

If I was the president, I would reduce taxes.




hij was bijna perfect als je "if" dikgedrukt en vermeld had

8 jaar geleden



Maar ik begrijp nog steeds niet hoe je het gebruikt

7 jaar geleden



ik snap er geen flikker van mijn oma van 110 kan nog beter uitleggen

6 jaar geleden

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